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4,277 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video of a Snake bite causes girl’s leg to rot away with necrosis

marin vinasco
2,024 Views · 8 months ago

Aumentar Gluteos, Como Hacer Crecer Los Gluteos En Una Semana, Eliminar Celulitis Gluteos.--- --- Para conseguir aumentar tu cola sin ejercicio, debes utilizar algunas cremas naturales caseras, sencillas y fáciles de preparar en la zona de tus glúteos, estas cremas le darán a tu cola una buena forma, firmeza y además una piel libre de manchas, estrías y celulitis. 1. Crema Con Omega 3, Vitamina E y Vitamina C Esta crema es bastante fácil de realizar y sumamente efectiva, solo necesitas tres capsulas de omega 3, dos de vitamina E y dos de vitamina C, los resultados se harán notar en cuestión de días. Con una aguja saca en contenido de cada una de las capsulas y mézclalas en un recipiente, una vez que estén bien mezcladas aplícala sobre tu cola dando masajes circulares que abarquen todo el trasero. Para mejores resultados envuelve la zona de tus glúteos en plástico y déjala actuar durante 30 minutos, luego retira el plástico, colócate un bóxer levanta cola y duerme con esta crema casera, por la mañana la puedes retirar con agua tibia y repetir este proceso todas las noches hasta que consigas los resultados que deseas. 2. Crema Con Aceite De Almendras, Pepino y Avena Esta crema es maravillosa, le dará a tu cola una atractiva apariencia, solo necesitas 3 cucharadas de aceite de almendras, un pepino pequeño y tres cucharadas de avena en hojuelas. El procedimiento es bastante sencillo, debes triturar muy bien el pepino, agregar la avena y luego el aceite de almendras, mezcla hasta que los ingredientes se compacten y listo. Aplica esta crema con suavidad sobre tu cola dando masajes de abajo hacia arriba para vencer los efectos de la gravedad, déjala actuar durante 45 minutos y retírala con agua fría, esta crema casera cuidará muy bien tu piel y le dará a tus glúteos una gran firmeza. 3. Vitamina C, Ciruelas y Aceite De Girasol Una crema divina que te dará una cola perfecta en poco tiempo, ayuda a regenerar la piel de la zona de tus glúteos, tonificándolos y moldeándolos, solo necesitas 3 capsulas de vitamina C, 5 ciruelas grandes y 3 cucharadas de aceite de girasol. Cientos de mujeres en todo el mundo están aumentando el tamaño de sus glúteos gracias a los conocimientos secretos de esta guía, Ingresa ya a:

marin vinasco
1,842 Views · 8 months ago

Chicken Skin, Chicken Skin On Legs, Keratosis Pilaris Treatment Over The Counter, Kp Vitamin A--- --- What Causes KP? The particular cause of Keratosis Pilaris is unidentified. Usually, it happens when there is a difficulty on the production of the keratin that is called hyper keratinizatinization. Keratosis Pilaris is believed to be inherited partially in origin. About fifty percent up to seventy percent of patients with this type of skin condition have identified genetic predisposition and has a higher rate of affected members of the family. Most people have a solid family history of follicular pilaris. The primary cause may be related partly to hypersensitivity reactions as well as the overall skin dryness. This skin condition is closely related also to dry skin, allergies, asthma, eczema, atopic dermatitis and rhinitis. The red bumps in Keratosis Pilaris seem to rise from the unnecessary build-up of keratin dry skin particles and very small at the hair follicles opening. The skin as observed under the hand held microscope demonstrates mild condensing, plugging and hyperkeratosis of your hair follicle. Your upper skin layers may have a number of dilation of the minor superficial blood vessels. In this manner, it gives the skin a flushed or reddish appearance. Keratosis Pilaris is not infectious, therefore people surrounding you are safe from this irritating skin condition. The condition is worse during winter. Summer season is normally a reprieve as it brings moisture and usually allows the skin condition to smooth up more than normal. The aggravating is associated directly with lower moisture, tight clothes and skin dryness that cause to rub the red bumps all the times. Many people stated that this skin condition worsened during the period of pregnancy before and after child birth. Medical doctors and patients as well, believed that keratosis pilaris is also related to food intake. So, large intakes of spicy foods increase the form of red bumps that make them more visible. In some way, patients that eliminated or reduced milk as well as the derivatives from their balance diet stated the improvement of their condition. Keratosis Pilaris can be difficult to treat, but it is possible to seek permanent relief. New research shows that all-natural treatment systems, such as BanishMyBumps, are successful. You can learn more at

36,695 Views · 8 months ago

All you need to know about the female orgasm

marin vinasco
1,285 Views · 8 months ago

How To Improve Memory Power, How To Improve Concentration And Memory, Foods That Help The Brain---- --- Brain Entrainment, For centuries humans have wondered at the connection between specific sound frequencies and the effect it can have on the brain and corresponding moods and emotions. From tribal drums to periodic stimulus tones the human brain taps into dominant external frequencies and when it does the mind can be altered to induce a host of different states including relaxation, sleep, creativity and excitement. The practice of causing brainwave frequencies to match a periodic stimulus to produce an intended state is called brainwave entrainment or brainwave synchronization and it is becoming more popular as life becomes more stressful. The study of sound and light and how it affects the human brain is nothing new. In the 1930's William Grey Walter used EEG equipment and strobe lights to detect the existence of high speed alpha waves and low speed delta waves and how each played a factor in human sleep patterns. In 1973 Gerald Oster published his discovery of binaural beats in Scientific American, a breakthrough article that defined binaural beats as apparent sounds which arise in the brain for specific physical stimuli. Though first discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove it wasn't until Oster's research that scientists began to speculate that binaural beats could be used to help induce relaxation, creativity and other desirable mental states. Today brainwave entrainment is gaining rapid popularity with people who feel over-stressed, depressed and unmotivated. With technology growing by leaps and bounds it's not hard to understand how a person can feel overwhelmed by information and sensory overload and instead of taking pills a growing segment of the population is turning to brainwave entrainment to produce a more natural and lasting feeling of relaxation. But YOU can be different! You can use Genius Brain Power to empower your brain so that you come alive with more energy, learn quicker, think more creatively, focus on your work like never before and drastically reduce stress with amazingly deep states of relaxation and meditation. click here:

marin vinasco
1,869 Views · 8 months ago

How To Increase Brain Power, How To Increase Brain Activity, How To Boost Your Concentration--- --- Improve Concentration, Ask anyone today what they have a hard time with and more often than not they are likely to cite trouble focusing or concentrating. With laptops, smart phones, television, GPS systems and social media, it is hard to block out all the distractions when you need to focus on something specific. Attention deficit disorder may be one of the most popular excuses for our lack of concentration, but it's not an entirely accurate diagnosis since many of us simply aren't training our brains the right way to improve our focus. Concentration is necessary just to make it through a typical workday. From driving and working to shopping and cooking, focus is essential in order to get tasks accomplished. Unfortunately many of us have a hard time zoning in on a specific project and seeing it through to completion. Being easily distracted is not necessarily a disorder but it will keep you from managing your time wisely and getting done the important things that need your attention. There are several ways people can improve their concentration, including strategic brain games and exercises, along with guided meditation and brainwave entrainment. Research has shown that the more a person trains their brain in specific skill sets, the better one can get at cognitive thinking, problem solving and memorization. Using computer generated pulses, or isochronic tones, during brain entrainment meditation is another way to synchronize your brain's frequencies so you can operate on a fast or slow frequency that will assist in achieving states of productivity or relaxation. As we all know, when we are relaxed our concentration and decision making are much better than if we are under stress or hurried. Being able to tap in to specific Alpha, Theta and Delta waves allows us to synchronize our brainwaves with sound pulses so we can be more focused on specific projects and tasks. But YOU can be different! You can use Genius Brain Power to empower your brain so that you come alive with more energy, learn quicker, think more creatively, focus on your work like never before and drastically reduce stress with amazingly deep states of relaxation and meditation. click here:

14,182 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video to know the Erectile Dysfunction - Cause and Treatment

20,921 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that Hemorrhoid Medical Removal Surgery

94,526 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video of human Fetus Removal Surgery

32,193 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video to know How To Firm And Lift Your Sagging Chest Naturally

13,090 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video to know How They Autopsy Human Body for Poison

marin vinasco
4,258 Views · 8 months ago

How To Deal With Anxiety, How To Not Be Depressed, Natural Remedies For Anxiety, Help For Depression---- --- Treatments for Depression, Depression is a mental disorder which affects about 350 million people worldwide. Its symptoms include, but are not limited to; Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. loss of interest in daily activities, appetite or weight changes, insomnia or oversleeping, anger or irritability, loss of energy. self-loathing, reckless behavior, concentration problems, unexplained aches and pains and also suicidal thoughts. Current popular treatments for depression include antidepressant medications and talk therapy such as counselling or psychotherapy. Unfortunately, these treatments have many drawbacks. AD medication is associated with a high risk of side effects and a low success rate, while therapy sessions are notoriously expensive. And often unaffordable or unobtainable for most people. Medical Treatments. Medication for depression comes in the form of antidepressants. There are typically 4 classes of AD medication, SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), atypical antidepressants, tricyclics antidepressants and MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors). step-by-step guide on exactly what you need to do to naturally and safely cure your depression in just a few weeks - without any medication or expensive therapy sessions. For more information. click here.

33,793 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video of Horrifying Things Found Living Inside Human Body

marin vinasco
1,739 Views · 8 months ago

Dieta Alcalina Recetas, Listado De Alimentos Alcalinos, Que Es El Agua Alcalina, Menu Para Adelgazar-- -- Entendiendo los Efectos del nivel de pH en el cuerpo El nivel de pH en el cuerpo tiene la habilidad de afectar cada célula del cuerpo. Cuando la sangre tiene un pH alcalino en vez de un pH ácido, ocurre un efecto positivo en cada función corporal del sistema. El cerebro, el sistema circulatorio, los nervios, los músculos, el sistema respiratorio, el sistema digestivo y reproductivo se pueden beneficiar de un nivel adecuado de pH. Por otro lado, cuando el pH del cuerpo es muy ácido, es susceptible a muchas enfermedades y problemas. Ganancia de peso, enfermedades del corazón, envejecimiento prematuro, fatiga, problemas nerviosos, alergias, enfermedades musculares y cáncer son las más probables a ocurrir cuando el pH del cuerpo no está al nivel óptimo. Ya que todos estos problemas son más probables a ocurrir cuando el pH del cuerpo está muy ácido, tiene sentido consumir una dieta rica en alimentos alcalinos. El objetivo principal es usualmente comer aproximadamente entre 75-80% de alimentos alcalinos junto con solamente entre 20-25% de alimentos ácidos. Si se mantiene este nivel en la dieta, el resultado final es un nivel de pH bajo en el cuerpo, el que se requiere para una salud óptima. Descubre como la dieta alcalina funciona & por qué los alimentos alcalinos son altamente recomendados para tu salud. Haz clic aquí

Jose Bell
1,937 Views · 8 months ago

Generic minoxidil is known to treat hair-fall issues in men and women, it is best for hair growth, hair re-development, etc. it is available in the strength of 5mg and easily available at online pharmacy store. For more information visit to

marin vinasco
1,271 Views · 8 months ago

What Is Phonemic Awareness, Reading Program For Kids, Phonics For Children, Teach Your Baby To Read---- What is Phonemic Awareness, Phonemic Awareness is defined as the ability to identify, hear, and work with the smallest units of sound known as phonemes. It is NOT the same as phonological awareness, instead, it is a sub-category of phonological awareness. For example, phonemic awareness is narrow, and deals only with phonemes and manipulating the individual sounds of words - such as /c/, /a/, and /t/ are the individual sounds that make up to form the word "cat". Phonological awareness on the other hand, includes the phonemic awareness ability, and it also includes the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate larger units of sound such as rimes and onsets. Phonemic awareness can be taught very early on, and will play a critical role in helping children learn to read and spell. While it's not set in stone on when a child can learn to read, however, I do believe that a child that can speak is a child that can learn to read. Children as young as two years old can learn to read by developing phonemic awareness, and they can learn to read fluently. Please see a video of a 2 year old (2yr11months) reading below. Below are several of the most common phonemic awareness skills that are often practiced with students and young children: Phonemic identity - being able to recognize common sounds in different words such as /p/ is the common sound for "pat", "pick", and "play". Phonemic isolation - being able to recognize the individual sounds of words such as /c/ is the beginning sound of "cat" and /t/ is the ending sound of "cat". Phoneme substitution - being able to change one word to another by substituting one phoneme. For example changing the /t/ in "cat" to /p/ now makes "cap". Word Segmenting - the parent says the word "lap", and the child says the individual sounds: /l/, /a/, and /p/. Oral blending - the parent says the individual sounds such as /r/, /e/, and /d/, and the child forms the word from the sounds to say "red". Studies have found that phonemic awareness is the best predictor of reading success in young children. Research has also found that children with a high level of phonemic awareness progress with high reading and spelling achievements; however, some children with low phonemic awareness experience difficulties in learning to read and spell. Therefore, it is important for parents to help their young children develop good phonemic awareness. Being able to oral blend and segment words helps children to read and spell. According to the National Reading Panel, oral blending helps children develop reading skills where printed letters are turned into sounds which combine to form words. Additionally, word segmenting helps children breakdown words into their individual sounds (phonemes), and helps children learn to spell unfamiliar words. As a young child begins to develop and master phonemic awareness skills, they will discover an entirely new world in print and reading. You will open up their world to a whole new dimension of fun and silliness. They will be able to read books that they enjoy, develop a better understanding of the world around them through printed materials, and have a whole lot of fun by making up new nonsense words through phonemic substitutions. For example, we taught our daughter to read at a young age - when she was a little over 2 and a half years old. Before she turned three, she would run around the house saying all types of silly words using phonemic substitution. One of her favorite was substituting the letter sound /d/ in "daddy" with the letter sound /n/. So, she would run around me in circles and repeatedly say "nanny, nanny, come do this" or "nanny, nanny, come play with me" etc... Of course, she only did this when she wanted to be silly and to make me laugh, at other times, she would of course properly refer to me as "daddy", and not "nanny". She is well aware of the differences between these words and is fully capable of using phonemic substitution to change any of the letters in the words to make other words. Give your child a head start, and.. pave the way for a bright, successful future..Click here to learn how to easily and quickly teach your child to read.

40,296 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that Huge Skin Cyst Removal Surgery

marin vinasco
1,191 Views · 8 months ago

How To Stop Hair Loss Naturally, Hair Regrowth Shampoo, Tips For Hair Regrowth, Hair Loss Stop--- --- Natural Hair Regrowth Treatment, Looking for ideas on natural hair regrowth treatment? There are actually a lot of safe and effective natural methods that you can try in order to reverse hair loss. So what are those natural methods? Here are some of them: Eat your way to better hair: Hard to believe isn’t it? To think that what you’re actually eating can affect your hair in so many ways, positively and negatively. Want to slow down the process of hair loss and get your hair back to the healthy original state you always remembered it in? Then you might want to start transitioning over to a low fat high fiber diet. Aside from this, you’ll also want to concentrate on foods that contain biotins, which play an essential role in maintaining healthy hair. Fish, cooked eggs, whole milk, and various nuts and fruits – all of these are good sources of biotins so it’s best that you take note of them. Drink plenty of water: It’s not only that gets thirsty, as even your hair requires the moisture that water provides. Dehydration can lead to symptoms like constipation, eczema, thick dandruff, wrinkly skin, foul breath and hair loss. Remember that your body is made up of 98% water and you need to maintain it at optimum levels if you want to keep your hair in place. An easy way to quickly replenish and establish enough water in your body is to routinely drink at least 8 ounces of water immediately after you urinate. You’ll know you’re getting enough water when you observe that you are urinating more frequently. Supplements: The fact that you are experiencing hair loss is a surefire indication that something is amiss in the nutrition department. If you are however looking for a definitive guide on the products that will be available, one useful source you can use will be found at

22,625 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video to know aeverything about Male and Female Orgasms

19,768 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that Functional Neck Dissection Surgery

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