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samer kareem
2,405 Views ยท 8 months ago

Alagille syndrome (AS) is an autosomal dominant disorder (OMIM 118450) associated with abnormalities of the liver, heart, skeleton, eye, and kidneys and a characteristic facial appearance. In 1973, Watson and Miller reported 9 cases of neonatal liver disease with familial pulmonary valvular stenosis.

samer kareem
2,404 Views ยท 8 months ago

Hepatitis and chronic alcohol abuse are frequent causes. Liver damage caused by cirrhosis can't be undone, but further damage can be limited. Initially patients may experience fatigue, weakness, and weight loss. During later stages, patients may develop jaundice (yellowing of the skin), gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal swelling, and confusion. Treatments focus on the underlying cause. In advanced cases, a liver transplant may be needed.

samer kareem
2,404 Views ยท 8 months ago

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) occurs when fluid builds up in the tiny, elastic air sacs (alveoli) in your lungs. More fluid in your lungs means less oxygen can reach your bloodstream. This deprives your organs of the oxygen they need to function. ARDS typically occurs in people who are already critically ill or who have significant injuries. Severe shortness of breath โ€” the main symptom of ARDS โ€” usually develops within a few hours to a few days after the original disease or trauma. Many people who develop ARDS don't survive. The risk of death increases with age and severity of illness. Of the people who do survive ARDS, some recover completely while others experience lasting damage to their lungs.

samer kareem
2,401 Views ยท 8 months ago

ICDs are useful in preventing sudden death in patients with known, sustained ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation. Studies have shown ICDs to have a role in preventing cardiac arrest in high-risk patients who haven't had, but are at risk for, life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. View an animation of an ICD. Newer-generation ICDs may have a dual function which includes the ability to serve as a pacemaker. The pacemaker feature would stimulate the heart to beat if the heart rate is detected to be too slow. What is an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)? An ICD is a battery-powered device placed under the skin that keeps track of your heart rate. Thin wires connect the ICD to your heart. If an abnormal heart rhythm is detected the device will deliver an electric shock to restore a normal heartbeat if your heart is beating chaotically and much too fast. ICDs have been very useful in preventing sudden death in patients with known, sustained ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation. Studies have shown that they may have a role in preventing cardiac arrest in high-risk patients who haven't had, but are at risk for, life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias.

samer kareem
2,401 Views ยท 8 months ago

Vitamin E is an antioxidant. It may help protect your cells from damage. This essential nutrient occurs naturally in many foods. Itโ€™s also available as a dietary supplement. Sometimes, itโ€™s in processed foods. Vitamin E is fat-soluble. This means your body stores and uses it as needed. The term โ€œvitamin Eโ€ describes eight different compounds. Alpha-tocopherol is the most active one in humans

samer kareem
2,396 Views ยท 8 months ago

The uterus, or womb, is an important female reproductive organ. It is the place where a baby grows when a women is pregnant. There are different types of uterine cancer. The most common type starts in the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. This type of cancer is sometimes called endometrial cancer. The symptoms of uterine cancer include Unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge Trouble urinating Pelvic pain Pain during intercourse Uterine cancer usually occurs after menopause. Being obese and taking estrogen-alone hormone replacement therapy (also called menopausal hormone therapy) also increase your risk. Treatment varies depending on your overall health, how advanced the cancer is and whether hormones affect its growth. Treatment is usually a hysterectomy, which is surgery to remove the uterus. The ovaries and fallopian tubes are also removed. Other options include hormone therapy and radiation.

News Canada
2,395 Views ยท 8 months ago

The importance of being fully informed about serious heart conditions like atrial fibrillation

2,393 Views ยท 8 months ago

Your kids are going to love brushing! Follow these tips and find out how brushing your teeth can be fun and effective for the whole family.

samer kareem
2,391 Views ยท 8 months ago

Is it possible to prevent cytomegalovirus infection? Is there a CMV vaccine? Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection facts CMV is a common virus in the same family as herpesvirus, and it can infect anyone. CMV is spread by direct contact of body fluids, such as saliva, blood, urine, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. Thus breastfeeding, blood transfusions, organ transplants, and sexual contact are possible modes of transmission. Most healthy people do not experience any symptoms when infected with CMV, and it does not pose a serious health concern. A majority of adults have antibodies consistent with past infection. Most healthy children and adults who do have symptoms will recover from CMV infection without complications and do not require antiviral treatment.

samer kareem
2,390 Views ยท 8 months ago

LSD is one of the most potent, mood-changing chemicals. It is manufactured from lysergic acid, which is found in the ergot fungus that grows on rye and other grains. It is produced in crystal form in illegal laboratories, mainly in the United States. These crystals are converted to a liquid for distribution. It is odorless, colorless, and has a slightly bitter taste.

samer kareem
2,390 Views ยท 8 months ago

Bronchiolitis is a common lung infection in young children and infants. It causes inflammation and congestion in the small airways (bronchioles) of the lung. Bronchiolitis is almost always caused by a virus. Typically, the peak time for bronchiolitis is during the winter months. Bronchiolitis starts out with symptoms similar to those of a common cold but then progresses to coughing, wheezing and sometimes difficulty breathing. Symptoms of bronchiolitis can last for several days to weeks, even a month.

samer kareem
2,389 Views ยท 8 months ago

Headache is pain in any region of the head. Headaches may occur on one or both sides of the head, be isolated to a certain location, radiate across the head from one point, or have a viselike quality. A headache may appear as a sharp pain, a throbbing sensation or a dull ache. Headaches can develop gradually or suddenly, and may last from less than an hour to several days

samer kareem
2,387 Views ยท 8 months ago

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Discharge - Treating Normal Discharge.

samer kareem
2,385 Views ยท 8 months ago

Forehead wound repaired with "Liquiband" glue

samer kareem
2,385 Views ยท 8 months ago

Catheter ablation is a minimally invasive procedure to treat atrial fibrillation. It can relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. During an ablation, the doctor destroys tiny areas in the heart that are firing off abnormal electrical impulses and causing atrial fibrillation. You will be given medicine to help you relax. A local anesthetic will numb the site where the catheter is inserted. Sometimes, general anesthesia is used. The procedure is done in a hospital where you can be watched carefully. Thin, flexible wires called catheters are inserted into a vein, typically in the groin or neck, and threaded up into the heart. There is an electrode at the tip of the wires. The electrode sends out radio waves that create heat. This heat destroys the heart tissue that causes atrial fibrillation or the heart tissue that keeps it happening. Another option is to use freezing cold to destroy the heart tissue. Sometimes, abnormal impulses come from inside a pulmonary vein and cause atrial fibrillation. (The pulmonary veins bring blood back from the lungs to the heart.) Catheter ablation in a pulmonary vein can block these impulses and keep atrial fibrillation from happening. View a slideshow of catheter ablation to see how the heart's electrical system works, how atrial fibrillation happens, and how ablation is done. Atrial Fibrillation: Should I Have Catheter Ablation? AV node ablation AV node ablation is a slightly different type of ablation procedure for atrial fibrillation. AV node ablation can control symptoms of atrial fibrillation in some people. It might be right for you if medicine has not worked, catheter ablation did not stop your atrial fibrillation, or you cannot have catheter ablation. With AV node ablation, the entire atrioventricular (AV) node is destroyed. After the AV node is destroyed, it can no longer send impulses to the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles). This controls atrial fibrillation symptoms. After AV node ablation, a permanent pacemaker is needed to regulate your heart rhythm. Nodal ablation can control your heart rate and reduce your symptoms, but it does not prevent or cure atrial fibrillation. AV node ablation helps about 9 out of 10 people.1 The procedure has a low risk of serious problems.2 View a slideshow of AV node ablation to see how the heart's electrical system works, how atrial fibrillation happens, and how AV node ablation is performed.

samer kareem
2,384 Views ยท 8 months ago

Physiological & pathological breath sounds

samer kareem
2,378 Views ยท 8 months ago

Proximal Biceps Repair using SwiveLock Tenodesis

marin vinasco
2,378 Views ยท 8 months ago

Appareil Pour La Cellulite, Creme Anti Cellulite Efficace, Anti Cellulite Maison, Cafรฉ Cellulite--- --- Cellulite Des Cuisses, Que Faire? Comment Eliminer Vite Sa Cellulite Des Cuisses Avec Des Exercices et L'alimentation cellulite-cuissesMรชme si la plupart des gens se mettent continuellement ร  la chasse de la cellulite, jusquโ€™ร  ce jour, il nโ€™y a pas encore eu de remรจdes miracles. Elle est particuliรจrement causรฉe par le manque dโ€™activitรฉs physiques et une alimentation non รฉquilibrรฉe. Elle apparaรฎt souvent sur les fesses, les hanches et principalement sur les cuisses. Ainsi, pour se dรฉbarrasser de la cellulite surtout celle des cuisses, il est important dโ€™avoir une alimentation รฉquilibrรฉe et de pratiquer des exercices sportifs. Il vous suffit de suivre les recommandations dans la vidรฉo ci-dessous qui vous aideront ร  tonifier vos jambes de maniรจre efficaces, ainsi rรฉduisant la prรฉsence de la cellulite sur les fesses, hanches et cuisses pour une silhouette plus attirante.CLIQUEZ ICI:

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