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samer kareem
4,799 Views · 8 months ago

The arm and leg muscles are affected later. Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease — a disease that occurs when the immune system attacks the body's own tissues. In MG, that attack interrupts the connection between nerve and muscle — the neuromuscular junction.

samer kareem
4,798 Views · 8 months ago

Cardiac tamponade is a medical emergency that requires urgent drainage of the pericardial fluid. Preferably, patients should be monitored in an intensive care unit. All patients should receive the following: Oxygen Volume expansion with blood, plasma, dextran, or isotonic sodium chloride solution, as necessary, to maintain adequate intravascular volume - Sagristà-Sauleda et al noted significant increase in cardiac output after volume expansion [24] (see the Cardiac Output calculator) Bed rest with leg elevation - This may help increase venous return Positive-pressure mechanical ventilation should be avoided because it may decrease venous return and aggravate signs and symptoms of tamponade. Inpatient care After pericardiocentesis, leave the intrapericardial catheter in place after securing it to the skin using sterile procedure and attaching it to a closed drainage system via a 3-way stopcock. Periodically check for reaccumulation of fluid, and drain as needed. The catheter can be left in place for 1-2 days and can be used for pericardiocentesis. Serial fluid cell counts can be useful for helping to discover an impending bacterial catheter infection, which could be catastrophic. If the white blood cell (WBC) count rises significantly, the pericardial catheter must be removed immediately. A Swan-Ganz catheter can be left in place for continuous monitoring of hemodynamics and to assess the effect of reaccumulation of pericardial fluid. A repeat echocardiogram and a repeat chest radiograph should be performed within 24 hours.

4,795 Views · 8 months ago

Remedios Caseros Para La Migraña, Causas De Dolores De Cabeza, Como Controlar La Migraña

Un Millón De Maneras De Adquirir Un Dolor De Cabeza
Y Cómo Curarlos A Todos
Hoy En Día, Hay Un Montón De Maneras, Un Millón De Hecho, Para Adquirir Un Dolor De Cabeza.
Usted Puede Obtener Un Dolor De Cabeza Cuando Se Golpea Su Cabeza Con Algo, Cuando Se Le Olvida Su Consumo De Cafeína, Cuando Come Un Helado Demasiado Rápido, Cuando Está Demasiado Estresado, Demasiado Cansado, O Cuando Se Enferma.
Sólo En Los Estados Unidos, Aproximadamente 1 De Cada 6 Personas Sufre De Dolores De Cabeza Crónicos Y Migrañas. Ellos Sufren De Forma Infrecuente,

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Remedios Caseros Para La Migraña, Causas De Dolores De Cabeza, Como Controlar La Migraña, dolor del cuero cabelludo, para dolores de cabeza, dolores fuertes de cabeza, remedios para dolores de cabeza, muchos dolores de cabeza, dolor lado izquierdo cabeza, porque duele la cabeza cuando tomas, medicina para la cabeza, dolor cabeza nuca, molestias en el cuero cabelludo, dolor cabeza lado izquierdo, dolor de cabez, remedio para la migraña, como aliviar el dolor,

4,793 Views · 8 months ago

Histology of Cervix

samer kareem
4,792 Views · 8 months ago

Meet Toby, the baby who was born premature at 24 weeks. He may be small, but he's definitely a fighter! Share his story

samer kareem
4,788 Views · 8 months ago

Super Obese individuals (people with a Body Mass Index over 45) have an increased risk during any surgery. And the longer the time under anesthesia, the greater the risk. Gastric bypass surgery can last over 2 hours. Duodenal switch surgery often takes over 4 hours. That’s a long time to be under anesthesia.

samer kareem
4,787 Views · 8 months ago

50 Orgasms A Day

David Salvador
4,782 Views · 8 months ago

Want to know how much smart lipo costs? Information on liposuction including liposuction costs, different liposuction techniques, recovery tips and much more.

samer kareem
4,779 Views · 8 months ago

Infections can cause inflammation of the brain ( encephalitis). Viruses are the most common causes of encephalitis. Infections can also cause inflammation of the layers of tissue (meninges) that cover the brain and spinal cord—called meningitis. Often, bacterial meningitis spreads to the brain, causing encephalitis.

samer kareem
4,779 Views · 8 months ago

Diabetic retinopathy involves changes to retinal blood vessels that can cause them to bleed or leak fluid, distorting vision. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss among people with diabetes and a leading cause of blindness among working-age adults.

samer kareem
4,779 Views · 8 months ago

Examination of the Eyes and Vision

samer kareem
4,779 Views · 8 months ago

Possible complications could include: Difficulty healing. Infection. Stump pain (severe pain in the remaining tissue) Phantom limb pain (a painful sensation that the foot or toe is still there) Continued spread of gangrene, requiring amputation of more areas of your foot, toes or leg. Bleeding. Nerve damage.

samer kareem
4,776 Views · 8 months ago

What are the best positions for labour? When your labour starts, you'll probably feel restless and want to move around and keep busy. Just take care that you don't get over-tired before your labour is properly under way. s your contractions get stronger, concentrate on them. Focus on what's happening to your body and your baby, and practise your breathing and relaxation exercises. Now is the time to find the positions and movements that help you to cope with your contractions. Your midwife should encourage and help you to keep moving around and find comfortable positions, preferably ones that are upright. You may think that you'll be most comfortable lying on the bed. But keeping as upright as possible will help: you to cope with your contractions you and your baby to cope better during labour You'll be able to keep moving by shifting your weight from one foot to another, or by rocking your pelvis. Some positions make it easier for your birth partner to massage your back, or breathe with you through the contractions. You could: Lean on a work surface, or on the back of a chair. Put your arms around your partner's neck or waist, and lean on him. Lean on the bed, with the height adjusted for your comfort, or on a window-sill. Kneel on a large cushion or pillow on the floor, and lean forwards on to the seat of a chair. Sit astride a chair, resting on a pillow placed across the top. Sit on the toilet, leaning forwards, or sit astride, leaning on to the cistern. Go on to all fours. Kneel on one leg, with the other leg bent..

samer kareem
4,771 Views · 8 months ago

Reactive arthritis can affect the heels, toes, fingers, low back, and joints, especially of the knees or ankles. Though it often goes away on its own, reactive arthritis can be prolonged and severe enough to require seeing a specialist. Effective treatment is available for reactive arthritis. Reactive arthritis tends to occur most often in men between ages 20 and 50. Most cases of reactive arthritis appear as a short episode. Occasionally, it becomes chronic. Reactive arthritis is a painful form of inflammatory arthritis (joint disease due to inflammation). It occurs in reaction to an infection by certain bacteria. Most often, these bacteria are in the genitals (Chlamydia trachomatis) or the bowel (Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella and Yersinia). Chlamydia most often transmits by sex. It often has no symptoms, but can cause a pus-like or watery discharge from the genitals. The bowel bacteria can cause diarrhea. If you develop arthritis within one month of diarrhea or a genital infection – especially with a discharge – see a health care provider. You may have reactive arthritis. - See more at:

samer kareem
4,770 Views · 8 months ago

An ectopic pregnancy results when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. Unfortunately, there's no way to transplant an ectopic pregnancy into your uterus, so ending the pregnancy is the only option. About 2 percent of pregnancies are ectopic. Because ectopic pregnancy is potentially dangerous for you, it's important to recognize the early signs and get treatment as soon as possible.

samer kareem
4,765 Views · 8 months ago

Nelson syndrome refers to a spectrum of symptoms and signs arising from an adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)–secreting pituitary macroadenoma after a therapeutic bilateral adrenalectomy. The spectrum of clinical features observed relates to the local effects of the tumor on surrounding structures, the secondary loss of other pituitary hormones, and the effects of the high serum concentrations of ACTH on the skin. [1] The first case was reported by Nelson et al in 1958. [2]

samer kareem
4,764 Views · 8 months ago

Fungal infections in bone marrow transplant patients. PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Invasive fungal infections have become the leading infectious cause of death in recipients of hematopoietic cell transplantation. Several factors have led to a renaissance in the study of invasive fungal infections.

samer kareem
4,760 Views · 8 months ago

Almost all the cells in your body were produced by mitosis. The only exception is sperm or eggs which are produced by a different type of cell division called meiosis. During fertilization the sperm and egg unite to form a single cell called the zygote which contains chromosomes from both the sperm and egg.

samer kareem
4,759 Views · 8 months ago

An anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa) that lines the anus. An anal fissure may occur when you pass hard or large stools during a bowel movement. Anal fissures typically cause pain and bleeding with bowel movements. You also may experience spasms in the ring of muscle at the end of your anus (anal sphincter). Anal fissures are very common in young infants but can affect people of any age. Most anal fissures get better with simple treatments, such as increased fiber intake or sitz baths. Some people with anal fissures may need medication or, occasionally, surgery.

samer kareem
4,749 Views · 8 months ago

Here's Why Your Skin Doesn't Rip Easily

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