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8,402 Views ยท 8 months ago

Stop suffering alone and get relief from vaginal atrophy symptoms

12,072 Views ยท 8 months ago

Get the facts and fight back against Dry Eye disease.

5,727 Views ยท 8 months ago

Taking the guesswork out of insulin management with new advancements.

11,385 Views ยท 8 months ago

Binding and Fusion: HIV begins its life cycle
when it binds to a CD4 receptor and one of two
co-receptors on the surface of a CD4+
Tlymphocyte. The virus then fuses with the host
cell. After fusion, the virus releases RNA, its
genetic material, into the host cell.

Reverse Transcription: An HIV enzyme
called reverse transcriptase converts the singlestranded HIV RNA to double-stranded HIV DNA.

Integration: The newly formed HIV DNA
enters the host cell's nucleus, where an HIV
enzyme called integrase "hides" the HIV DNA
within the host cell's own DNA. The integrated
HIV DNA is called provirus. The provirus may
remain inactive for several years, producing few or
no new copies of HIV

Transcription: When the host cell receives a
signal to become active, the provirus uses a host
enzyme called RNA polymerase to create copies of
the HIV genomic material, as well as shorter
strands of RNA called messenger RNA (mRNA).
The mRNA is used as a blueprint to make long
chains of HIV proteins.

Assembly: An HIV enzyme called protease cuts
the long chains of HIV proteins into smaller
individual proteins. As the smaller HIV proteins
come together with copies of HIV's RNA genetic
material, a new virus particle is assembled.

Budding: The newly assembled virus pushes out
("buds") from the host cell. During budding, the new
virus steals part of the cell's outer envelope. This
envelope, which acts as a covering, is studded with
protein/sugar combinations called HIV
glycoproteins. These HIV glycoproteins are
necessary for the virus to bind CD4 and coreceptors. The new copies of HIV can now move
on to infect other cells.

6,003 Views ยท 8 months ago

How to diagnose digital ulceration in out patient clinic. part II

6,708 Views ยท 8 months ago

Dermatologist in New Orleans, Dr. Lupo, talks in a television interviews about Dermatology.

77,099 Views ยท 8 months ago

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to a part of your heart is blocked for a long enough time that part of the heart muscle is damaged or dies. The medical term for this is myocardial infarction.

3,786 Views ยท 8 months ago

Learn about the exciting results Baptist Healthcare System is experiencing with McKesson enterprise intelligence solutions in this video testimonial.

10,319 Views ยท 8 months ago

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach. It releases the hormones, insulin and glucagon, as well as digestive enzymes that help you digest and absorb food.

9,283 Views ยท 8 months ago

Marfan syndrome is a disorder of connective tissue, the tissue that strengthens the body's structures. Disorders of connective tissue affect the skeletal system, cardiovascular system, eyes, and skin.

5,747 Views ยท 8 months ago

The purpose of an ELISA is to determine if a particular protein is present in a sample and if so, how much. There are two main variations on this method: you can determine how much antibody is in a sample, or you can determine how much protein is bound by an antibody. The distinction is whether you are trying to quantify an antibody or some other protein. In this example, we will use an ELISA to determine how much of a particular antibody is present in an individuals blood.

ELISAs are performed in 96-well plates which permits high throughput results. The bottom of each well is coated with a protein to which will bind the antibody you want to measure. Whole blood is allowed to clot and the cells are centrifuged out to obtain the clear serum with antibodies (called primary antibodies). The serum is incubated in a well, and each well contains a different serum (see figure below). A positive control serum and a negative control serum would be included among the 96 samples being tested.

18,289 Views ยท 8 months ago

Holoprosencephaly (HPE, once known as arhinencephaly) is a cephalic disorder in which the prosencephalon (the forebrain of the embryo) fails to develop into two hemispheres. Normally, the forebrain is formed and the face begins to develop in the fifth and sixth weeks of human pregnancy. The condition also occurs in other species, as with Cy, the Cyclops kitten.

18,524 Views ยท 8 months ago

Infrared Vein Finder

4,184 Views ยท 8 months ago

Having trouble achieving a good nightโ€™s sleep? A few easy tips for your daily routine can help you get the rest you need.

1,171 Views ยท 8 months ago
New York Plastic Surgeon Dr. Carlin Vickery explains what goes into choosing a plastic surgery location, as well as what brought her to starting 5th Avenue Millenium Aesthetic Surgery in New York City.

3,941 Views ยท 8 months ago

A paralyzed teenager will make the first kick at the 2014 World Cup before the opening match between Brazil v. Croatia. The exoskeleton, which is enabling the paralyzed teen to walk and kick a soccer ball, has been designed by Duke University supported by the Walk Again Project. This monumental step in technology will make for a very exciting first kick, and let's not forget that this teenager will be walking when prior knowledge told us that was impossible. What are your thoughts on the opening kick?

3,399 Views ยท 8 months ago

Toilet Training Boys, Training Potty, Best Way To Potty Train, What Age Do You Potty Train

Wanna have some fun imagining life without diapers?

Imagine if your child would disappear on their own
one minute and all of a sudden the next minute you
hear the toilet flush and the sink start to run.

Can you imagine it?

Life becomes so much easier the second your child
becomes potty trained and you start to wonder why
you didn't just get it over with sooner...

Would you start potty training right this weekend
if I handed you a guide that guaranteed to get your
child out of diapers in just 3 days?

Click the link below to check it out

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Toilet Training Boys, Training Potty, Best Way To Potty Train, What Age Do You Potty Train,
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potty training at 18 months,
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how to potty train your baby,

2,781 Views ยท 8 months ago

Testosterone Booster, How To Get Testosterone, How To Improve Testosterone, Male Hormones

Do This And Get Instantly Bigger Testicles

Today we're going to talk about the Stop And Go Method.
This tip is fun and easy to implement.

And your girl will absolutely love it Trust me on this
Here's the technique in a nutshell:

When doing the deed with your partner, take yourself just to the point of climax.
Then withdraw.

But don't just lay there while you wait for the peak to subside...
Kiss her, tease her, use your fingers, etc.

Watch this video and discover how to get much bigger testicles:

Subscribe to our channel
Testosterone Booster, How To Get Testosterone, How To Improve Testosterone, Male Hormones,
how do you increase girth,
testosterone natural supplements,
improving sperm motility,
testosterone booster reviews,
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how to increase my testosterone,
otc natural testosterone replacement,
testosterone increase,
are there foods that increase testosterone,
testosterone injections,
increasing testosterone naturally,
treatment for low testosterone,

3,235 Views ยท 8 months ago

Pomada Para Herpes, Como Curar Herpes, Imagenes De Herpes Labial, Como Curar Un Herpes.

Y aquรญ hay un hecho que probablemente no sabรญas:
No hay mucha diferencia con el herpes..

Si lo cubres con fรกrmacos supresores todavรญa socavas tu salud.

Incluso te puede matar por abrir las puertas para un ejรฉrcito de otras enfermedades. Por ejemplo...

Tienes de 2 a 4 veces mรกs probabilidades de contraer HIV de acuerdo a la Universidad de Washintong

ยฟY quรฉ pasa con las convulsiones e hinchazรณn del tejido de tu cerebro, que de tan malo puede hacer estallar tu crรกneo?

Lo que suena como el guiรณn de una pelรญcula de terror se llama "meningitis". Mata al 11% de sus vรญctimas

Para mas informaciรณn

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Pomada Para Herpes, Como Curar Herpes, Imagenes De Herpes Labial, Como Curar Un Herpes, causas herpes simple, fotos herpes labial, como es el herpes en la piel, como curar un herpes en la boca, forma de contagio del herpes, tratamiento natural para el herpes, herpes labial medicina, herpes bucal causas, tratamiento del herpes bucal, como curar un herpes, herpes oral causas, herpes tratamiento medico, herpes viral tratamiento, herpes boca causas, tratamiento del herpes zoster

4,176 Views ยท 8 months ago

Hipertension Arterial Pdf, Hipertension Esencial, Hipertension Pulmonar Tratamiento

Lo Que Todos Necesitan Saber Sobre La Presiรณn Arterial Alta

Si le han dicho que tiene presiรณn arterial alta, usted puede decir, "Pero me siento muy bien!" Esto se debe a que la hipertensiรณn o la presiรณn arterial alta no tiene sรญntomas visibles. Es por eso que se la describe a menudo como el "asesino silencioso". No hay achaques o limitaciones fรญsicas sรณlo porque tiene la presiรณn arterial alta. Entonces, por quรฉ siquiera preocuparse?

La hipertensiรณn afecta a uno de cada tres adultos estadounidenses, y muchas de estas personas ni siquiera saben que la tienen. Ademรกs, aquellos con presiรณn arterial alta tienen tambiรฉn un mayor riesgo de tener el colesterol alto.

Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para comprobar que funciona

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Hipertension Arterial Pdf, Hipertension Esencial, Hipertension Pulmonar Tratamiento,
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Showing 231 out of 380