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samer kareem
14,101 Views ยท 1 year ago

Twins Conversation

26,360 Views ยท 1 year ago

The video will describe anatomical structures as seen on a CT scan. Please see discalimer on my website.

12 Views ยท 1 year ago

Rafael Nadal missed seven months last year with a knee injury. That knee will face its toughest test when he plays in the French Open, his first Grand Slam event since his return.

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Analysis of Rafael Nadal's Knee Injury (Computer Animation)

samer kareem
5,294 Views ยท 1 year ago

Thousands of Whiteheads! Why Do I Get Them?

sam sendl
8,758 Views ยท 1 year ago - Hypothyroidism Diet Plan - Hypothyroidism Treatment - Hypothyroidism Revolution

10 Hypothyroidism Diet Tips to Help Heal Your Thyroid

1. Avoid Anti-Thyroid Foods
2. Increase Your Saturated Fats
3. Eat Your Fruit
4. Increase Your Salt Intake
5. Get Plenty of Bone Broth
6. Eat Some Shellfish
7. Cut the Processed Foods
8. Cook Your Veggies
9. Donโ€™t Overdo the Water
10. Drink Your Coffee

Hypothyroidism Diet Plan - Hypothyroidism Treatment - Hypothyroidism Revolution

14,191 Views ยท 1 year ago

A video by UT Houston Student Surgical Association (SSA) illustrating the 2 handed not.

samer kareem
6,706 Views ยท 1 year ago

3D Printed Models Used in the Mayo Clinic's First Face Transplant

samer kareem
4,155 Views ยท 1 year ago

University of California, Berkeley engineers have built the first dust-sized, wireless sensors that can be implanted in the body, bringing closer the day when a Fitbit-like device could monitor internal nerves, muscles or organs in real time.

19 Views ยท 1 year ago

Common Medicines For General Medical Practice / Medicine Name and Uses

This Video Is For Medical Students,
In This Video We Are Talking About Most Commonly Used Medicine,
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How To Give Injection in Cannula Easily at Home

IV Drip Procedures in Hindi || IV Fluid Management

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Iv cannula,IV Cannula Colour Size external diameter and flow rate

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samer kareem
1,464 Views ยท 1 year ago

This medication is used to treat certain types of serious (possibly fatal) irregular heartbeat (such as persistent ventricular fibrillation/tachycardia). It is used to restore normal heart rhythm and maintain a regular, steady heartbeat. Amiodarone is known as an anti-arrhythmic drug. It works by blocking certain electrical signals in the heart that can cause an irregular heartbeat.

2,222 Views ยท 1 year ago

Watch that video to know How To Increase Your Testosterone Levels, Naturally

135,911 Views ยท 1 year ago

Mysterious massage from East Asia(CHINA).it can cure cure Erectile dysfunction,can let their life better.This video from mainland of China,so the language is Chinese mandarin.but you can see English show on the video too.Tiedang gong means kongfu of Iron penis&balls.

32 Views ยท 1 year ago

This video demonstrates a manual small incision cataract surgery using a Blumenthal technique, in a white cataract.

Surgeon: Dr. Rishi Swarup, FRCS, Medical Director & Senior Consultant, Swarup Eye Centre, India

52,244 Views ยท 1 year ago

The pelvic diaphragm is composed of muscle fibers of the levator ani, the coccygeus, and associated connective tissue which span the area underneath the pelvis. The pelvic diaphragm is a muscular partition formed by the levatores ani and coccygei, with which may be included the parietal pelvic fascia on their upper and lower aspects. The pelvic floor separates the pelvic cavity above from the perineal region (including perineum) below.

The right and left levator ani lie almost horizontally in the floor of the pelvis, separated by a narrow gap that transmits the urethra, vagina, and anal canal. The levator ani is usually considered in three parts: pubococcygeus, puborectalis, and iliococcygeus. The pubococcygeus, the main part of the levator, runs backward from the body of the pubis toward the coccyx and may be damaged during parturition. Some fibers are inserted into the prostate, urethra, and vagina. The right and left puborectalis unite behind the anorectal junction to form a muscular sling . Some regard them as a part of the sphincter ani externus. The iliococcygeus, the most posterior part of the levator ani, is often poorly developed.

The coccygeus, situated behind the levator ani and frequently tendinous as much as muscular, extends from the ischial spine to the lateral margin of the sacrum and coccyx.

The pelvic cavity of the true pelvis has the pelvic floor as its inferior border (and the pelvic brim as its superior border.) The perineum has the pelvic floor as its superior border.

Some sources do not consider โ€œpelvic floorโ€ and โ€œpelvic diaphragmโ€ to be identical, with the โ€œdiaphragmโ€ consisting of only the levator ani and coccygeus, while the โ€œfloorโ€ also includes the perineal membrane and deep perineal pouch.

Mohamed Ibrahim
15 Views ยท 1 year ago

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) eye surgery can correct or improve your sight by using a laser to change the shape of the cornea. Find out more here: and

The content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.

16,671 Views ยท 1 year ago

a video discussing the tattoo removal using LASRER

Mohamed Ibrahim
10,876 Views ยท 1 year ago

There is no sure way for women to avoid their most common type of cancer. But when breast cancer is found early, the survival chances are the greatest. Here is Octoberโ€™s survivor story:
It has been 25 years since a woman very dear to us here at CBS 11 News found out she was a living clichรฉ. Following in her birth motherโ€™s footsteps, she discovered breast cancer on her own. Today sheโ€™s alive, urging every woman she can reach to do a self-check.

We here at CBS 11 News have come to know Juneil Jones-Flemmingโ€™s soft, warm greeting.
Some of you may have too

3,686 Views ยท 1 year ago

How To Get Pregnant, Ways To Get Pregnant, Best Days To Get Pregnant, Easiest Way To Get Pregnant.

Signs Of Infertility

What Exactly Is Infertility?

The problems with either conceiving a child, or with carrying out the pregnancy to its eventual fruitful end, fall under the definition of infertility. Infertility is the incapability of an individual to become pregnant, in case of females, or the incapability to induce pregnancy, in case of the males.

The inability of an individual to carry out a pregnancy to its full term is also dubbed infertility. How does one recognize infertility? What are the signs of infertility?

Signs of infertility in women:
Children At Age 43 After Years Of "Trying".
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How To Get Pregnant, Ways To Get Pregnant, Best Days To Get Pregnant, Easiest Way To Get Pregnant, preparing for pregnancy, pills to get pregnant, tricks for getting pregnant, help with pregnancy, help me get pregnant faster, how you get pregnant fast, i really want to get pregnant, male infertility treatments, get me pregnant, natural tips to get pregnant, tips on getting pregnant, how to help get pregnant faster

samer kareem
9,001 Views ยท 1 year ago

A liver abscess is a pus-filled mass inside the liver. Common causes are abdominal infections such as appendicitis or diverticulitis due to haematogenous spread through the portal vein. A pyogenic liver abscess (PLA) is a pocket of pus that forms in the liver in response to an infection or trauma. Pus is a fluid composed of white blood cells, dead cells, and bacteria that forms when your body fights off infection.Dec 11, 2015

samer kareem
1,485 Views ยท 1 year ago > Lung Health and Diseases > Lung Disease Lookup > Silicosis Learn About Silicosis Silicosis is a lung disease caused by breathing in tiny bits of silica, a mineral that is part of sand, rock, and mineral ores such as quartz. It mostly affects workers exposed to silica dust in occupations such mining, glass manufacturing, and foundry work. Over time, exposure to silica particles causes scarring in the lungs, which can harm your ability to breathe. Key Facts There are three types of silicosis: acute, chronic, and accelerated. It occurs in workers from mines, foundries, sandblasting, and glass manufacturing. About 2 million US workers remain potentially exposed to occupational silica. There is no cure for silicosis, but it can be prevented. What Is Silicosis? There are three types of silicosis: Acute silicosis, which causes cough, weight loss, and fatigue within a few weeks or years of exposure to inhaled silica. Chronic silicosis, which appears 10 to 30 years after exposure and can affect upper lungs and sometimes cause extensive scarring. Accelerated silicosis, which occurs within 10 years of high-level exposure. Silicosis can develop within a few weeks to even decades after exposure. When people breathe silica dust, they inhale tiny particles of the mineral silica. This silica dust can cause fluid buildup and scar tissue in the lungs that cuts down your ability to breathe. This can lead to lung scarring and cough, weight loss, and fatigue.

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