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Mohamed Ibrahim
42,172 Views ยท 8 months ago

Level of consciousness, cranial nerves, muscle strength and tone, reflexes, cerebellar functions, gait, sensations...

Mohamed Ibrahim
42,054 Views ยท 8 months ago

This request usually follows orbit examination of a patient with thyroid eye disease. The aim is to look for signs of hyperthyroidism and less commonly hypothyroidism.

samer kareem
42,039 Views ยท 8 months ago

Gynecology 3D Animation

samer kareem
42,019 Views ยท 8 months ago

The Nurse Job is very hard

41,924 Views ยท 8 months ago

Anterior vaginal wall relaxation (cystocele) is one of the most commonly diagnosed forms of pelvic organ prolapse in women. More than 200,000 cystocele repairs are completed yearly, however to date the procedures that are completed do not provide very high cure rates and/or poor anatomic outcomes. Successful treatment of anterior vaginal wall prolapse remains one of the most challenging aspects of pelvic reconstructive surgery we face. We have developed very goodย procedures that provide excellent support for the posterior wall (ie rectoceles) and the apex of the vagina (ie vaginal vault prolapse) and reproduce normal anatomy. We were one of the first centers in the country to utilize grafts in rectocele repairs and have seen improved cure rates to over 90% with minimal complications.ย It has been known for many years that abdominal sacralcolpopexy with placement of a mesh graft at the top of the vagina for vaginal vault prolapse is the most successful procedure in the literature. We have made advancements with this procedure as well in being able to offer our patients a laparoscopic minimally invasive approach for sacralcolpopexy, with the same excellent cure rates (>92%) and with hospital stays typically less than 24 hours and reduced complications. However the anterior wall has been one of the most difficult compartments in the vagina to get good anatomic results and high cure rates with traditional repairs and at the same time not cause sexual dysfunction, pain with intercourse, voiding dysfunction (ie incontinence or urgency/frequency syndrome), or a shortened or scarred down vagina.ย The transobturator approach was developed as a less invasive way to place an anterior wall graft (see below) however this still involved blind needle passes and the graft did not support the apex of the vagina, therefore the search for improvements in these procedures is ongoing.

samer kareem
41,917 Views ยท 8 months ago

Autologous arteriovenous access is the key to long-term success with hemodialysis and is strongly supported by the National Kidney Foundation's Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative guidelines. Basilic vein transposition (BVT) fulfills the need for a durable conduit with high patency and maturation rates. This retrospective review examines a single group's experience with this procedure. All patients undergoing BVT for hemodialysis with available follow-up data were reviewed. Telephone interviews were used to supplement clinical data where needed. Functional assisted patency was used as the end point for this procedure, and if the access was never used for dialysis, then the patency was considered zero. Secondary interventions performed while the access remained patent and in use were not considered detrimental to the patency reported. One hundred seventy BVTs in 162 patients were performed between November 1992 and October 2001. There were 87 women (53.7%) and 112 black patients (69.1%); hypertension was present in 138 patients (85.2%) and diabetes in 89 patients (54.9%). Each year, an increasing incidence of BVT was performed in our dialysis population. The BVT was performed as the first access in that extremity in 73 of the procedures (42.9%). Functional patency (primary assisted) was achieved in 40.0% at 2 years and 15.2% at 5 years. The mean assisted patency was 14.6 months. To maintain BVT patency, 40 percutaneous secondary interventions (69.0%) and 18 surgical revisions (31.0%) occurred in 32 patients (19.0%). Ligation for swelling was necessary in 4 patients (2.5%), and steal syndrome occurred in 3 patients (1.9%). BVT is a useful autologous procedure for hemodialysis and the preferred access alternative in patients without an adequate cephalic vein. Although patencies remain poor relative to other conventional arterial vascular procedures, BVT is our most durable hemodialysis access procedure and is often the only available autologous conduit for hemodialysis.

41,781 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video for a Boy Returns from the Beach with a Snail Inside His Knee

Mohamed Ibrahim
41,761 Views ยท 8 months ago

Vaginal Hysterectomy Procedure of a 42 years old female patient with a 3 months history of symptomatic vaginal bulge

41,752 Views ยท 8 months ago


41,673 Views ยท 8 months ago

Examination of the heart

samer kareem
41,637 Views ยท 8 months ago

When you get a kidney transplant, a healthy kidney is placed inside your body to do the work your own kidneys can no longer do. On the plus side, there are fewer limits on what you can eat and drink, but you should follow a heart-healthy diet. Your health and energy should improve. In fact, a successful kidney transplant may allow you to live the kind of life you were living before you got kidney disease. Studies show that people with kidney transplants live longer than those who remain on dialysis. On the minus side, there are the risks of surgery. You will also need to take anti-rejection medicines for as long as your new kidney is working, which can have side effects. You will have a higher risk for infections and certain types of cancer.

41,511 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video for Removing Steel Pipe Penetrated Man's Head

41,502 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video to know Medical Hazards and Risks of Anal Intercourse

samer kareem
41,425 Views ยท 8 months ago

Breast augmentation surgery involves using breast implants or fat, referred to as fat transfer breast augmentation, to increase the size of your breasts or restore breast volume that has been lost after weight reduction or pregnancy. Breast augmentation is clinically referred to as augmentation mammaplasty. Breast augmentation can: Increase fullness and projection of your breasts Improve the balance of your figure Enhance your self-image and self-confidence Breast implants may also be used for breast reconstruction after mastectomy or injury.

samer kareem
41,339 Views ยท 8 months ago

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is very common and can affect people of any age. It affects men and women equally. It is a common cause of sudden cardiac arrest in young people, including young athletes. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy occurs if heart muscle cells enlarge and cause the walls of the ventricles (usually the left ventricle) to thicken. The ventricle size often remains normal, but the thickening may block blood flow out of the ventricle. If this happens, the condition is called obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Sometimes the septum, the wall that divides the left and right sides of the heart, thickens and bulges into the left ventricle. This can block blood flow out of the left ventricle. Then the ventricle must work hard to pump blood. Symptoms can include chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, or fainting. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy also can affect the heart's mitral valve, causing blood to leak backward through the valve. Sometimes, the thickened heart muscle doesn't block blood flow out of the left ventricle. This is referred to as non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The entire ventricle may thicken, or the thickening may happen only at the bottom of the heart. The right ventricle also may be affected. In both obstructive and non-obstructive HCM, the thickened muscle makes the inside of the left ventricle smaller, so it holds less blood. The walls of the ventricle may stiffen, and as a result, the ventricle is less able to relax and fill with blood.

41,307 Views ยท 8 months ago

A new and safer method of inserting a Foley catheter suprapubically. The technique allows the insertion to be carried out in an Outpatient setting, thus saving time, cost and effort. By using the Seldinger technique, the product reduces the chances of bowel or bladder perforation and resultant morbidity.
The product has been chosen by The NHS National Technology Adoption Centre to help facilitate adoption of the product.
See for more information

41,281 Views ยท 8 months ago

Trichomonas is best seen on the Normal Saline slide.These protozoans are about the same size as a white blood cell (a little smaller than a vaginal epithelial cell), but their violent motion is striking and unmistakable.

41,278 Views ยท 8 months ago

Modern technique of thyroidectomy for tumors

Dr.Neelesh Bhandari
41,228 Views ยท 8 months ago

Medical Animations from India

41,221 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video of a Man Impaled by Shovel in His Butt

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