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3,442 Views · 1 year ago

Toilet Training Boys, Training Potty, Best Way To Potty Train, What Age Do You Potty Train

Wanna have some fun imagining life without diapers?

Imagine if your child would disappear on their own
one minute and all of a sudden the next minute you
hear the toilet flush and the sink start to run.

Can you imagine it?

Life becomes so much easier the second your child
becomes potty trained and you start to wonder why
you didn't just get it over with sooner...

Would you start potty training right this weekend
if I handed you a guide that guaranteed to get your
child out of diapers in just 3 days?

Click the link below to check it out

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Mohamed Ibrahim
394 Views · 1 year ago

Contact us to find out more Mr Carp explains the risks involved in losing sight as being extremely rare. Only 1 in 5 million may lose sight in one eye.

29,469 Views · 1 year ago

Endotracheal Intubation During General Anaesthesia

samer kareem
5,506 Views · 1 year ago

INDICATIONS Administration of agents into the central vasculature Central circulation and intracardiac access Maintenance of venous access Hemodialysis and plasmapheresis

samer kareem
6,706 Views · 1 year ago

3D Printed Models Used in the Mayo Clinic's First Face Transplant

samer kareem
5,294 Views · 1 year ago

Thousands of Whiteheads! Why Do I Get Them?

samer kareem
4,429 Views · 1 year ago

The purpose of the organs of the male reproductive system is to perform the following functions: To produce, maintain, and transport sperm (the male reproductive cells) and protective fluid (semen) To discharge sperm within the female reproductive tract during sex To produce and secrete male sex hormones responsible for maintaining the male reproductive system

4,336 Views · 1 year ago

Loa loa filariasis (also known as loiasis, loaiasis, Calabar swellings, Fugitive swelling, Tropical swelling and African eyeworm) is a skin and eye disease caused by the nematode worm, loa loa. Humans contract this disease through the bite of a Deer fly or Mango fly (Chrysops spp), the vectors for Loa loa. The adult Loa loa filarial worm migrates throughout the subcutaneous tissues of humans, occasionally crossing into subconjunctival tissues of the eye where it can be easily observed. Loa loa does not normally affect one's vision but can be painful when moving about the eyeball or across the bridge of the nose.The disease can cause red itchy swellings below the skin called "Calabar swellings". The disease is treated with the drug diethylcarbamazine (DEC), and when appropriate, surgical methods may be employed to remove adult worms from the conjunctiva.

samer kareem
4,803 Views · 1 year ago

Cardiac tamponade is a medical emergency that requires urgent drainage of the pericardial fluid. Preferably, patients should be monitored in an intensive care unit. All patients should receive the following: Oxygen Volume expansion with blood, plasma, dextran, or isotonic sodium chloride solution, as necessary, to maintain adequate intravascular volume - Sagristà-Sauleda et al noted significant increase in cardiac output after volume expansion [24] (see the Cardiac Output calculator) Bed rest with leg elevation - This may help increase venous return Positive-pressure mechanical ventilation should be avoided because it may decrease venous return and aggravate signs and symptoms of tamponade. Inpatient care After pericardiocentesis, leave the intrapericardial catheter in place after securing it to the skin using sterile procedure and attaching it to a closed drainage system via a 3-way stopcock. Periodically check for reaccumulation of fluid, and drain as needed. The catheter can be left in place for 1-2 days and can be used for pericardiocentesis. Serial fluid cell counts can be useful for helping to discover an impending bacterial catheter infection, which could be catastrophic. If the white blood cell (WBC) count rises significantly, the pericardial catheter must be removed immediately. A Swan-Ganz catheter can be left in place for continuous monitoring of hemodynamics and to assess the effect of reaccumulation of pericardial fluid. A repeat echocardiogram and a repeat chest radiograph should be performed within 24 hours.

101 Views · 1 year ago

For more than 25 years, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia — the first Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center in Pennsylvania — has provided unparalleled medical and surgical care for all injured children, including those with the most severe injuries.

Learn what makes the Trauma Center at CHOP a Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center, and how our work toward trauma prevention, research advances and overall trauma awareness provides hope for reduced injuries in the future.

Learn more about the Trauma Center at CHOP:

samer kareem
1,485 Views · 1 year ago > Lung Health and Diseases > Lung Disease Lookup > Silicosis Learn About Silicosis Silicosis is a lung disease caused by breathing in tiny bits of silica, a mineral that is part of sand, rock, and mineral ores such as quartz. It mostly affects workers exposed to silica dust in occupations such mining, glass manufacturing, and foundry work. Over time, exposure to silica particles causes scarring in the lungs, which can harm your ability to breathe. Key Facts There are three types of silicosis: acute, chronic, and accelerated. It occurs in workers from mines, foundries, sandblasting, and glass manufacturing. About 2 million US workers remain potentially exposed to occupational silica. There is no cure for silicosis, but it can be prevented. What Is Silicosis? There are three types of silicosis: Acute silicosis, which causes cough, weight loss, and fatigue within a few weeks or years of exposure to inhaled silica. Chronic silicosis, which appears 10 to 30 years after exposure and can affect upper lungs and sometimes cause extensive scarring. Accelerated silicosis, which occurs within 10 years of high-level exposure. Silicosis can develop within a few weeks to even decades after exposure. When people breathe silica dust, they inhale tiny particles of the mineral silica. This silica dust can cause fluid buildup and scar tissue in the lungs that cuts down your ability to breathe. This can lead to lung scarring and cough, weight loss, and fatigue.

samer kareem
1,646 Views · 1 year ago

Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that allows your body to use (glucose) from carbohydrates in the food that you eat for energy or to store glucose for future use. Insulin helps keeps your blood sugar level from getting too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia). The cells in your body need sugar for energy. However, sugar cannot go into most of your cells directly. After you eat food and your blood sugar level rises, cells in your pancreas (known as beta cells) are signaled to release insulin into your bloodstream. Insulin then attaches to and signals cells to absorb sugar from the bloodstream. Insulin is often described as a “key,” which unlocks the cell to allow sugar to enter the cell and be used for energy.

52,244 Views · 1 year ago

The pelvic diaphragm is composed of muscle fibers of the levator ani, the coccygeus, and associated connective tissue which span the area underneath the pelvis. The pelvic diaphragm is a muscular partition formed by the levatores ani and coccygei, with which may be included the parietal pelvic fascia on their upper and lower aspects. The pelvic floor separates the pelvic cavity above from the perineal region (including perineum) below.

The right and left levator ani lie almost horizontally in the floor of the pelvis, separated by a narrow gap that transmits the urethra, vagina, and anal canal. The levator ani is usually considered in three parts: pubococcygeus, puborectalis, and iliococcygeus. The pubococcygeus, the main part of the levator, runs backward from the body of the pubis toward the coccyx and may be damaged during parturition. Some fibers are inserted into the prostate, urethra, and vagina. The right and left puborectalis unite behind the anorectal junction to form a muscular sling . Some regard them as a part of the sphincter ani externus. The iliococcygeus, the most posterior part of the levator ani, is often poorly developed.

The coccygeus, situated behind the levator ani and frequently tendinous as much as muscular, extends from the ischial spine to the lateral margin of the sacrum and coccyx.

The pelvic cavity of the true pelvis has the pelvic floor as its inferior border (and the pelvic brim as its superior border.) The perineum has the pelvic floor as its superior border.

Some sources do not consider “pelvic floor” and “pelvic diaphragm” to be identical, with the “diaphragm” consisting of only the levator ani and coccygeus, while the “floor” also includes the perineal membrane and deep perineal pouch.

16,671 Views · 1 year ago

a video discussing the tattoo removal using LASRER

Mohamed Ibrahim
10,876 Views · 1 year ago

There is no sure way for women to avoid their most common type of cancer. But when breast cancer is found early, the survival chances are the greatest. Here is October’s survivor story:
It has been 25 years since a woman very dear to us here at CBS 11 News found out she was a living cliché. Following in her birth mother’s footsteps, she discovered breast cancer on her own. Today she’s alive, urging every woman she can reach to do a self-check.

We here at CBS 11 News have come to know Juneil Jones-Flemming’s soft, warm greeting.
Some of you may have too

3,686 Views · 1 year ago

How To Get Pregnant, Ways To Get Pregnant, Best Days To Get Pregnant, Easiest Way To Get Pregnant.

Signs Of Infertility

What Exactly Is Infertility?

The problems with either conceiving a child, or with carrying out the pregnancy to its eventual fruitful end, fall under the definition of infertility. Infertility is the incapability of an individual to become pregnant, in case of females, or the incapability to induce pregnancy, in case of the males.

The inability of an individual to carry out a pregnancy to its full term is also dubbed infertility. How does one recognize infertility? What are the signs of infertility?

Signs of infertility in women:
Children At Age 43 After Years Of "Trying".
You Can Too! Here's How...":

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samer kareem
3,398 Views · 1 year ago

HSV-1 causes "cold sores" on the mouth, and up to 80% of the population has this virus. However, HSV-1 may also be transmitted to the genitals through oral/genital sex and about 40% of genital herpes is caused by HSV-1. Up to 22% of sexually active adults have genital herpes caused by HSV-2.

15,076 Views · 1 year ago

Microcalcifications in the breast can be the first sign of cancer. They are, as the name says, very small and clustered. A precise biopsy without pain under stereotactic guidance is the standard procedure. What makes this Spirotome different from the vacuum assisted biopsies is that only a few biopsies are needed and that the approach of the needle towards the microcalcifications is direct and frontal. There is no damage to the surrounding tissues making this procedure rather painfree and with minimal bleeding.

27,314 Views · 1 year ago

Otto Placik MD. a board certified Chicago Illinois based plastic surgeon presents instructional video on post genital surgery (labia minora reduction aka labiaplasty or labioplasty or clitoral hood reduction) massage exercises for treatment of labum minora psot surgical fibrosis or hypersensitivity. Photos pictures and video of anatomic models are reviewed . Great for patients thinking about or planning labiaplasty or vaginal cosmetic surgery

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