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samer kareem
1,970 Views ยท 9 months ago

Meckel's Diverticulum is a vestigeal remnant of vitellointestinal duct. Its a true diverticulum as it contains all three layers of intestine. It is usually presents at anti mesenteric burder. Usually 2 cm (range 1- 12 cm ) in length, found in 2 % of population , and situated around 2 feet of Ileaocecal junction. 50 % cases it contains gastric mucosa , but may also contain colonic, duodenal or pancreatic mucosa .male : female ration in symptomatic cases is 3 : 1.It may mimic acute appendicitis, so in cases where one is going for surgery for appendicitis , must search for meckel's diverticulum........

samer kareem
2,135 Views ยท 9 months ago

There are several ways to do minimally invasive aortic valve surgery. Techniques include min-thoracotomy, min-sternotomy, robot-assisted surgery, and percutaneous surgery. To perform the different procedures: Your surgeon may make a 2-inch to 3-inch (5 to 7.5 centimeters) cut in the right part of your chest near the sternum (breastbone). The muscles in the area will be divided. This lets the surgeon reach the heart and aortic valve. Your surgeon may split only the upper portion of your breast bone allowing exposure to the aortic valve. For robotically-assisted valve surgery, the surgeon makes 2 to 4 tiny cuts in your chest. The surgeon uses a special computer to control robotic arms during the surgery. A 3D view of the heart and aortic valve are displayed on a computer in the operating room.

samer kareem
1,505 Views ยท 9 months ago

When anxiety takes hold, these steps can help you regain control.

samer kareem
1,460 Views ยท 9 months ago

The most detailed explanation you'll ever hear on what makes some people's feet stink. (Not yours, obviously.)

samer kareem
2,570 Views ยท 9 months ago

Myelomeningocele remains the most complex congenital malformation of the central nervous system that is compatible with life. This lesion results when the neural tube fails to fold normally during postovulatory Days 21 to 27.[6] The exact cause of disorders remains under some historical debate and is not within the scope of this paper. Myelomeningocele within the context of this discussion refers only to lesions that involve an open caudal neural tube defect on the surface of the skin

samer kareem
1,793 Views ยท 9 months ago

Baby massage for constipation relieving.

samer kareem
3,923 Views ยท 9 months ago

Osteomyelitis of sternum after open heart surgery

Arthur Handal
1,255 Views ยท 9 months ago

This video was taken 2 weeks after this lovely patient had a Endoscopic Brow Lift, Face and Neck lift, and Fat Grafting. Know more about Handal Plastic Surgery Call us at (561) 912-9888 for more info!

Travcure Meditourism
1,732 Views ยท 9 months ago

Cardiovascular surgery basically treats a number of diseases and medical disorders that affect your heart and the network of arteries and veins connecting it to every part of the body.

2,450 Views ยท 9 months ago Como Controlar La Diabetes Tipo 2 Naturalmente Sin Medicamentos, Pre Diabetes Y Diabetes Tipo 1. Que es la Insulina? Una definiciรณn practica sin adentrarnos en terminos estrictamente medicos es que la insulina es una hormona formada por 51 aminoรกcidos. Dentro del pรกncreas, las cรฉlulas beta producen la hormona llamada insulina. Con cada comida, las cรฉlulas beta liberan insulina para ayudar al cuerpo a utilizar o almacenar en la sangre la glucosa que se obtiene de los alimentos. Su dรฉficit provoca la diabetes mellitus y su exceso provoca hiperinsulinismo con hipoglucemia. En las personas con diabetes tipo 1, el pรกncreas no produce insulina. Las cรฉlulas beta han sido destruidas y se necesitan inyecciones de insulina para utilizar la glucosa de las comidas. Las personas con diabetes tipo 2 producen insulina, pero sus cuerpos no responden bien a la misma. Algunas personas con diabetes tipo 2 necesitan medicamentos para la diabetes o inyecciones de insulina para ayudar a su cuerpo a utilizar la glucosa para obtener energรญa. * La insulina no se puede tomar como una pรญldora, ya que se descompone durante la digestiรณn al igual que la proteรญna en los alimentos. Se debe inyectar en la grasa debajo de la piel para que llegue a la sangre. Existen diferentes tipos de insulina en funciรณn de la rapidez con que trabajan, y en funcion de su duraciรณn. La insulina viene en diferentes concentraciones, la mรกs comรบn es U-100. Tipos de insulina: * De Acciรณn Rรกpida: Comienza a trabajar unos 15 minutos despuรฉs de la inyecciรณn, con picos en aproximadamente 1 hora, y continรบa trabajando por un tiempo de 2 a 4 horas. Tipos: Insulina glulisina (Apidra), la insulina lispro (Humalog) y la insulina aspart (NovoLog). * Regular o de Acciรณn Corta: Generalmente llega al torrente sanguรญneo a los 30 minutos despuรฉs de la inyecciรณn, picos de entre 2 a 3 horas despuรฉs de la inyecciรณn, y es efectiva durante aproximadamente 3 a 6 horas. Tipos: Humulin R, Novolin R * De Acciรณn Intermedia: Generalmente llega al torrente sanguรญneo de aproximadamente 2 a 4 horas despuรฉs de la inyecciรณn, picos de 4 a 12 horas y eseficaz durante aproximadamente 12 a 18 horas. Tipos: NPH (Humulin N, Novolin N) * De Acciรณn Prolongada: Alcanza el torrente sanguรญneo varias horas despuรฉs de la inyecciรณn y tiende a disminuir los niveles de glucosa de manera bastante uniforme durante un perรญodo de 24 horas. Tipos: La insulina detemir (Levemir) y la insulina glargina (Lantus) Nota: Esta informaciรณn debes consultarla siempre con tu medico especialista. La insulina Tiene 3 Caracterรญsticas: El inicio: Es el tiempo antes de que la insulina alcance el torrente sanguรญneo y se inicie la reducciรณn de la glucosa en sangre. Pico: Es el tiempo durante el cual la insulina estรก surtiendo el mรกximo efecto en tรฉrminos de reducciรณn de la glucosa en sangre. La duraciรณn: Es cuรกnto tiempo la insulina continรบa reduciendo la glucosa sanguรญnea.

samer kareem
4,438 Views ยท 9 months ago

Start of CRRT circuit within ECMO

samer kareem
4,288 Views ยท 9 months ago

Closure of a loop ileostomy is a relatively simple procedure although many studies have demonstrated high morbidity rates following it. Methods to reduce the number of complications, such as timing of closure or different surgical closure techniques, are investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the experience of the Abdominal Surgery Center at Vilnius University Hospital (VUH) โ€˜Santariskiu klinikosโ€™ to review the complications after closure of loop ileostomy and to identify potential risk factors for postoperative complications.

samer kareem
6,748 Views ยท 9 months ago

This video is really sad. You can literally watch this man dying. He was shot in the chest and rushed to the emergency room. His heart has stopped beating or has arrested. As a last resort, surgeons did an extreme procedure called an open thoracotomy which is that crazy tool you see there that basically splits the ribs open and allows easy open access to the heart. They did this so they could give him a cardiac massage. A cardiac massage is when surgeons are manually trying to pump the heart after it has stopped working on its own (cardiac arrest). Unfortunately he lost so much blood from his gun shot wound and he was pronounced dead. There are cases of patients surviving after having this kind of invasive resuscitation but it is rare.

samer kareem
4,281 Views ยท 9 months ago

CARDIAC TAMPONADE!!! The surgeon in this video is performing a pericardiotomy in a 30-year-old man that presented to ER after a motor vehicle crash....

samer kareem
1,661 Views ยท 9 months ago

New 2017 Hypertension guidelines

samer kareem
4,826 Views ยท 9 months ago

Teratomas are tumors made up of tissues, such as hair, muscle, and bone. They occur most often in the ovaries in women, and the testicles in men. They may be benign or malignant. Symptoms vary depending on the location. A painful lump or swelling may be apparent. Some babies have a mass that can be seen on an ultrasound before birth. Treatment often involves surgery. In rare cases when a teratoma is malignant, chemotherapy or radiation may be needed.

johan simons
1,141 Views ยท 9 months ago

Live in Caregiver Toronto - Foot Care Nurse - Respite Care -

35,089 Views ยท 9 months ago

Watch that 3 Years Old Intestinal Worms Removal Surgery

11,241 Views ยท 9 months ago

Watch that video of 232 Teeth Were Removed from Indian Boy's Mouth

26,439 Views ยท 9 months ago

Watch that Above Knee Amputation Surgery video

Showing 21 out of 31