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Head to Toe Assesment
Debridement is the removal of necrotic tissue, foreign debris, bacterial growth, callus, wound edge, and wound bed tissue from chronic wounds in order to stimulate the wound healing process. Stimulation of wound healing mediated by debridement is thought to occur by the conversion of a chronic non-healing wound environment to an acute healing environment through the removal of cells that are not responsive to endogenous healing stimuli. Debridement is used commonly in standard wound treatment of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). Methods of debridement include surgery (sharp debridement), chemical debridement (antiseptics, polysaccharide beads, pastes), autolytic (hydrogels, hydrocolloids and transparent films), biosurgery (maggots), mechanical (hydrodebridement), and biochemical debridement (enzyme preparations). Callus is a buildup of keratinized skin formed under conditions of repeated pressure or friction and may contribute to ulcer formation by creating focal areas of high plantar pressure. The debridement of callus has been proposed to be relevant for both treatment and prevention of DFU. The purpose of this report is to retrieve and review existing evidence of comparative clinical effectiveness of different methods of debridement for the treatment of DFUs. Additionally examined in this report is the clinical effectiveness for treatment and prevention of DFU using callus debridement. Cost-effectiveness, and existing debridement guidelines for the treatment of DFUs will also be reviewed.
How To Use Male Condom Correctly - Manipal Hospitals
If a patient comes to you with a painful, throbbing, swollen, red face (a ''fat face'), perhaps with fever, trismus and lymphadenitis, he is probably suffering from an acute dental or oral infection, most probably an alveolar abscess. He may have: (1) An alveolar abscess begins as an infection in the bone around a non-vital infected tooth. He has severe pain, which becomes less as pus is released into more superficial tissues and his face starts to swell. After 36 hours of cellulitis he usually has a fluctuant abscess which needs draining. If drainage is delayed, the pus in his abscess discharges spontaneously through a sinus (26-8) in his gum or face, which may become chronic. First, control infection with antibiotics, and then drain the abscess, either by incising it where it is pointing, or by removing the infected tooth, which acts as a cork to prevent the pus escaping, or by doing both these things. If you remove a tooth before you have controlled the infection with antibiotics, and while his face is still severely swollen, you may spread the infection; your task will also be more difficult. (2) A periodontal abscess at the side of a tooth, caused by spread from an infected gum. (3) A pericoronal abscess caused by infection of the gum over the crown of an unerupted and impacted tooth, usually a lower third molar (''an infected wisdom tooth'). Often, an abscess does not form, and the gum round the tooth is merely inflamed.
A video showing the repair of episiotomy
Local anaesthetic injection prior to tumescence ready for varicose vein surgery
Barium Enema
A cricothyrotomy (also called crike, thyrocricotomy, cricothyroidotomy, inferior laryngotomy, intercricothyrotomy, coniotomy or emergency airway puncture) is an incision made through the skin and cricothyroid membrane to establish a patent airway during certain life-threatening situations, such as airway obstruction by ...
Comprehensive physical examination
Funny musical anoscope. I bet you will want to add it to your tools
When placement of a urethral catheter is contraindicated or unsuccessful, percutaneous suprapubic urinary bladder catheterization is a commonly performed procedure to relieve urinary retention. [1, 2] This topic describes the Catheter over needle technique. The Seldinger technique is described in the Clinical Procedures topic Suprapubic Aspiration.
Watch that video to know Types and Causes of Vaginal Infection Yeast or Candidiasis, Trichomoniasis or Bacterial ?
Watch that video to know if it is safe to have anal sex
Watch that video of Removing Man;s Hand Stuck Inside Meat Grinder
Penile implants are devices placed inside the penis to allow men with erectile dysfunction (ED) to get an erection. Penile implants are typically recommended after other treatments for ED fail. There are two main types of penile implants, semirigid and inflatable.
Olympus has extended the value of its award-winning combined surgical energy device, THUNDERBEAT, to open surgical procedures. Watch Dr. Francois Blaudeau master use of THUNDERBEAT Open Extended Jaw (OEJ) in a total abdominal hysterectomy.
An intrauterine device (IUD), also known as intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD or ICD) or coil, is a small, often T-shaped birth control device that is inserted into a woman's uterus to prevent pregnancy. IUDs are one form of long-acting reversible birth control (LARC).