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samer kareem
2,567 Views ยท 8 months ago

An abscess is a collection of pus. Pus is a thick fluid that usually contains white blood cells, dead tissue and germs (bacteria). The usual cause of an abscess is an infection with bacteria. Certain bacteria are more likely to be 'pus-forming' as they make chemicals (toxins) that can damage the body's tissues.

samer kareem
2,558 Views ยท 8 months ago

This video: Polycythemia vera (pol-e-sigh-THEE-me-uh VEER-uh) is a slow-growing type of blood cancer in which your bone marrow makes too many red blood cells. Polycythemia vera may also result in production of too many of the other types of blood cells โ€” white blood cells and platelets. These excess cells thicken your blood and cause complications, such as such as a risk of blood clots or bleeding. Polycythemia vera isn't common. It usually develops slowly, and you may have it for years without noticing signs or symptoms. Often, polycythemia vera is found during a blood test done for some other reason. Without treatment, polycythemia vera can be life-threatening. However, with proper medical care, many people experience few problems related to this disease. Over time, there's a risk of progressing to more-serious blood cancers, such as myelofibrosis or acute leukemia.

samer kareem
2,554 Views ยท 8 months ago

Epidural hematoma (EDH) is a traumatic accumulation of blood between the inner table of the skull and the stripped-off dural membrane. EDH results from traumatic head injury, usually with an associated skull fracture and arterial laceration.The inciting event often is a focused blow to the head, such as that produced by a hammer or baseball bat. In 85-95% of patients, this type of trauma results in an overlying fracture of the skull. Blood vessels in close proximity to the fracture are the sources of the hemorrhage in the formation of an epidural hematoma. Because the underlying brain has usually been minimally injured, prognosis is excellent if treated aggressively. Outcome from surgical decompression and repair is related directly to patient's preoperative neurologic condition. [1]

samer kareem
2,550 Views ยท 8 months ago

Yeast Infection Symptoms in Women and Men - Causes, Signs, photos, Pictures of Candidiasis Fungus

samer kareem
2,548 Views ยท 8 months ago

S-ICD leaves the heart and vasculature untouched. It may be implanted using only anatomical landmarks, thereby eliminating the need for fluoroscopy during implant and therefore reducing radiation exposure for both patients and physicians and eliminating the need for lead apron during implant.

samer kareem
2,547 Views ยท 8 months ago

Although most women have had enough experience to know how to pleasure a man in the bedroom, but you can be sure that are several girls who would be virgins when you first take them to bed. Though most Indian men actually prefer to make love with a virgin. There are also numerous men who dislike the idea due to the pressure of making love to someone with no experience. So if you happen to be dating a virgin then there are a few important things that you should always keep in mind when you take her to bed. Though you have made love to different women before, you need to understand that this one being a virgin will know little or nothing about what is expected of her in bed. Because she will be anxious and nervous, you have to be all the more careful to ensure that she gets to enjoy her first time with you. Kiss her Whether you are doing it with a virgin or someone with a record that would put Pam Anderson to shame, you should take your time to make love to her just with your lips. Use your lips with passion, and kiss her parts that other guys tend to ignore. Kiss her lips, her hips, her shoulders, her hands, nuzzle her ears - parts which arenโ€™t necessary sexual. Give your girl a hand Okay this one may look straight out of a B-grade south Indian movie, but starting off with a sensual full body massage is an excellent way of warming her up. So use some nice aromatic oils like lavender or Yang-Yang to massage her body. If you are more experienced, you would be aware the various erogenous zones of a womanโ€™s body. Start with the nape of her neck and slowly work your way down to her back, gently knead her breasts and play with her nipples, gently flick at them and manipulate them to erection. Get her to lie on her stomach and massage her inner thighs. Lovingly caress her buttocks and move your hands close to her valley of pleasure. She might be too shy to tell you, but her ultimate pleasure point would be dying for your attention. Gently, stroke her outer lips or the labia. Whatever, apprehensions or fears she may have had about sex will all disappear once your finger start creating magic in her nether regions. Never criticise her Remember, she has never felt a manโ€™s body before, which essentially means that when she tries to explore your body you may not necessarily enjoy it. So let her hold your penis and fondle it, let her lick and nibble you and tickle you body. You may not find her amateurish attentions very arousing but donโ€™t make her feel like an amateur in bed. If she does something right let her know how much you are enjoying it. Guide her fingers to your pleasure points and tell her what you would like a girl to do in bed. Being the more experienced partner you should be like her loving mentor, and teach her the intricacies of pleasuring a man. Make her touch herself While she may or may not have masturbated before, by getting her to touch herself you would be able to make her feel the unknown. Tell her how badly you want to see her masturbate. The idea is open her to own sexuality. Its time to penetrate When you think that she is finally ready to be penetrated, enter her as gently as possible. Also make sure that she is producing enough lubrication to facilitate the act. Keep your strokes slow and shallow and avoid pushing too deep during your first few strokes. If you are able to make her feel comfortable and safe, any pain that she may experience in the beginning will soon disappear, and be replaced by moans of ecstasy. The first time can be nerve racking for most men. Just remember how nervous you were when you had sex for the first time. So when your take your virginal girlfriend to bed for first time makes the experience as pleasurable for her as possible.

samer kareem
2,542 Views ยท 8 months ago

Medulloblastoma is a fast-growing, high-grade tumor. It is the most common of the embryonal tumorsโ€”tumors that arise from โ€œemybryonalโ€ or โ€œimmatureโ€ cells at the earliest stage of their development. The most common symptoms of medulloblastoma include behavioral changes, changes in appetite, symptoms of increased pressure on the brain (eg, headache, nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness, as well as problems with coordination). Unusual eye movements may also occur. Like many tumor types, the exact cause of medulloblastoma is not known. However, scientists are making significant strides in understanding its biology. Changes have been identified in genes and chromosomes (the cellโ€™s DNA blueprints) that may play a role in the development of this tumor. There are also a few rare, genetic health syndromes that are associated with increased risk for developing this tumor.

samer kareem
2,540 Views ยท 8 months ago

samer kareem
2,538 Views ยท 8 months ago

Oral and maxillofacial surgery specializes in treating many diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region. It is an internationally recognized surgical specialty

marin vinasco
2,538 Views ยท 8 months ago

Flecken Auf Der Haut, Braune Flecken Auf Der Haut Pilz, Homรถopathie Bei Pigmentflecken--- --- Vitiligo Heilung fรผr weiรŸ gefleckte Haut, Zuerst treten die weiรŸen Flecken punktuell auf, schlieรŸlich verbreiten sie sich รผber den ganzen Kรถrper: Die WeiรŸfleckenkrankheit ist belastend โ€“ und jetzt heilbar. Das Hautleiden ist weder gefรคhrlich noch ansteckend โ€“ aber psychisch sehr belastend. Viele Betroffene trauen sich nicht mehr, in รถffentliche Bรคder zu gehen oder kurze Kleidung zu tragen. Schรคtzungen zufolge leiden bis zu zwei Prozent der Weltbevรถlkerung unter Vitiligo (โ€žScheckhautโ€œ). Statistisch gesehen sind die Hautpartien an Unterarmen, Handgelenken, Hรคnden, Fingern, Ellbogen, FรผรŸen und Genitalien am hรคufigsten betroffen. Die genauen Ursachen sind nicht bekannt. Wissenschaftler vermuten, dass Stress die Pigmentstรถrung auslรถsen kann. Klar ist aber, dass die Hautzellen einen zu hohen Anteil an Wasserstoffperoxid aufweisen. Es verhindert die Bildung des Hautfarbstoffs Melanin. Zudem ist bei den Betroffenen das Enzym Katalase beschรคdigt, das normalerweise den Abbau von Wasserstoffperoxid steuert. Die bessere Behandlungswahl bei Vitiligo Ein weitaus effektiverer und sicherer Weg zur Behandlung von Vitiligo ist die Nutzung holistischer Methoden. Dies umfasst die Verwendung von Krรคuterextrakten - welche die weitere Ausbreitung der weiรŸen Flecken behindern - zusammen mit der Einnahme bestimmter Vitaminergรคnzungen. Die Methode stimuliert den Hautpigmentierungsprozess. Damit diese natรผrliche Therapie aber in vollstem Umfange wirken kann, muss der Patient gewillt sein, ร„nderungen in seinem Lebensstil und seinen Essgewohnheiten einzufรผhren und konsequent zu befolgen, um so den Heilungsprozess zu beschleunigen. Erfahren Sie mehr darรผber, indem Sie diese Webseite besuchen:

marin vinasco
2,537 Views ยท 8 months ago

Como Curar Boqueras, Remedio Casero Para Boqueras, Porque Se Producen Las Boqueras, Boqueras ---- --- ยฟQuรฉ Es Y Cรณmo Se Trata La Queilitis Angular? Perleche, queilosis, estomatitis, boqueras, son otras denominaciones con las que se conoce a la queilitis angular. Las comisuras de los labios presentan lesiones inflamatorias. Las grietas verticales a nivel de la piel pueden profundizarse y provocar ulceraciones, llagas, sangrados, infecciones, descamaciones, costras. Con ello, sobrevendrรกn las dificultades para hablar, para sonreรญr, para ingerir los alimentos y las bebidas. La queilitis angular no discrimina. Puede afectar tanto a los bebรฉs como a los niรฑos, a los adultos o a los ancianos. A menudo las causas derivan de una mala alimentaciรณn, carente de los nutrientes esenciales para el organismo. Tambiรฉn las deficiencias nutricionales pueden deberse a la incapacidad orgรกnica para absorber los nutrientes, como sucede con la enfermedad celรญaca. O las causas pueden provenir de estรญmulos que afectan una piel hipersensible, como ciertas alergias. O se puede producir por ciertos medicamentos. O incluso por prรณtesis dentarias mal ajustadas. Y la queilitis puede agravarse en una persona que padece micosis como la Cรกndida albicans. Lo cierto es que la boca es una zona hรบmeda, condiciรณn que dificulta la cura e incluso aumenta las manifestaciones nocivas en la piel y en la membrana que tapiza la cavidad interior de la boca. La humedad constante podrรก ser caldo de cultivo para hongos y bacterias. Como muchas afecciones, la queilitis angular suele tener su origen en una mala alimentaciรณn. La hipovitaminosis o escasa provisiรณn de vitamina A estรก considerada como posible desencadenante de la afecciรณn. Asimismo, es atribuible a la falta de minerales como el zinc, el hierro y la riboflavina (vitamina B2). Una vez que la queilitis angular estรก en proceso, la falta de nutrientes se agudiza. Sucede que a medida que la dolencia evoluciona se hace cada vez mรกs difรญcil la ingesta de alimentos y la hidrataciรณn. Recordemos que beber suficiente cantidad de agua es esencial para el organismo. ยฟQuรฉ podemos hacer YA mismo? Hoy Existe Un Novedoso Tratamiento, Totalmente Natural Y Muy Simple, Con El Que Se Puede Eliminar La Queilitis Angular O Boqueras En Tan Solo 7 Dรญas (O Menos). Este Revolucionario Sistema Ataca La Verdadera Causa De La Enfermedad Y No Solo Los Sรญntomas, Asegurando Resultados A Largo Plazo. Si Usted Desea Eliminar Para Siempre Esas Grietas Dolorosas Y La Vergรผenza Que Causa Esta Afecciรณn, Puede Conocer Este Mรฉtodo De Resultados Comprobados Haciendo Clic En El Siguiente Enlace:

marin vinasco
2,535 Views ยท 8 months ago

Como Aumentar La Libido, Aumentar Niveles De Testosterona, Como Aumentar El Deseo Masculino ---- --- ยฟSe puede tener una erecciรณn con bajos niveles de testosterona? Mi libido estรก quedando atrรกs y estoy teniendo dificultades para conseguir una erecciรณn, asรญ que estoy tratando de averiguar quรฉ estรก pasando aquรญ. La disfunciรณn erรฉctil rara vez es causada sรณlo por la deficiencia de testosterona. Por lo general es un grupo de cosas que funcionan en concierto juntos, que se alimentan entre sรญ, que conducen a la incapacidad del hombre para lograr una erecciรณn. La aterosclerosis (estrechamiento y endurecimiento de las arterias) es uno de los mayores impulsores de la disfunciรณn erรฉctil, pero estas arterias daรฑadas no aparecen de la nada. Otras cosas tienen que estar sucediendo en el cuerpo para que รฉsta aterosclerosis pase, y como estamos a punto de ver, estas otras cosas contribuyen al problema tambiรฉn. Asรญ que vamos a repasar esta listaโ€ฆ Nivel de azรบcar alto โ€“ baja testosterona y disfunciรณn erรฉctil La azรบcar elevada en la sangre es un arma de doble filo, porque los hombres que sufren de esta condiciรณn son mucho mรกs propensos a ser afectados por la disfunciรณn erรฉctil y la testosterona baja. Una Investigaciรณn de John Hopkins encontrรณ que las ratas diabรฉticas presentaron una respuesta erรฉctil 30% inferior, sus erecciones fueron como mรกximo 40% mรกs pequeรฑas y las erecciones tomaron 70% mรกs tiempo para lograrse en comparaciรณn con los controles que no eran diabรฉticos. Otros estudios han confirmado que los hombres con diabetes tipo 2 son dos veces mรกs propensos a sufrir de disfunciรณn erรฉctil, y la condiciรณn les golpearรก una dรฉcada antes, en comparaciรณn con los hombres sin tipo 2. Este vรญnculo es tan fuerte porque el azรบcar en la sangre hace un daรฑo directo a las arterias cuando se tiene demasiado de รฉl, y las arterias en el pene suelen ser afectados en primer lugar, porque son muy pequeรฑas y estrechas. Por lo tanto, tiene todo el sentido que รฉstas pueden daรฑarse primero. El ejercicio que baja la testosterona haga click aqui

samer kareem
2,534 Views ยท 8 months ago

In lumbar stenosis, the spinal nerve roots in the lower back become compressed and this can produce symptoms of sciaticaโ€”tingling, weakness or numbness that radiates from the low back and into the buttocks and legsโ€”especially with activity. Lumbar spinal stenosis often mimics symptoms of vascular insufficiency. Both conditions can cause claudication, which means leg pain with walking. If vascular studies identify normal blood flow, and there is confirmation of spinal stenosis on diagnostic testing, the symptoms are then called neurogenic claudication. In the classic description, people with spinal stenosis will describe an onset of leg pain, or weakness with walking, but with relief of symptoms with sitting. Many will also describe increased tolerance to walking when flexed forward, such as when walking while leaning forward on a shopping cart.

samer kareem
2,534 Views ยท 8 months ago

Insulin is a hormone made naturally in the pancreas that helps move sugar into the cells of your body. Your cells use the sugar as fuel to make energy. Without enough insulin, sugar stays in your bloodstream, raising your blood sugar. High blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, can lead to the signs and symptoms of diabetes:

Dr Ajaya Kashyap
2,530 Views ยท 8 months ago

Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery. one of the most common cosmetic plastic surgery done world wide. Central part of face including forehead , nose and peri oral area ( lips and adjacent area) gives our face a unique feature. Nose, Being the most projected part of face is noticed first when one sees our face. #nosejob #nosereshaping #nosetip #nosesurgery #rhinoplasty #rhinoplastysurgery #cost #price Get more Get more

samer kareem
2,528 Views ยท 8 months ago

Spinal stenosis can put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves within the spine. It commonly occurs in the neck and lower back. The condition is often caused by age-related wear and tear. Symptoms, if they occur, include pain, numbness, muscle weakness, and impaired bladder or bowel control. Treatment includes medication, physical therapy, and possibly surgery

2,527 Views ยท 8 months ago Nervo Sciatico, Accavallamento Nervi, Lombosciatalgia Sintomi E Cure, Dolore Coscia, Sciatica. Come curare la sciatica a casa Se hai avuto abbastanza sciatalgia a dirigere la tua vita, non disperare! ti mostrerรฒ tre dei piรน comuni trattamenti casalinghi per la sciatica, e come usarli per ridurre il dolore in modo rapido. La parte migliore di questi trattamenti รจ che possono curare la sciatica, e non solo coprire il dolore. Quindi, cominciamo... 1. Programma di esercizi a casa I programmi di esercizio sono una componente importante di qualsiasi piano di trattamento della sciatica. Con l'allungamento e il rafforzamento di parti del corpo che possono causare l'irritazione del nervo sciatico, รจ possibile ridurre il dolore e accelerare il recupero. Gli esercizi piรน efficaci dipendono dalla ragione di fondo per cui soffri di sciatica. La sciatica causata da un'ernia del disco, per esempio, non viene trattata con gli stessi esercizi della sciatica causata da stenosi spinale. รˆ anche importante mantenere il corpo rilassato, per consentirgli di guarire. Un modo grandioso per farlo, senza aggravare la tua condizione, รจ camminare a ritmo sostenuto. Altre attivitร  leggere possono avere un effetto simile, ma se qualcosa fa male รจ necessario fermarsi immediatamente. Suggerimento gratuito: รจ essenziale che non ci si riduca a letto a causa del dolore. Stare sdraiati a letto per piรน di due giorni ha dimostrato peggiorare la sciatica, perchรฉ i muscoli si irrigidiscono e si indeboliscono. 2. Bilancia la tua dieta Curare la sciatica in modo permanente, spesso significa trattare piรน che la semplice causa fisica. Per impedire che il dolore si ripresenti, dovrai anche migliorare la tua dieta. Uno dei modi piรน semplici per ridurre il dolore associato con sciatica รจ quello di bere piรน acqua. Quando si รจ disidratati, parti della colonna vertebrale si sgonfiano. Questo puรฒ causare ulteriore pressione sul nervo sciatico. Se possibile, si dovrebbe anche cercare di evitare alimenti infiammatori. Gli alimenti infiammatori sono troppi, per elencarli in questo articolo, ma qualsiasi alimento dotato di elevato contenuto di zucchero puรฒ, potenzialmente, portare a infiammazione e ad aumento del dolore. 3. Rimedi casalinghi I rimedi casalinghi possono fare una grande differenza per tua sciatalgia, spesso in tempi relativamente brevi. La cosa grandiosa dei rimedi casalinghi รจ che non richiedono prescrizione o ingredienti costosi. Uno dei piรน semplici rimedi casalinghi sono le noccioline. Questo perchรฉ le arachidi contengono un sacco di magnesio, che รจ cruciale per consentire muscoli di rilassarsi.

Alicia Berger
2,524 Views ยท 8 months ago

Rare condition disorder known as Diprosopus, also known as craniofacial duplication. Diprosopus is a congenital defect also known as craniofacial duplication. The exact description of diprosopus refers to a fetus with a single trunk, normal limbs, and facial features that are duplicated to a certain degree. A less severe instance is when the fetus has a duplicated nose and the eyes are spaced far apart. In the most extreme instances, the entire face is duplicated, hence the name diprosopus, which is Greek for two-faced. Fetuses with diprosopus often also lack brains (anencephaly), have neural tube defects, or heart malformations. In some cases, if the brain is formed, it may have duplicated structures. Most infants with diprosopus are stillborn and there are fewer than fifty cases documented since 1864.

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