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samer kareem
2,146 Views ยท 8 months ago

Before the angioplasty procedure begins, you will receive some pain medicine. You may also be given medicine that relaxes you, and blood thinning medicines to prevent a blood clot from forming. You will lie on a padded table. Your doctor will insert a flexible tube (catheter) through a surgical cut into an artery. Sometimes the catheter will be placed in your arm or wrist, or in your upper leg or groin area. You will be awake during the procedure. The doctor will use live x-ray pictures to carefully guide the catheter up into your heart and arteries. Dye will be injected into your body to highlight blood flow through the arteries. This helps the doctor see any blockages in the blood vessels that lead to your heart. A guide wire is moved into and across the blockage. A balloon catheter is pushed over the guide wire and into the blockage. The balloon on the end is blown up (inflated). This opens the blocked vessel and restores proper blood flow to the heart. A wire mesh tube (stent) may then be placed in this blocked area. The stent is inserted along with the balloon catheter. It expands when the balloon is inflated. The stent is left there to help keep the artery open

samer kareem
2,146 Views ยท 8 months ago

The best way to make condoms work as well as possible is to use them correctly every single time you have vaginal, oral, and anal sex. That means wearing it the whole time, from start to finish. Make sure the condom is rolled on your penis the right way before thereโ€™s any skin-to-skin genital contact. Read more about how to use condoms correctly.

samer kareem
2,144 Views ยท 8 months ago

Finger metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint collateral ligament sprains should not be overtreated. First-degree sprains may require a brief period of protection, usually consisting of buddy taping for 2-3 weeks. Second-degree sprains are immobilized in mid flexion for 3 weeks. Finger MCP joint hyperextension injuries may be treated by gently flexing the proximal phalanx and immobilizing the MCP joint in 30ยฐ of flexion for 2-3 weeks. A dorsal extension-block splint protects the healing volar plate while allowing active flexion of the finger. Early protected motion minimizes postinjury stiffness. Thumb MCP joint hyperextension injuries ("locked MCP joint") are immobilized in 20ยฐ MCP joint flexion for 3 weeks.

Jose Bell
2,143 Views ยท 8 months ago

Forzest is FDA approved medicine, it is used bt men to improve erectile dysfunction dusring intercourse session with partner. for more information related side effects, dosage, etc kindly visit to

samer kareem
2,143 Views ยท 8 months ago

Many people report that inversion table therapy is a great way to stretch muscles and ligaments, reduce muscle spasms, and improve circulation. Stretching stimulates the lymph glands to increase the flow of lymphatic fluids; part of the body's waste disposal system. Similarly, cellular health depends on good blood circulation to deliver nourishment and remove waste. Inversion table therapy also helps to relieve motion sickness and stress. In addition, the body becomes more aware of its spatial orientation and balance when the inner ear is stimulated during inversion. Plus, it is not necessary for the body to be positioned completely upside down to gain benefits from inversion therapy! Unlike antigravity boots used with an inversion rack, an adjustable inversion table offers the flexibility to choose the most comfortable angle. Dialogue with Your Doctor Like anything that can affect your health, talk to your doctor before you start using an inversion table. This is important because certain medications and health conditions may make using an inversion table unsafe. Your doctor may recommend against inversion table therapy if you have obesity, a detached retina, fracture, glaucoma, heart condition (circulatory problem), hernia, implanted device, middle ear or eye infection, osteoporosis, are pregnant, or have a spinal injury. There may be other medical conditions not listed that your doctor may view as a contraindication.

marin vinasco
2,141 Views ยท 8 months ago

Verrugas En El Cuello, Como Borrar Lunares De La Cara, Como Quitar Las Verrugas Del Cuello --- --- El Ajo Para Eliminar Las Verrugas, PRUEBALO!!! Antes que nada dรฉjame comentarte que el ajo es un poderoso antisรฉptico, con propiedades fungicidas, bactericidas y tambiรฉn ayudan a depurar nuestro cuerpo. El ajo es rico en un compuesto llamado alicina, este elemento es un poderoso antivirus y anti bacterial natural, eso sin mencionar las propiedades antioxidantes que el ajo posee las cuales son de enorme beneficio para la salud de nuestra piel y por supuesto la salud en general. Es un tratamiento sencillo pero bastante efectivo, te recomiendo que lo comiences a partir de hoy mismo. Por las maรฑanas en ayunas tomate un ajo crudo, esto con el fin de limpiar nuestro organismo de virus y bacterias. Recuerda que nuestra misiรณn es eliminar la raรญz de las verrugas y los lunares tal como lo hablamos anteriormente el responsable de las verrugas es el virus del papiloma humano. El ajo gracias a sus propiedades antivirales nos ayudarรกn a combatir el virus desde adentro. Haz esto todos los dรญas. Tomรกndote un ajo diario en ayunas estarรกs atacando el virus desde adentro, Ahora lo atacaremos desde fuera Para esto necesitarรกs un ajo, debes partirlo en porciones pequeรฑas calcula el tamaรฑo de las porciones para cubrir los lunares y/o tus verrugas. Y ahora da a conocer el mismo mรฉtodo que รฉl utilizรณ para curarse y eliminar las verrugas y lunares para siempre. Te invito a conocerlo a travรฉs del siguiente enlace:

samer kareem
2,141 Views ยท 8 months ago

Choking occurs when a foreign object becomes lodged in the throat or windpipe, blocking the flow of air. In adults, a piece of food often is the culprit. Young children often swallow small objects. Because choking cuts off oxygen to the brain, administer first aid as quickly as possible. The universal sign for choking is hands clutched to the throat. If the person doesn't give the signal, look for these indications: Inability to talk Difficulty breathing or noisy breathing Inability to cough forcefully Skin, lips and nails turning blue or dusky Loss of consciousness

samer kareem
2,135 Views ยท 8 months ago

Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly contagious respiratory tract infection. In many people, it's marked by a severe hacking cough followed by a high-pitched intake of breath that sounds like "whoop." Before the vaccine was developed, whooping cough was considered a childhood disease. Now whooping cough primarily affects children too young to have completed the full course of vaccinations and teenagers and adults whose immunity has faded. Deaths associated with whooping cough are rare but most commonly occur in infants. That's why it's so important for pregnant women โ€” and other people who will have close contact with an infant โ€” to be vaccinated against whooping cough.

samer kareem
2,133 Views ยท 8 months ago

Baby born in amniotic sac

samer kareem
2,131 Views ยท 8 months ago

Primary biliary cirrhosis, sometimes called PBC, is a disease in which the bile ducts in your liver are slowly destroyed. Bile, a fluid produced in your liver, plays a role in digesting food and helps rid your body of worn-out red blood cells, cholesterol and toxins. When bile ducts are damaged, as in primary biliary cirrhosis, harmful substances can build up in your liver and sometimes lead to irreversible scarring of liver tissue (cirrhosis). Primary biliary cirrhosis is considered an autoimmune disease, in which the body turns against its own cells. Researchers think it is triggered by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Primary biliary cirrhosis usually develops slowly and medication can slow its progression, especially if treatment begins early.

wang bzh
2,130 Views ยท 8 months ago

่…น่…”้•œๅไบŒๆŒ‡่‚ ็ƒ้ƒจๆบƒ็–ก็ฉฟๅญ”ไฟฎ่กฅๆœฏ

samer kareem
2,129 Views ยท 8 months ago

Anemia is a condition in which you don't have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to the body's tissues. Having anemia may make you feel tired and weak. There are many forms of anemia, each with its own cause. Anemia can be temporary or long term, and it can range from mild to severe. See your doctor if you suspect you have anemia because it can be a warning sign of serious illness. Treatments for anemia range from taking supplements to undergoing medical procedures. You may be able to prevent some types of anemia by eating a healthy, varied diet.

samer kareem
2,127 Views ยท 8 months ago

Prostate Cancer older man thinking Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men (after skin cancer), but it can often be treated successfully. More than 2 million men in the US count themselves as prostate cancer survivors.

samer kareem
2,127 Views ยท 8 months ago

The future of education can be found within this AR tablet.

samer kareem
2,127 Views ยท 8 months ago

There are several ways to do minimally invasive aortic valve surgery. Techniques include min-thoracotomy, min-sternotomy, robot-assisted surgery, and percutaneous surgery. To perform the different procedures: Your surgeon may make a 2-inch to 3-inch (5 to 7.5 centimeters) cut in the right part of your chest near the sternum (breastbone). The muscles in the area will be divided. This lets the surgeon reach the heart and aortic valve. Your surgeon may split only the upper portion of your breast bone allowing exposure to the aortic valve. For robotically-assisted valve surgery, the surgeon makes 2 to 4 tiny cuts in your chest. The surgeon uses a special computer to control robotic arms during the surgery. A 3D view of the heart and aortic valve are displayed on a computer in the operating room.

samer kareem
2,127 Views ยท 8 months ago

Shaken baby syndrome usually occurs when a parent or caregiver severely shakes a child in frustration or anger, often because the child won't stop crying. Permanent brain damage or death may result. Symptoms include irritability, difficulty staying awake, seizures, abnormal breathing, poor eating, bruises, and vomiting. Treatment will vary depending on complications related to shaken baby syndrome. In rare instances, breathing support or surgery may be needed to stop bleeding in the brain.

samer kareem
2,122 Views ยท 8 months ago

WARNING SIGNS OF BREAST CANCER Due to the use of regular mammography screening, most breast cancers in the U.S. are found at an early stage, before warning signs appear. However, not all breast cancers are found through mammography. The warning signs of breast cancer are not the same for all women. The most common signs are a change in the look or feel of the breast, a change in the look or feel of the nipple and nipple discharge. If you have any of the warning signs described below, see a health care provider [21-23]. If you do not have a provider, one of the best ways to find a good one is to get a referral from a trusted family member or friend. If thatโ€™s not an option, call your health department, a clinic or a nearby hospital.

samer kareem
2,122 Views ยท 8 months ago

Electrical injuries can present with a variety of problems, including cardiac or respiratory arrest, coma, blunt trauma, and severe burns of several types. It is important to establish the type of exposure (high or low voltage), duration of contact, and concurrent trauma. Low-voltage AC injury without loss of consciousness and/or arrest These injuries are exposures of less than 1000V and usually occur in the home or office setting. Typically, children with electrical injuries present after biting or chewing on an electrical cord and suffer oral burns. Adults working on home appliances or electrical circuits can also experience these electrical injuries. Low-voltage AC may result in significant injury if there is prolonged, tetanic muscle contraction. Low-voltage AC injury with loss of consciousness and/or arrest In respiratory arrest or ventricular fibrillation that is not witnessed, an electrical exposure may be difficult to diagnose. All unwitnessed arrests should include this possibility in the differential diagnosis. Query EMS personnel, family, and coworkers about this possibility. Inquire if a scream was heard before the patientโ€™s collapse; this may be due to involuntary contraction of chest wall muscles from electrical current. High-voltage AC injury without loss of consciousness and/or arrest Usually high-voltage injuries do not cause loss of consciousness but instead cause devastating thermal burns. In occupational exposures, details of voltage can be obtained from the local power company. High-voltage AC injury with loss of consciousness and/or arrest This is an unusual presentation of high-voltage AC injuries, which do not often cause loss of consciousness. History may need to come from bystanders or EMS personnel. Direct current (DC) injury These injuries typically cause a single muscle contraction that throws the victim away from the source. They are rarely associated with loss of consciousness unless there is severe head trauma, and victims can often provide their own history. Conducted electrical devices Conducted electrical weapons (CEWs) such as tasers are weapons used by law enforcement that deliver high-voltage current that is neither true AC or DC but is most like a series of low-amplitude DC shocks.[16] They can deliver 50,000 V in a 5-second pulse, with an average current of 2.1 mA.[17] Though they have been temporally associated with deaths in the law enforcement setting, conducted electrical devices (CEDs) in healthy volunteers have been shown to be safe without evidence of delayed arrhythmia or cardiac damage as measured by troponin I.[18, 17] One study of their use in 1201 law enforcement incidents showed mostly superficial puncture wounds from the device probes, and significant injuries only from trauma subsequent to shock, not from the device itself. Of 2 deaths in custody, neither was related to CEW exposure.[19]

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