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samer kareem
3,274 Views · 8 months ago

Bunions can be very painful. ... Bunion removal is a surgical procedure that corrects a deformed area of the foot near the big toe. Bunion removal is sometimes called a bunionectomy, bunion surgery, or hallux valgus correction. Hallux valgus is a Latin phrase that means “foot deformity

samer kareem
3,274 Views · 8 months ago

Clinical Anatomy Lecture Illustrate The Anatomy Of The Abdominal Wall

samer kareem
3,274 Views · 8 months ago

GIANT CELL TUMOR REMOVAL Plastic, Cosmetic and Reconstructive

samer kareem
3,267 Views · 8 months ago

The birth control ring — also called Nuva Ring or vaginal ring — is safe and effective. It prevents pregnancy, and can also help with cramps and other period problems. Here’s how the birth control ring works.

samer kareem
3,262 Views · 8 months ago

Amazing Medical Technology

samer kareem
3,260 Views · 8 months ago

What is this white substance coming out from my skin pores everytime I squeeze my nose or chin?

samer kareem
3,258 Views · 8 months ago

This 3D medical animation contains the discharge instructions for removal of a Foley catheter from a man. The step-by-step procedures for emptying the Foley bag and removing the Foley catheter are shown. Symptoms requiring a follow-up call to the surgeon are listed.

Arthur Handal
3,258 Views · 8 months ago 561-912-9888
Dr. Arthur G Handal M.D., F.A.C.S. Offers ORBERA™ Intragastric Balloon procedure for weight loss at Handal Plastic Surgery in Boca Raton FL

samer kareem
3,252 Views · 8 months ago

Peripheral arterial disease (P.A.D.) occurs when plaque (plak) builds up in the arteries that carry blood to your head, organs, and limbs. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, fibrous tissue, and other substances in the blood. When plaque builds up in arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis (ATH-er-o-skler-O-sis). Over time, plaque can harden and narrow the arteries. This limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body. P.A.D. usually affects the legs, but also can affect the arteries that carry blood from your heart to your head, arms, kidneys, and stomach. This article focuses on P.A.D. that affects blood flow to the legs.

samer kareem
3,249 Views · 8 months ago

samer kareem
3,245 Views · 8 months ago

Lipomas are single or multiple, benign subcutaneous tumors that are easily recognized because they are soft, rounded, or lobulated and movable against the overlying skin. Many lipomas are small but may also enlarge to 6 cm. They occur especially on the neck, trunk, and on the extremities but can occur anywhere on the body. Lipomas are composed of fat cells that have the same morphology as normal fat cells, and there is a connective tissue framework. Angiolipomas have a vascular component and may be tender in cold ambient temperature. These often require excision, whereas other lipomas should be excised only when considered disfiguring. Liposuction can also be performed when liposomas are soft and thus have only a minor connective tissue component.

samer kareem
3,238 Views · 8 months ago

People with serious comprehension difficulties have what is called Wernicke’s aphasia and: Often say many words that don’t make sense. May fail to realize they are saying the wrong words; for instance, they might call a fork a “gleeble.” May string together a series of meaningless words that sound like a sentence but don’t make sense. Have challenges because our dictionary of words is shelved in a similar region of the left hemisphere, near the area used for understanding words.

samer kareem
3,235 Views · 8 months ago

how do you know if I have a clogged duct or mastitis? You'll always have a clogged duct before you have mastitis and sometimes mastitis can be prevented if you jump on it fast enough. A clogged duct may be red, it can be a tender lump on one side or the other, just feel a little bit painful in one area when you nurse, and the best thing to do is apply warm compresses especially before nursing, massage the area from your armpit down towards the nipple, and then nurse your baby. The goal is to unclog that duct, get your baby to fully empty the breast, and hopefully it will prevent an infection. An infection or mastitis develops if the clogged duct isn't unclogged and bacteria start to harbor and grow and then you have an infection. Symptoms can be the same as a clogged duct as far as how the breasts feel. You might notice a red tender area or a lump. In addition to that you usually do have a fever or flu-like symptoms or just have generalized malaise, and fatigue, and aches. If you feel this way, call your doctor as soon as possible because it requires treatment. An antibiotic is the treatment as well as drinking lots of fluids and nursing your baby as frequently as possible. The milk that comes from the clogged duct is not harmful for your baby but sometimes it tastes a little extra salty and babies refuse it. If that's the case be sure to pump so that you're emptying your breast frequently. The more frequently you empty your breast the quicker you'll get over the infection. Also, of course, taking the antibiotics your doctor has prescribed and be sure to finish the entire course. If you have any other questions for me in the future feel free to ask them on our Facebook page at and recommend us to your friends and family too.

samer kareem
3,235 Views · 8 months ago

The journey of egg and sperm. There are a lot of casualties (deaths) among the sperm as they swim toward the egg. First, many get lost in the maze of a woman's uterus where they also have to contend with acidic vaginal secretions.

3,235 Views · 8 months ago

Pomada Para Herpes, Como Curar Herpes, Imagenes De Herpes Labial, Como Curar Un Herpes.

Y aquí hay un hecho que probablemente no sabías:
No hay mucha diferencia con el herpes..

Si lo cubres con fármacos supresores todavía socavas tu salud.

Incluso te puede matar por abrir las puertas para un ejército de otras enfermedades. Por ejemplo...

Tienes de 2 a 4 veces más probabilidades de contraer HIV de acuerdo a la Universidad de Washintong

¿Y qué pasa con las convulsiones e hinchazón del tejido de tu cerebro, que de tan malo puede hacer estallar tu cráneo?

Lo que suena como el guión de una película de terror se llama "meningitis". Mata al 11% de sus víctimas

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Pomada Para Herpes, Como Curar Herpes, Imagenes De Herpes Labial, Como Curar Un Herpes, causas herpes simple, fotos herpes labial, como es el herpes en la piel, como curar un herpes en la boca, forma de contagio del herpes, tratamiento natural para el herpes, herpes labial medicina, herpes bucal causas, tratamiento del herpes bucal, como curar un herpes, herpes oral causas, herpes tratamiento medico, herpes viral tratamiento, herpes boca causas, tratamiento del herpes zoster

Nigel Brown
3,232 Views · 8 months ago

The video is about taking care of your plaster cast and the after care. What you should do if you have a problem. Your questions answered.

Sean Freeman
3,232 Views · 8 months ago

Best facial cosmetic surgeons B

3,226 Views · 8 months ago

How to keep those creepy crawly lice from pestering your family’s scalps– tips on prevention and removal.

Kevin Bradley
3,225 Views · 8 months ago

Premature Ejaculation is an uncontrolled discharge of semen either before or shortly after the penile penetration during sexual intercourse. It leads to unsatisfactory sexual experience for both the partners. It makes an individual anxious, which further worsens the sexual act. Common disorder faced by 6 out of 10 men at some point in their life. For More info visit :

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