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2,679 Views · 8 months ago

Comment Avoir Un Ventre Plat, Rajeuni, Rajeunir De 10 Ans En 3 Mois, Bruleur De Graisse Musculation

5 Raisons pourquoi le Cardio Long-Lent n’est PAS bon.

En passant à travers les e-mails de clients au cours des derniers jours, j'ai remarqué que beaucoup de gens font encore du cardio longue durée, à faible intensité, beurk!

Voici l'affaire: si vous cherchez à obtenir un bénéfice maximal du temps que vous mettez dans vos séances d'entraînement, le cardio de longue durée à faible intensité n'est pas la voie à suivre, et pour de nombreuses raisons.

En fait, je n’ai le temps pour faire que quelques heures d'exercice par semaine, et vous savez quoi? C'est tout ce dont vous avez besoin. En fait, la recherche a montré que plus de 90 minutes par semaine peuvent être nuisibles! (Plus d'infos ici)

Ces 5 étapes Révèlent Les Choses Que Vous Devez ABSOLUMENT ÉVITER Si Vous Voulez Ralentir Le Processus De Vieillissement, Récupérer Votre Santé Et Atteindre Un Corps Idéal.

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Comment Avoir Un Ventre Plat, Rajeuni, Rajeunir De 10 Ans En 3 Mois, Bruleur De Graisse Musculation,
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4,275 Views · 8 months ago

If you are unhappy with the shape and contours of your breast, then you are not alone. Millions of women around the world are unhappy with their breasts either because they are too small or too big, or too distorted.

3,771 Views · 8 months ago

Come Alzare Il Colesterolo Buono, Colesterolo Hdl, Abbassare Il Colesterolo

senza prendere farmaci!

Il colesterolo è una sostanza molle, cerosa che si trova in tutte le cellule del tuo corpo. Il tuo corpo ha bisogno del colesterolo per funzionare correttamente. Il tuo corpo utilizza il colesterolo per tenere insieme le cellule. Inoltre il tuo corpo usa il colesterolo per creare gli ormoni, la vitamina D, e sostanze che aiutano a digerire gli alimenti.

Tuttavia, se troppo colesterolo entra nel sangue può causare problemi. Questo è noto come il colesterolo alto.

Se hai il colesterolo alto, e non fai nulla per abbassarlo, sarai ad un maggior rischio di gravi problemi di salute, come ad esempio un attacco di cuore o ictus. Pertanto, l'abbassamento del colesterolo è una questione importante per la salute generale di tutti.

Per saperne di più su come si può seguire un piano scientificamente provato per sconfiggere il colesterolo, visita il sito:

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Mohamed Ibrahim
822 Views · 8 months ago

Mitral Valve Repair video

Matt Hammett
3,731 Views · 8 months ago

Why chiropractic us crucial to your health

Steven James
4,479 Views · 8 months ago Having trouble urinating in the presence of others? Is a friend or family member struggling with this problem? The following article offers some insight into this social anxiety disorder.
What is Shy Bladder Syndrome?
shy or bashful bladder syndrome, is properly titled Paruresis.It is a phobia that involves fear and avoidance of using public toilets. It should be mentioned that this form of urinary retention is not the result of a physical blockage in the body. People who suffer from paruresis have trouble urinating in the presence of others or put another way paruresis is the fear of not being able to urinate unless one is in absolute privacy.The symptoms can vary in severity . This social anxiety disorder can affect a person's quality of life in many ways. Paruretics are confronted with problems at work with a prime example being when they have to submit a urine sample for drug testing, traveling on long journeys via airplane or train to every day social situations that the rest of us take for granted.
What causes paruresis?
The cause of paruresis is hotly debated and not easily determined in some cases. It could start as a toddler in preschool, in adolescence, or even in adulthood. While not all paruretics can point to an event in their life that could have lit the fuse to their shy bladder syndrome, some look to a traumatic incident in their past including embarrassment by a parent, teasing by schoolmates or freinds and siblings, harassment in public bathrooms or even sexual abuse as the catalyst.
How common is Shy Bladder?
While definitive numbers are hard to find with regard to how many people suffer from shy bladder surveys performed over the last few decades show that the numbers could range from less than one percent to more than 25 percent of Americans. There was a study done in 1994 called the National Comorbidity Surveywhich showed that 6.6 percent (17 million people) of the populationare fearful of using the toilet away from home, although it is uncertain how many of these fears were related to the difficulties initiating urinating in public bathrooms.
Paruresis symptoms?
A common scenario for how shy bladder syndrome evolves in a person's life is as follows: After an initial unpleasant experience, the person anticipates difficulty urinating whenever entering a bathroom. After trying to make themselves overcome this fear and failing, the associated anxiety with performance reduces the individual's chances even further of the possibility of urinating in a public restroom. The sufferer then adjusts to the condition by urinating as much as possible while at home, restricting how much they drink and avoiding social events that will keep them away from home for too long.

How is Shy Bladder Syndrome treated?
It is recommended that a sufferer of paruresis should first visit a urologist to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with them.
The urologist will:
A) make sure there are no underlying physical problems.
B)Let the patient know they are not alone and that any other people suffer with the same problem
C) Offer guidance as to approaches for coping with the condition such as scheduling urination, and, for men making use of an enclosed cubicle as opposed to the urinal.
4) Discuss the possibility of self-catheterization if the patient feels that would work for them. It is a way to offer an instant way to improve their quality of life through being able to be more social.
5) Referring them out to a specialist dealing with anxiety disorders for cognitive and graduated exposure therapy.

There is new hope for sufferers of shy bladder syndrome with the "Paruresis Treatment System" which is helping people lead different and better lives.
To learn more visit:-

Ricardo Yanez
1,550 Views · 8 months ago

Evaluación de la microcirculación con SDF (Sidestream dark field) Microscan® como método de monitorización no invasiva en microcirugía.

Jamil Alkhoury
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Ruth’s testimonial on her amazing experience with cosmetic dental procedures offered by Dr Jamil Alkhoury at Brentwood Family Dental

Fairness Club
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Skin Whitening Pills in Pakistan can be bought here at a reasonable price. Glutathione whitening pills gradual and permanent skin whitening results for everyone

jan keppel hesselink
2,150 Views · 8 months ago

Neuropathic pain: often difficult to treat. Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is a very special molecule, produced in our own body, against pain and chronic inflammation. PEA is available as supplement and as cream, and as dietfood for medical purposes in Italy and Spain. It has been explored since 1957 and has a clear analgesic and anti-inflammatory efficacy, and virtually no side effects. Meanwhile within the context of clinical trials 5000 patients have been using PEA, and its efficacy and safety has been documented in more than 400 scientific papers: a website containing 400+ scientific articles on PEA in 6 different languages. The PEA datapool.

jan keppel hesselink
1,958 Views · 8 months ago

Vaginale pijn behandelen met amitriptyline creme. Vulvodynia is een groot probleem en komt (onuitgesproken) bij veel vrouwen voor. Wij hebben enkele topicale cremes ontwikkeld, waaronder een amitriptyline-palmnitoylethanolamide en een baclofen-palmitoylethanoamide creme, waar veel vrouwen veel baat bij hebben.

hamidreza hosnani
3,085 Views · 8 months ago

In this educational clip, dr hosnani's rhinoplasty video is shown

hamidreza hosnani
6,885 Views · 8 months ago

After the nose surgery the patients are advised to keep their nose taped for 2 weeks to 2 months. During the first two weeks, the surgery tapes influence both swelling and forming. From the second week on however, the nose tapes are applied just to reduce the swelling.

Nimish Gupta
4,121 Views · 8 months ago

Vaser high definition liposuction is used for reducing fat in obese patients but it can be also used for lipo contouring in parts such as legs, thighs, arms and legs. The much sought-after 6 pack abs is also possible through this wonderful technique. Whether it is a small problem area or a full body transformation that you are seeking, vaser high definition liposuction works in your favor and gives you amazing results that you will be proud to flaunt.

Arthur Handal
2,999 Views · 8 months ago

Dr. Arthur Handal explains both an open and closed approach to a Rhinoplasty and which is more effective, in his opinion.

Arthur Handal
3,198 Views · 8 months ago

Dr. Arthur Handal explains the differences patients can expect when their surgeon chooses to use either a needle or a cannula to inject facial fillers.

Arthur Handal
3,063 Views · 8 months ago

Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery Boca Raton FL

David Salvador
3,731 Views · 8 months ago

Dr. Salvador pioneered the development of new liposuction techniques. In 2005, he developed Smartlipo Ultra to provide a safer and more effective treatment for removal of unwanted fat. Smartlipo Ultra was the first liposuction treatment to combine ultrasound for fat removal with laser technology to tighten skin.Dr. Salvador now focuses his cosmetic practice exclusively on SafeSculpt Laser Liposuction. He is recognized internationally as an expert on minimally invasive liposuction and tumescent anesthesia.

Umair Hayat
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Nimish Gupta
3,046 Views · 8 months ago

Introducing ARTAS in Cocoona Delhi & Dubai by Dr Sanjay Parashar - Hair Transplant Robot

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