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6,589 Views ยท 8 months ago - Hypothyroidism Treatment Natural - Hypothyroidism Recipes Treatment

Letโ€™s Get Something Straightโ€ฆ

* Youโ€™re here because youโ€™re serious about overcoming your hypothyroidismโ€ฆ
* Youโ€™re here because youโ€™re serious about and taking back your lifeโ€ฆ
* You know thereโ€™s no magic pill to cure your hypothyroidism and never will beโ€ฆ

Hypothyroidism Treatment Natural - Hypothyroidism Recipes Treatment

marin vinasco
6,581 Views ยท 8 months ago

Protopic Vitiligo, WeiรŸe Flecken Am Rรผcken, Pigmentflecken Im Gesicht Entfernen, Flecken Haut--- --- WeiรŸe Flecken auf der Haut: Vitiligo, Die Entwicklung weiรŸer Flecken auf der Haut ist ist ein Symptom einer Hautstรถrung, die Vitiligo genannt, im deutschen Sprachgebrauch aber auch hรคufig als "WeiรŸfleckenkrankheit" bezeichnet wird. Man bringt den Zustand mit der Zerstรถrung oder Fuktionsstรถrung der Hautzellen in Verbindung, die fรผr die Herstelleung des Hautpigmentes (Melanin) zustรคndig sind, welches dem Menschen seine Hautfarbe verleiht. Meistens entwickeln sich die Flecken dabei an Stellen, die oft der Sonne ausgesetzt sind, also z.B. die Hรคnde, Arme, FรผรŸe, Beine und das Gesicht. Bisweilen treten die Flecken aber auch in den Achselhรถhlen, im Genitalbereich und um den Bauchnabel herum auf. Von Vitiligo betroffene erleben hรคufig auch ein vorzeitiges Ergrauen der Haare. Es wird geschรคtzt, dass mindestens 1 % der Bevรถlkerung der Vereinigten Staaten an Vitiligo leidet; in Europe sind die Zahlen รคhnlich. Weltweit leiden gegenwรคrtig mehr als 100 Millionen Menschen an der Hauterkrankung. Die Ursache von Vitiligo Die genaue Ursache der Erkrankung ist noch immer unbekannt. Eine der populรคrsten Theorien ist jedoch, dass es sich bei Vitiligo um eine Autoimmunstรถrung handelt. Sie veranlasst das Immunsystem, die Melanozyten (die Hautpigmente produzierenden Hautzellen) anzugreifen. In der Tat haben Menschen, die an einer anderen Autoimmunstรถrung, wie adrenocorticaler Unterfunktion or Schilddrรผsenรผberfunktion leiden, ein weitaus hรถheres Risiko, auch an Vitiligo zu erkranken. Manche Mediziner sind auch der Auffassung, dass Sonnenbrรคnde, emotionaler Stress und bestimte Medikamente die weiรŸen hautflecken hervorrufen kรถnnten. Es wird auรŸerdem geglaubt, dass Vitiligo is also believed eine genetisch vererbte Erkrankung darstellt. Behandlungsoptionen fรผr Vitiligo Fรผr Vitiligo gibt es unterschiedliche Behandlungsmรถglichkeiten. Allerdings sind sie allesamt praktisch wirkungslos und beinhalten dazu noch das Risiko, ernsthafte Nebenwirkungen hervorzurufen. Krankenversicherer รผbernehmen zudem die vollen Behandlungskosten. Das allein macht eine Vitiligo-Behandlung bereits zu teuer fรผr die meisten Patienten, denn es sind รผblichwerweise zwei bis drei Besuche wรถchentlich in ener Spezialklinik nรถtig. Ein Paradebeispiel fรผr eine solche Behandlung ist die sogenannte PUVA-Therapie, die ausgesprochen hรคufig eingesetzt wird. "Gratis-Prรคsentation enthรผllt einen ziemlich ungewรถhnlichen Tipp zur Beseitigung von Vitiligo fรผr alle Zeiten und in nur 45-60 Tagen - Garantiert!" Erfahren Sie mehr darรผber, indem Sie diese Webseite besuchen:

samer kareem
6,579 Views ยท 8 months ago

Breast abscesses are often linked to mastitis โ€“ a condition that causes breast pain and swelling (inflammation), and usually affects women who are breastfeeding. Infections can occur during breastfeeding if bacteria enter your breast tissue, or if the milk ducts (tiny tubes) become blocked. This can cause mastitis which, if not treated, can result in an abscess forming. Women who aren't breastfeeding can also develop mastitis if bacteria enter the milk ducts through a sore or cracked nipple, or a nipple piercing. White blood cells are sent to attack the infection, which causes tissue at the site of the infection to die. This creates a small, hollow area that fills with pus (an abscess).

mohamed al emadi
6,578 Views ยท 8 months ago

Laparoscopic Gastric Band in Qatar by Dr. Emadi

samer kareem
6,577 Views ยท 8 months ago

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.

6,572 Views ยท 8 months ago

This video demonstrates tongue piercing procedure done OUTSIDE a clinical setting

samer kareem
6,569 Views ยท 8 months ago

A subdural hematoma is a collection of blood outside the brain. Subdural hematomas are usually caused by severe head injuries. The bleeding and increased pressure on the brain from a subdural hematoma can be life-threatening.

samer kareem
6,567 Views ยท 8 months ago

Bullae resection for right pneumothrax via VATS

mohamed al emadi
6,565 Views ยท 8 months ago


6,564 Views ยท 8 months ago

Please watch and share with your firends and family who smoke

samer kareem
6,564 Views ยท 8 months ago

Prediabetes means that your blood sugar level is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be type 2 diabetes. Without lifestyle changes, people with prediabetes are very likely to progress to type 2 diabetes. If you have prediabetes, the long-term damage of diabetes โ€” especially to your heart, blood vessels and kidneys โ€” may already be starting. There's good news, however. Progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes isn't inevitable. Eating healthy foods, incorporating physical activity in your daily routine and maintaining a healthy weight can help bring your blood sugar level back to normal. Prediabetes affects adults and children. The same lifestyle changes that can help prevent progression to diabetes in adults might also help bring children's blood sugar levels back to normal.

samer kareem
6,555 Views ยท 8 months ago

This animated video covers statins, fibrates, niacin, bile resins, and ezetimibe. We will discuss mechanisms of action, which part of the lipid profile is affected by each drug, and common side effects.

samer kareem
6,546 Views ยท 8 months ago

Porcelain gallbladder is a condition characterized by calcium salt deposits in the wall of a chronically inflamed gallbladder. The calcifications can be thin or faintly visible, or may be amorphous, patchy, and thick. The gallbladder is generally large, but its size can vary considerably. Most porcelain gallbladders are associated with gallstones. A plain radiograph generally detects these, but computed tomography (CT) has a higher specificity; therefore, a CT scan is performed to confirm the diagnosis. Due to their high risk of gallbladder carcinoma, all patients with porcelain gallbladder should have an elective cholecystectomy.

6,544 Views ยท 8 months ago
This digestive system animation demonstrates the procedure of colon cleansing.

6,544 Views ยท 8 months ago

Throat Endoscopy: This video shows the vocal cords while singing

6,541 Views ยท 8 months ago


samer kareem
6,532 Views ยท 8 months ago

What are diverticula? Diverticula are outpouchings that most commonly happen in the sigmoid colon of the large intestine. The presence of a diverticulum is defined as diverticulosis, whereas diverticulitis describes an inflamed diverticulum

Mohamed Ibrahim
6,531 Views ยท 8 months ago

A video performed by Harvard medical school showing the arterial line placement

samer kareem
6,531 Views ยท 8 months ago

The human heart has four main valvesโ€”two on the left and two on the right. The aortic valve is one of the main valves on the left side of the heart. It is the outflow valve for the left ventricle, which means that it is the valve between the heart and the body. The aortic valve opens when the left ventricle squeezes to pump out blood, and closes in between heart beats to keep blood from going backward into the heart.

Mona Choo
6,528 Views ยท 8 months ago

How ESC therapy treats diseases?

Showing 192 out of 193