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samer kareem
8,934 Views ยท 8 months ago

Large Breast Augmentation

8,928 Views ยท 8 months ago

Primary and secondary breast cancer can be cryoextirpated radically or palliatively

Paul Nassif
8,918 Views ยท 8 months ago - (310)275-2467 Join Nadia and her experience first hand as she undergoes a primary rhinoplasty (Nose job) surgery. This surgery was performed by rhinoplasty specialist Dr. Paul Nassif. In Los Angeles rhinoplasty, the majority of incisions are made inside the nose, where they are invisible. In some cases, an incision is made in the area of skin separating the nostrils. Certain amounts of bone and cartilage are then removed or rearranged to provide a newly shaped nose. If the patient has a deviated septum (cartilage and/or bone causing obstruction inside the nose), septal surgery, called septoplasty, is simultaneously performed. The incision is placed entirely inside the nose. The septoplasty removes portions of cartilage and/or bone that are causing the obstruction. The incisions are then closed with fine suture, followed by placement of a splint to the outside of the nose. The splint helps retain the new shape while the nose heals. If packing is placed inside the nose during surgery, it is removed the next morning following Los Angeles surgery. The nasal splint is usually removed seven days after surgery. At that time, tape is applied to the nose for another seven days and then removed. The majority of the bruising and swelling usually resolve two weeks after surgery. Cold compresses are used to help reduce the bruising and discomfort. A short course of post-operative antibiotics and steroids are given to help prevent infection and excess swelling. Although discomfort is minimal, pain medication is available if required. Vigorous activity is avoided for four weeks following surgery. Sun exposure and risk of injury must be avoided. If you wear glasses, tape is used to avoid putting stress on the nose. Spalding Drive Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology 120 S. Spalding Drive Suite 315 Beverly Hills, Ca. 90212 Tel: (310) 275-2467

8,915 Views ยท 8 months ago

Alzheimers disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills

8,911 Views ยท 8 months ago

Initial Assessment

samer kareem
8,911 Views ยท 8 months ago

There's no single best approach to uterine fibroid treatment โ€” many treatment options exist. If you have symptoms, talk with your doctor about options for symptom relief. Watchful waiting Many women with uterine fibroids experience no signs or symptoms, or only mildly annoying signs and symptoms that they can live with. If that's the case for you, watchful waiting could be the best option. Fibroids aren't cancerous. They rarely interfere with pregnancy. They usually grow slowly โ€” or not at all โ€” and tend to shrink after menopause, when levels of reproductive hormones drop. Medications Medications for uterine fibroids target hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle, treating symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pressure. They don't eliminate fibroids, but may shrink them. Medications include: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) agonists. Medications called Gn-RH agonists (Lupron, Synarel, others) treat fibroids by blocking the production of estrogen and progesterone, putting you into a temporary postmenopausal state. As a result, menstruation stops, fibroids shrink and anemia often improves. Your doctor may prescribe a Gn-RH agonist to shrink the size of your fibroids before a planned surgery. Many women have significant hot flashes while using Gn-RH agonists. Gn-RH agonists typically are used for no more than three to six months because symptoms return when the medication is stopped and long-term use can cause loss of bone. Progestin-releasing intrauterine device (IUD). A progestin-releasing IUD can relieve heavy bleeding caused by fibroids. A progestin-releasing IUD provides symptom relief only and doesn't shrink fibroids or make them disappear. It also prevents pregnancy. Tranexamic acid (Lysteda). This nonhormonal medication is taken to ease heavy menstrual periods. It's taken only on heavy bleeding days. Other medications. Your doctor might recommend other medications. For example, oral contraceptives or progestins can help control menstrual bleeding, but they don't reduce fibroid size. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are not hormonal medications, may be effective in relieving pain related to fibroids, but they don't reduce bleeding caused by fibroids. Your doctor may also suggest that you take vitamins and iron if you have heavy menstrual bleeding and anemia

samer kareem
8,909 Views ยท 8 months ago

new study about the size of penis

samer kareem
8,906 Views ยท 8 months ago

This medical animation illustrates how acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the most common type of cancer in adults, develops in the blood and bone marrow. The narrator also discusses the symptoms of AML and AML treatment options.

Scott Stevens
8,902 Views ยท 8 months ago

Fundoplication HD GERD Surgery 3D Animation

8,899 Views ยท 8 months ago

Total Hysterectomy Laparoscopic HD

8,895 Views ยท 8 months ago

Anatomy of The Anterior Thorax

8,889 Views ยท 8 months ago

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that is done to remove fat deposits from underneath the skin. Common areas that are treated: the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, upper arms, chest and neck. (use medical graphic of body with labeled parts) The procedure is usually done as an outpatient under some combination of local anesthesia and/or sedation:. This means you are awake but relaxed and pain free. Depending on the number of areas to be treated and the specific technique selected, it may take from one to several hours. A small incision (cut) is made through the skin near the area of the fat deposit. Multiple incisions may be needed if a wide area or multiple areas are being done. A long hollow tube called a cannula will be inserted through this incision. Prior to inserting the cannula, the doctor may inject a solution of salt water that contains an anesthetic (numbing) medication and another medication to decrease bleeding. The cannula is then inserted and moved under the skin in a way to loosen the fat deposits so they may be suctioned out. Because a significant amount of body fluid is removed with the fat, an intravenous (through the veins) fluid line will be kept going during the procedure.

A recent technique called โ€œultrasound-assisted lipoplastyโ€ uses a special cannula that liquefies the fat cells with ultrasonic energy. You should ask your doctor which technique he/she will use and how it will affect the type of anesthesia you will need and the length of the procedure.

Why is this procedure performed?
Liposuction is done to restore a more normal contour to the body. The procedure is sometimes described as body sculpting. It should be limited to fat deposits that are not responsive to diet and exercise. It is suggested that you should be within 20of your ideal body weight at the time of surgery. If you are planning to lose weight you should delay this procedure. This is not obesity surgery. The maximum amount of fat that can be removed is usually less than 10 pounds. The best results are achieved in people who still have firm and elastic skin. Although rare, there are risks and complications that can occur with liposuction. You should be aware that all the complications are increased if you are a smoker. You will need to quit smoking or at least avoid smoking for a month before and after surgery. If you have had prior surgeries near any of the areas to be treated, this may increase the risk of complications and you should discuss this with your doctor. Any history of heart disease, diabetes, bleeding problems or blood clots in your legs may make you more prone to post-operative problems and you should discuss these with your doctor. Finally, as with any cosmetic procedure it is important to have realistic expectations. The goals, limitations, and expectations of the procedure should be discussed openly and in detail with your doctor. Most insurance companies do not cover cosmetic surgery.

What should I expect during the post-operative period?
After surgery you should be able to go home but you will need someone to drive you. In the first few days after surgery it is common for the incisions to drain fluid and you will have to change dressings frequently. Fresh blood is not usual and if you have any bleeding you should call your doctor immediately. In some cases a small tube may have been placed through the skin to allow drainage. You will be limited to sponge baths until the drains and dressings are removed. After that you may take showers but no baths for 2 weeks. You may experience pain, burning, and numbness for a few days. Take pain medicine as prescribed by your doctor. You may notice a certain amount of bruising and swelling. The bruising will disappear gradually over 1 to 2 weeks. Some swelling may last for up to 6 months. If you have skin sutures they will be removed in 7 to 10 days. You should be able to be up and moving around the house the day after surgery but avoid any strenuous activity for about 1

samer kareem
8,885 Views ยท 8 months ago

How To Apply Contact Lenses

Carlin Vickery
8,883 Views ยท 8 months ago

This video documents the experience of one of our Mommy Makeover patients. She is 39 years old, 5โ€™4โ€ tall, and of average weight. Following the birth of her twins, she wanted to improve her abdominal wall contour and correct the lack of shape and firmness in her breasts.

8,877 Views ยท 8 months ago

Anatomy of Anterior Abdominal Wall

8,874 Views ยท 8 months ago

Abdominal Physical Examination Lecture

samer kareem
8,874 Views ยท 8 months ago

Congestive Heart Failure

samer kareem
8,871 Views ยท 8 months ago

popliteal embolectomy; medial approach using a 4 f fogarty catheter

samer kareem
8,870 Views ยท 8 months ago

Cancer, also called malignancy, is an abnormal growth of cells. There are more than 100 types of cancer, including breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma. Symptoms vary depending on the type. Cancer treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery.

8,861 Views ยท 8 months ago

A tutorial showing ascending sensory pathways

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