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Mohamed Ibrahim
24,044 Views ยท 8 months ago

49-years old patient complaining of cough, fever and pleuritic pain for 2 weeks. At admission he was febrile and tachypnic. Chest X-Ray showed left pleural effusion. Thoracocentesis revealed purulent fluid. Chest CT-scan showed large and loculated left pleural effusion and pleural thickening. VATS decortication was performed through three incisions.

Mohamed Ibrahim
15,346 Views ยท 8 months ago

Learn How to Suture a Banana

News Canada
4,340 Views ยท 8 months ago

When being overweight becomes more than just an inconvenience.

samer kareem
7,182 Views ยท 8 months ago

This video illustrates several forms of catatonia including waxy flexibility, forced grasping, opposition, negativism and aversion.

23,735 Views ยท 8 months ago

Comedone Extraction Video

190,623 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video of A Big Size Fibrodenoma Removal Surgery

samer kareem
2,654 Views ยท 8 months ago

Neurosyphilis is an infection of the brain or spinal cord caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. It usually occurs in people who have had chronic, untreated syphilis, usually about 10 to 20 years after first infection and develops in about 25%โ€“40% of persons who are not treated. The United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that neurosyphilis can occur at any stage of a syphilis infection.

61,299 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video to know if oral sex is safe or not

samer kareem
6,336 Views ยท 8 months ago

Sickle cell anemia (sickle cell disease) is a disorder of the blood caused by an inherited abnormal hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying protein within the red blood cells). The abnormal hemoglobin causes distorted (sickled) red blood cells.

Imran Saeed
14,883 Views ยท 8 months ago

pediatric tracheostomy

Mohamed Ibrahim
20,723 Views ยท 8 months ago

Phlebotomy Procedure

56,562 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video of Popping Pimples

samer kareem
3,758 Views ยท 8 months ago

Nasal polyps are linked to allergic rhinitis, asthma, aspirin allergy, sinus infections, acute and chronic infections, something stuck in the nose, and cystic fibrosis. But many times the cause is unknown. Sometimes, people get them before they develop asthma or sinusitis

Felice Apicella
9,449 Views ยท 8 months ago

heart wound repair

samer kareem
5,594 Views ยท 8 months ago

The headache, lethargy, and neck stiffness suggest subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to rupture of a mycotic aneurysm. Mycotic or infected arterial aneurysms can develop due to metastatic infection from IE, with septic embolization and localized vessel wall destruction in the cerebral (or systemic) circulation. Intracerebral mycotic aneurysms can present as an expanding mass with focal neurologic findings or may not be apparent until aneurysm rupture with stroke or subarachnoid hemorrhage. The diagnosis of mycotic cerebral aneurysm can usually be confirmed with computed tomography angiography. Management includes broad-spectrum antibiotics (tailored to blood culture results) and surgical intervention (open or endovascular).

25,379 Views ยท 8 months ago

The colonoscope is slowly withdrawn during this screening colonoscopy down from the transverse colon, back around the splenic flexure, and down the descending colon, and reveals this finding a colonic diverticula. Diverticulosis is a common, acquired, age-related occurrence affecting over 50% of the... western adult population over the age of 50. It is seen rarely in Africa and Asia where the dietary fiber content is traditionally higher. Thus most investigators feel that low fiber diets are related to the development of this condition. Ironically, colonic diverticula are not true diverticula but rather pseudodiverticula in that the sac includes layers of the mucosa and submucosa that push through rather than include the outer muscular layer. As with the small bowel the colon has an inner circular muscular layer, but the outer longitudinal layer is composed of three bands of muscle that run the length of the colon known as teniae. Diverticula occur in rows between the mesenteric and two antimesenteric teniae where the colonic wall is further weakened by the defect caused by the perforating vasa recti artery which supplies the colonic mucosa. Occasionally, the anatomic propensity of diverticula to form in rows is quite apparent as seen when this clip is replayed in slow motion. Most often, however, the arrangement of the diverticula appears random due to the angulation of the bowel and thickening of the semi lunar folds. The conditions that cause these pulsion diverticula are not know with certainty but may include high intrahaustral pressures, muscular hypertrophy, and age related alterations in collagen cross linking. Diverticula can bleed or can abscess and perforate. The incidence of diverticulitis or diverticular bleeding is in the range of 1:1,000 patients with diverticulosis.

10,492 Views ยท 8 months ago

Anatomy of The Superficial Neck

14,203 Views ยท 8 months ago

We herein describe endoscopic treatment of symptomatic pancreatic pseudocyst with significant necrosis and a fistula. Fifty eight year old man had presented to us with a large pseudocyst following an episode of acute pancreatitis. He was complaining of significant abdominal pain for two months. A... CT scan abdominal had revealed a large retro-gastric pseudocyst with necrosis and portal venous thrombosis. An upper GI endoscopy had revealed small linear fundal varcies. Endoscopic as well as surgical treatment for the cyst was discussed with the patient. Patient wished not to undergo surgical treatment and therefore endoscopic treatment was selected after a proper consent. EUS was performed to see for the interposed vessel prior to the pseudocyst puncture. Needle knife puncture was made and a guide wire was passed in the pseudocyst cavity. After confirming the wire placement in the cyst, the tract was dilated up to 20 mms using a CRE balloon. Fluid from the cyst was emptied out in the stomach. An ERCP scope was passed in to the cyst cavity, which revealed a significant necrotic material (much more than what the CT scan had revealed). All the free lying necrotic material was taken out with the help of a snare and a dormia basket. A lot of necrotic was stuck to the cyst wall, which was removed with the help of water jet, mechanical scooping and cutting through using a needle knife papillotome. Three 10 fr. Pigtail stents were placed at the end of the procedure. Further necrosectomy was carried out on alternate days for three more sessions. Dilation was required prior to each session three pigtail trans-gastric stents were placed at the end of each session. Single stent was kept in situ during each procedure to guide the path (the position of the stoma changed dramatically once the cyst was empty). During the last lesion (session four), a pancreatogram was taken. It revealed a mildly dilated CBD in the head, normally duct in the proximal body with a leak from the distal body, and contrast was seen going in to the pseudocyst cavity. The duct could not be opacified distally. A 7 fr. 15 cms stent was placed trans-papillary. When the cyst cavity was reentered through trans-gastric route, the trans-papillary pancreatic stent was clearly visible with soft necrotic material around it. In fact, the stent guided further necrosis removal. It also helped in diverting the pancreatic juice to the duodenum rather than in the pseudocyst cavity. Patient was discharged after this session and was followed up regularly. A CT scan was obtained after three months, which revealed a complete resolution of the necrosis and pseudocyst. There was a possibility of a persistent fistula after the removal of trans-papillary stent and a recurrence of the pseudocyst. Fistula closure with cyanoacrylate glue is well described in the literature. The procedure can have obvious complications secondary to accidental blockage of the main pancreatic duct. So, we thought it prudent to use a safer alternative to treat the condition. We removed the longer pancreatic stent and replaced it with a shorter pancreatic stent occupying only the head region. The patient was followed up after a month; sonography of the abdomen did not reveal any recurrence of the pseudocyst. All the stents were removed at this examination.

17,261 Views ยท 8 months ago

Pancreatic pseudocyst drainage was the first therapeutic application of EUS. The cyst is punctured under ultrasound guidance, contrast injected, and a guidewire inserted. Initial dilation to 8mm is performed over the wire The EUS scope is then exchanged over the wire for a forward viewing endoscope.... A second dilation to 18mm is performed. This enables entry of the endoscope into the cyst perform cystoscopy, debridement if necessary, and insertion of multiple large bore double pigtail stents. The curved linear array-or CLAโ€”echoendoscope has oblique viewing optics located proximal to an oblique scanning transducer. The accessory exits from the shaft of the echoendoscope at an ablique angle, adjustable between 15 and 30 degrees. There are several technical limitations using this echoendoscope. The oblique angle of exit results in a weekend transfer of force when advancing the accessory, difficult deployment of larger bore accessories, and in instrument tunneling effect relative to the bowel wall. There is the potential loss of access during endoscope exchange. A novel CLA echoendoscope was developed by the Olympus Corporation that shifts the orientation of endoscopic and ultrasound views from oblique to forward viewing. The channel is therapeutic at 3.7mm Note that the working channel is located adjacent to the ultrasound transducer at the endoscope tip. The accessory exits the working channel in the axis of the shaft. Shown here are balloon inflation and deployment of a Dormia basket. We report on the use of the prototype forward viewing echoendoscope in six consecutive patients who were referred for pancreatic cyst drainage. Here you see endoscopic view-indistinguisable from that of a gastroscope-showing a bulge where the cyst impinges against the posterior gastric wall. Power Doppler is switched on and highlights multiple vessels interposed in the wall This allows selection of a safe vessel-free window for a cyst puncture A 19 G needle is advanced into the cyst lumen. A sample of contents is aspirated for fluid analysis. A guidewire under ultrasound guidance into the cyst. An 18mm balloon is coaxially thread over the wire and advanced across the cyst wall, Note that resistance is encountered, but the forward transfer of force overcome this. The dilation is performed under forward viewing endoscopuc and ultrasound guidance. As the balloon is maximally inflated we see the cystgastrostomy open up. The balloon is then deflated while simultaneously advancing the scope into the cyst cavity. Cystoscopy isnow performed showing the cyst contents to be filled with pasty wall-adherent necroses. Pulsed power Doppler is switched on we can see and hear arterial flow vessels within the wall of the cyst. This identifies sensitive areas at bleeding risk when performing debridement In this case vigorous water jet irrigation is performed through an accessory water irrigation channel built into the echoendoscope. This issued to clear nonadherent debris. Our experience has shown that it is not necessary to actively remove wall-adherent debris using extraction tools as such Dormia or Roth net basket to achieve cyst resolution. Three large bore 10 Fr double pigtail stents are now inserted into the cyst under direct endoscopic guidance. The first stent is delivered over a guide catheter. The second stent. And the third stent All three stents are deployed. Finally, a nasocystic catheter is inserted for maintenance irrigation. In another patient we used the Cook Cystome to perform cystgastrostomy. We have found the Cystotome easy to delivery through the forward viewing echoendoscope. As shown, we advance the Cystotome into the cyst while applying diathermy. This is performed under and endoscopic guidance, entering the cyst at a near perpendicular orientation. After entry, the Cystotome is removed and cyst fluid gushes from the cystagastrotomy site.

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