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49,283 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video of a Snake bite causes girl’s leg to rot away with necrosis

49,231 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video of Nasty Female Genital Infection

samer kareem
49,207 Views · 8 months ago

A case of replantation of a completely amputated arm

Liga de Cirurgia Hérnia Inguinal
49,192 Views · 8 months ago

LCHI - Hernia repair done by medical students with guidance and assistance of Professor Luiz Eduardo C. Miranda. Description of surgery is in portuguese.

49,157 Views · 8 months ago

PARASITE REMOVED FROM THE EYEBALL OF A YOUNG N, NOT FOR THE SCREAMISH!Loa Loa worms (also known as the "eye worm") are classified as filarial worms, meaning they thrive in human tissue. The Loa Loa worm is also called the "eye worm" because they often migrate through the eye and surrounding subsurface areas. At one time, prior to the 1920s, loa loa worm infections occurred in the United States. Today, however, they mainly infect people who are native to Sudan, and those who live in or near Central and West Africa's swamps and rain forests.

Loiasis is the infestation of loa loa worms in humans. The larvae are first collected from an infected individual when a mango fly (horsefly) or a deer fly bites the individual, and acquires the larvae. The larvae then progress through the fly's body, finally reaching the feeding tube. They are then transferred to a human host when the fly bites the human. The larvae may remain unnoticed for months or years before becoming an adult, mating, and producing offspring.

Adult female Loa Loa worms can reach a length of 2 1/2 inches while males are approximately half that size. Loa Loa worms can live approximately fifteen years inside their human hosts. They travel continuously through connective and deep tissue, often without the victim experiencing any sensation other than occasional itching.

It is when the worm slows or reaches a sensitive spot that a person will often feel the greatest discomfort. At this point, immune reactions may also include localized redness and a condition called "Calabar" swelling. Skin eruptions and muscle pain may be evident.

When the Loa Loa worm reaches the eye tissue, it can be easily seen and felt within the eyeball for up to an hour. It is usually removed under local anesthesia if the patient is within proximity of a qualified physician. When an adult worm dies, the surrounding tissue may abscess and require excision. Encephalitis can occur if the worm reaches the brain.

After mating, the female will deposit eggs - called microfilariae. These tiny organisms then travel in a worm-like fashion in the bloodstream during daytime hours, when potential host flies are most abundant. They congregate in the lungs at night.

A Loa Loa worm infection is rarely fatal and treatments often cause more life-threatening side effects than the actual infestation, especially if the worms are widespread. The most common treatments are DEC (diethylcarbamazine) and Ivermectin

49,057 Views · 8 months ago

Urinary Bladder Medical Exam

48,954 Views · 8 months ago

Inserteing a foley catheter in the male's urethra

48,815 Views · 8 months ago

Parasites Accidentally Seen During Colonoscopy

48,777 Views · 8 months ago

Routine Pap Smear and Pelvis Exam For Canadian Women

48,546 Views · 8 months ago

Heart Attack 3D Animation

48,392 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that Grade III Acne Draining and Removals

48,357 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video to know What is Female G Spot?

Mohamed Ibrahim
48,338 Views · 8 months ago

Sengstaken Blakemore tube Insertion Video

48,298 Views · 8 months ago

Auscultation of the heart

48,257 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that Hemorrhoids Surgical Repairing Medical Operation

48,237 Views · 8 months ago

All you need to know about Puberty In Girls Changes and Stages

samer kareem
48,193 Views · 8 months ago

female condom

samer kareem
48,110 Views · 8 months ago

Hold your elbows at shoulder level and place the backs of your hands together with your wrists bent at 90 degrees. This position increases the pressure on the median nerve. If the test reproduces or worsens your symptoms (pain and tingling in your hands), you may have carpal tunnel syndrome.

48,026 Views · 8 months ago

A video showing the cesarean section birth

Mohammed Wahba
47,955 Views · 8 months ago

Of course, these vocal cords are not mine, because I am the one who captured this video before I performed surgery for the patient. See how the cords are normal and freely mobile. Talkative persons have something else....imagine

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