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18,954 Views ยท 8 months ago

Ventricular Assist Device How It Works

32,843 Views ยท 8 months ago

3D ultrasound of IUD in uterus

samer kareem
1,733 Views ยท 8 months ago

1,943 Views ยท 8 months ago

Liver Cancer 3D Animation

19,596 Views ยท 8 months ago

Laparoscopy in acute bowel obstruction following previous surgery is a difficult procedure and avoided by most of the surgeons due to the difficulty in obtaining pneumoperitoneum, port placement, lack of working space, adhesions and risk of bowel injury.
Here is a patient who had a previous laparotomy for trauma with a midline incision from xyphysternum to pubis; after unsuccessful conservative management he underwent a laparoscopy; a prior CT scan showed adhesions in the left side and a distal-mid small bowel obstruction. The pneumoperitoneum was obtained with the Visiport placed in the right lower quadrant; although the abdomen was grossly distended, under significant tension and distended loops of small bowel were occupying most the peritoneal cavity, with muscle relaxation there is usually enough space to perform a thorough inspection of the abdominal cavity. Port placement has to be done with special care as there is no room to push and usually a blunt trocar directed away from the bowel is employed in my practice. The collapsed loops of small bowel point quickly to the site of obstruction -- it is better to avoid manipulating the distended bowel as it is heavy, oedematous and prone to be lacerated with the instruments; once the pathology is identified, in this case the obstructive band, light packing is performed in order to expose the working space and protect the bowel from instruments like scissors or diathermy. In this case the band adhesion was slightly more difficult to separate from the bowel and required a combination of sharp and gentle blunt dissection.
Once the obstruction is release and the transit of contents is confirmed in the collapsed bowel the procedure is terminated. No abdominal drainage is usually necessary.

1,074 Views ยท 8 months ago

Femoral Venous Line Placement

Marco Arones
14,641 Views ยท 8 months ago

emergency c-section for acute fetal distress, Misgav Ladach - modified Joel Cohen technique

samer kareem
1,206 Views ยท 8 months ago

A brief overview of Filarial infection in humans. This presentation includes the etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of this condition.

20,253 Views ยท 8 months ago

Repair of the umbilical hernia, and placing the omentum back in

17,480 Views ยท 8 months ago

The operation was done by cut opening the abdomen for resection anastamoses of intestine. You can see all intestines. The patient unfortunately died of sepsis. He was just 15 yrs old

9,749 Views ยท 8 months ago

Bone Remodeling and Modeling

samer kareem
2,228 Views ยท 8 months ago

A brief description of the mechanisms, types and assessment of chromosomal analyses. Techniques such as standard cytogenetic testing, FISH and array methods are discussed. Indications for testing in prenatal, neonatal and adult periods are also discussed. Deletions, translocations, inversions etc are described, as are mosaicism and aneuploidy.

Simon Allen
1,474 Views ยท 8 months ago

Dr Allenโ€™s device provides a new kidney stones treatment that tackles the cause of kidney stone formation which is hidden at the capillary level, read at The unique natural Thermobalancing Therapy does not use harmful medication or shock waves and, of course, surgery. Learn by watching this video about kidney stones cause and how to dissolve kidney stone or kidney stones at home by using Dr Allenโ€™s natural therapeutic device.

samer kareem
1,271 Views ยท 8 months ago

Systemic lupus erythematous is an autoimmune condition characterised by damage to organ systems due to autoantibodies and immune complex deposition. Genes, epigenetic changes and environment play a role in its pathogenesis. SLE is a truly multi system disease causing widespread clinical manifestations in almost all organ systems. Autoantibodies in SLE are numerous and mainly include ANA, dsDNA, Sm and others.

samer kareem
898 Views ยท 8 months ago

Hypoglycemia is a common and serious medical emergency which may occur in both daibetic and non-diabetic patients. The signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia may be present in many individuals, but may also be masked in several individuals due to a condition called hypoglycaemia induced autonomic failure. This presentation aims to deal with the causes, clinical features, diagnosis and management of various causes of hypoglycaemia. The causes of hypoglycaemia may be divided into hypoglycaemia in ill or medicated individuals and hypoglycaemia in previously asymptomatic individuals. A variety of causes are discussed under both headings. Management of hypoglycaemia is also discussed in detail. There is also a brief discussion about management of insulinoma.

7,854 Views ยท 8 months ago

Going to the dentist is not a very fun experience for most. In fact, let's face it, most of us dread it.

Marco Arones
23,141 Views ยท 8 months ago

B-Lynch suture for uterine atony technique described

14,326 Views ยท 8 months ago

A technique of goniotomy. Sent by Prof. Dr. Daljit Singh. I think it has been done by Dr. Jan Worst and the video is probably more than 15 years old.

News Canada
5,254 Views ยท 8 months ago

How revolutionizing advancements helps patients with metastatic melanoma kick start the bodyโ€™s immune system to increase survival.

5,456 Views ยท 8 months ago
This accident animation demonstrates sports injury in yoga practice.

Showing 174 out of 380