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samer kareem
22,910 Views ยท 8 months ago

Suprapubic Catheterization / Cystostomy

samer kareem
3,655 Views ยท 8 months ago

Implantation of a long-lasting implant for diabetic macular edema (DME)- steroidal implants

samer kareem
6,740 Views ยท 8 months ago

This video is really sad. You can literally watch this man dying. He was shot in the chest and rushed to the emergency room. His heart has stopped beating or has arrested. As a last resort, surgeons did an extreme procedure called an open thoracotomy which is that crazy tool you see there that basically splits the ribs open and allows easy open access to the heart. They did this so they could give him a cardiac massage. A cardiac massage is when surgeons are manually trying to pump the heart after it has stopped working on its own (cardiac arrest). Unfortunately he lost so much blood from his gun shot wound and he was pronounced dead. There are cases of patients surviving after having this kind of invasive resuscitation but it is rare.

samer kareem
1,734 Views ยท 8 months ago

Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome, an extra electrical pathway between your heart's upper and lower chambers causes a rapid heartbeat. The extra pathway is present at birth and fairly rare. The episodes of fast heartbeats usually aren't life-threatening, but serious heart problems can occur. Treatment can stop or prevent episodes of fast heartbeats. A catheter-based procedure (ablation) can permanently correct the heart rhythm problems. Most people with an extra electrical pathway experience no fast heartbeat. This condition, called Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern, is discovered only by chance during a heart exam. Although WPW pattern is often harmless, doctors might recommend further evaluation before children with WPW pattern participate in high-intensity sports.

samer kareem
5,629 Views ยท 8 months ago

Gallbladder & Gallstone Removal Surgery

Melanie Trall
3,795 Views ยท 8 months ago Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms, Foot Pain Running, Foot Pain Ball Of Foot, Taping For Plantar Fasciitis Home Treatments. Knowing what the cause of the pain is and why the pain is occurring enables a person more effectively tackle home treatments and remedies for plantar fasciitis. Dedicated exercise rehabilitation is one home treatment technique that has been proven to address the deficiencies identified in the plantar fascia tissue. Determine the severity of the pain being experienced and this may provide an idea regarding the level of exercise the affected foot can accommodate at a time. It can be possible to use anti-inflammatory medications or natural nutritional substances that contain anti-inflammatory properties to relieve pain symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis. While gently exercising the affected foot or feet, it is important to avoid activity that can exacerbate the condition. This is why a person with plantar fasciitis can notice pain when resuming activity with the feet after being in a resting position for a period of time. Also, an important home treatment for plantar fasciitis is rest! The affected foot needs rest and this can help the healing process. If you would like more information Click HERE To Learn More About Plantar Fasciitis.

Christina Mack
1,365 Views ยท 8 months ago

Vardenafil is a magical medication to treat your sexual health issues like Erectile Dysfunction. It works by increasing blood flow to the male organ and helps to achieve an erection for long time. Buy effective and cheap Vardenafil tablets from the online reliable pharmacy

1,611 Views ยท 8 months ago ------ Ringing In Ears Dizziness, Can You Get Rid Of Tinnitus, Non Stop Ringing In Ear, Reduce Tinnitus Do you suddenly get up in the middle of the night hearing strange noises? Yes it can definitely be frightening, more so when you cannot find the source. Now consider for a moment that these sounds are coming from within you. Most people would be stunned to know that. Many of us do not even know that our internal organs can make sounds. Let us try to see whether you actually heard these noises or not, and if you did, where did they come from. Now before anything, let us get this straight - yes, you actually heard those noises. No, they are not a result of a creative mind that imagined things in slumber. But having said that, it is also true that there is indeed no source of the sounds you heard. So what is it? Confused? This is a classic case of tinnitus. What is tinnitus? What you experienced last night (or did you just get up from sleep and switch on the computer) is a classic case of tinnitus. This is a medical condition wherein a person hears all kinds of strange clicking, ringing, buzzing, whistling or hissing sounds within the ear. What's so worrisome about this condition for a lot of people is that, there's actually no physical source of these sounds. What makes it even worse is that, no one else seems to hear them. Frankly, these people cannot be really blamed. Naturally, if you cannot see where the sound is coming from, and if you keep hearing it, you are bound to get worried. In tinnitus, the sounds a person hears are actually perceptions. Since there's no actual source, they are often referred to as "phantom noises". Will it help you if you knew that about 8% of all people in the US suffer from tinnitus? Perhaps not, but at least now you know that you are not alone who hears these strange noises.

samer kareem
3,921 Views ยท 8 months ago

Have you ever swallowed something that wasn`t meant to be ingested?

samer kareem
1,630 Views ยท 8 months ago

Your sleeping pose can have a major impact on your slumberโ€”as well as your overall health. Poor p.m. posture could potentially cause back and neck pain, fatigue, sleep apnea, muscle cramping, impaired circulation, headaches, heartburn, tummy troubles, and even premature wrinkles

samer kareem
5,169 Views ยท 8 months ago

A grand mal seizure causes a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. It's the type of seizure most people picture when they think about seizures. A grand mal seizure โ€” also known as a generalized tonic-clonic seizure โ€” is caused by abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain. Usually, a grand mal seizure is caused by epilepsy. But sometimes, this type of seizure can be triggered by other health problems, such as extremely low blood sugar, a high fever or a stroke. Many people who have a grand mal seizure never have another one and don't need treatment. But someone who has recurrent seizures may need treatment with daily anti-seizure medications to control and prevent future grand mal seizures

1,704 Views ยท 8 months ago ----- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diet , Cures For Fatigue, Cure For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is variable and unpredictable, and the condition takes its toll on the patient physically, mentally and emotionally. A number of studies have been performed on CFS, with one particular study determining poor early management of the disorder as a primary risk factor for severe CFS. Among the medical community, there is still no consensus on the best course of action for CFS. Most doctors feel that there is no cure for this condition, and limit their treatment to managing the symptoms. There is controversy over different approaches, and main ones being: โ€ข Prescription medications โ€ข Lifestyle changes โ€ข Diet โ€ข Nutritional supplements โ€ข Graded exercise therapy โ€ข Cognitive behavioral therapy โ€ข Other alternative/complementary treatments As CFS affects the patients not only physically but also mentally and emotionally, a holistic approach needs to be taken. It is also important that the people around CFS patients understand the condition, and realize that the patient is not just "being lazy" or "constantly feeling down" - chronic fatigue syndrome IS a serious illness and has severe symptoms. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy helps individuals to interpret their symptoms, which in turn helps the patient to shape their behavior in a way to better react to the symptoms. Graded Exercise Therapy A physical therapist can help determine the best exercises for the individual. Programs will start with low levels of exercising, increasing the intensity as the individual gradually builds strength and endurance. Lifestyle Changes Lifestyle changes will also be necessary, including individuals pacing themselves, lowering stress levels, eating a well-balanced diet, engaging in regular moderate exercise, and improving sleep habits. The individualโ€™s work schedule may also need to be modified, as many individuals with CFS find maintaining their regular work schedule too draining. Diet and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment Diet is crucial in CFS, and dietary supplements may be needed. Certain foods may need to be restricted from the diet, as these may trigger or exacerbate CFS symptoms. A diet-symptom journal can help individuals to identify problem foods. In addition, a significant number of CFS cases may be caused or worsened by un-diagnosed food allergies and intolerances. Therefore, it should be a priority for every patient to check for these using a food-symptom diary and elimination diet, especially if in addition to fatigue you experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach cramps, constipation, or diarrhea. Prescriptions and Medications Depression is often associated with CFS. Antidepressants may be prescribed to treat depression, which in turn will help individuals to cope with CFS-related problems. Studies also show antidepressants administered in low doses may help to relieve pain and improve sleep. Prescription sleep aids may also be prescribed to help individuals improve their sleep. Other drugs that may be prescribed include antiviral drugs, ADD/ADHD medications and anti-anxiety drugs. Alternative/Alternative Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment While the usefulness of alternative/complementary therapy may still be controversial in the scientific community, many patients experience tremendous benefits from these. Main ones include:

Ayman Kamol
2,091 Views ยท 8 months ago

wearable dialysis - and we expect to begin clinical trials in 2018 see more

samer kareem
5,055 Views ยท 8 months ago

Bone tumors include abnormal healing of an injury, inherited conditions, radiation therapy. It can also be caused by bone cancer or another cancer that has spread to the bone from other parts of the body. A bone tumor may cause a painless mass. Some people have dull, aching pain. And in some cases, minor injury causes a fracture near the tumor. Treatments include surgery and radiation. Some noncancerous tumors go away without treatment

samer kareem
55,138 Views ยท 8 months ago

Ovulation is the release of eggs from the ovaries. In humans, this event occurs when the follicles rupture and release the secondary oocyte ovarian cells. After ovulation, during the luteal phase, the egg will be available to be fertilized by sperm

samer kareem
21,408 Views ยท 8 months ago

Cosmetic facial plastic surgery is surgery performed to enhance visual appearance of the facial structures and features. Common procedures include facelifts, eye lifts, rhinoplasty, chin and cheek implants, liposuction, and procedures to correct facial wrinkles.

samer kareem
2,127 Views ยท 8 months ago

Shaken baby syndrome usually occurs when a parent or caregiver severely shakes a child in frustration or anger, often because the child won't stop crying. Permanent brain damage or death may result. Symptoms include irritability, difficulty staying awake, seizures, abnormal breathing, poor eating, bruises, and vomiting. Treatment will vary depending on complications related to shaken baby syndrome. In rare instances, breathing support or surgery may be needed to stop bleeding in the brain.

samer kareem
7,325 Views ยท 8 months ago

Male To Female Gender Reassignment Surgery

samer kareem
4,975 Views ยท 8 months ago

Treatment of inflamed atheroma

26,245 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video of The Worst Fingers Infections Ever

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