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Dr. Erik Beyer, Florida Medical Center's chief of cardiac surgery, discusses performed a procedure called a micro-thoracotomy.
This is a demonstration of the scapula manipulation method of relocating a dislocated shoulder
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman's breasts for a number of reasons: To enhance the body contour of a woman who, for personal reasons, feels her breast size is too small To restore breast volume lost due to weight loss or following pregnancy To achieve better symmetry when breasts are moderately disproportionate in size and shape To improve the shape of breasts that are sagging or have lost firmness, often used with a breast lift procedure. By inserting an implant behind each breast, surgeons are able to increase a woman's bustline by one or more bra cup sizes.
Dr. Daniel Del Vecchio, Harvard trained plastic surgeon, performs his breast lift technique, filling the upper portion of the breast for added volume
Two small diverticuli are seen on the way in
Anatomy of Love
some knowledge
Microcalcifications in the breast can be the first sign of cancer. They are, as the name says, very small and clustered. A precise biopsy without pain under stereotactic guidance is the standard procedure. What makes this Spirotome different from the vacuum assisted biopsies is that only a few biopsies are needed and that the approach of the needle towards the microcalcifications is direct and frontal. There is no damage to the surrounding tissues making this procedure rather painfree and with minimal bleeding.
Drainage of Pus from a Dental Abscess
Detailed examination of the joints is usually not included in the routine medical examination. However, joint related complaints are rather common, and understanding anatomy and physiology of both normal function and pathologic conditions is critically important when evaluating the symptomatic patient. By gaining an appreciation for the basic structures and functioning of the joint, you'll be able to "logic" your way thru the exam, even if you can't remember the eponym attached to each specific test!
Glass ampules are often used to store medication, and as a nurse, you'll need to know how to use them.
In this video, I demonstrate how to clean an ampule using alcohol prep, how to open (or break) an ampule, as well as how to dispose of the ampule.
In addition, I show how to use an ample filter straw while drawing up (withdrawing) medication, how to use the syringe, and how to remove the air bubbles in the syringe.
This is another video in our series on clinical nursing skills.
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Full examination of the female from head to toe by Loyola Medical School, Chicago. Part 2
A video from Loyola Medical School, Chicago showing the medical and clinical examination of the neurological system.
Pediatric musculoskeletal examination
Local anaesthetic injection prior to tumescence ready for varicose vein surgery
When placement of a urethral catheter is contraindicated or unsuccessful, percutaneous suprapubic urinary bladder catheterization is a commonly performed procedure to relieve urinary retention. [1, 2] This topic describes the Catheter over needle technique. The Seldinger technique is described in the Clinical Procedures topic Suprapubic Aspiration.
A cricothyrotomy (also called crike, thyrocricotomy, cricothyroidotomy, inferior laryngotomy, intercricothyrotomy, coniotomy or emergency airway puncture) is an incision made through the skin and cricothyroid membrane to establish a patent airway during certain life-threatening situations, such as airway obstruction by ...
Head to Toe Assesment