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samer kareem
1,903 Views ยท 8 months ago

A small spontaneous pneumothorax may resolve without treatment; a pneumothorax arising as a result of lung disease or injury requires immediate treatment. Treatment may include insertion of a chest tube or aspiration of the free air in the chest cavity.

samer kareem
1,902 Views ยท 8 months ago

Live Surgery: Flexor Digitorum Profundus (FDP) Finger Tendon Repair

Indianmedtrip Consultants
1,902 Views ยท 8 months ago

Obesity is the abnormal condition that causes a person to put on excessive amounts of weight due to accumulation of fat in their body. This extreme weight causes a variety of other disorders and diseases as complications associated with it.

samer kareem
1,902 Views ยท 8 months ago

A heart attack is a frightening experience. If you have had a heart attack, or are close with someone who has, you are not alone: tens of thousands of Americans survive. As you work toward recovery, please use the following questions and answers to better understand what has happened to you and how you can help your heart heal so you can live a healthier, longer life.

samer kareem
1,902 Views ยท 8 months ago

First Aid for a suspected Fracture

samer kareem
1,901 Views ยท 8 months ago

Ridge splitting with bone expansion is a technique of manipulation of bone to form receptor site for implant without removing any bone from the implant site.

samer kareem
1,900 Views ยท 8 months ago

Normal sperm densities range from 15 million to greater than 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. You are considered to have a low sperm count if you have fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter or less than 39 million sperm total per ejaculate.

samer kareem
1,900 Views ยท 8 months ago

Pink eye (conjunctivitis) is an inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane (conjunctiva) that lines your eyelid and covers the white part of your eyeball. When small blood vessels in the conjunctiva become inflamed, they're more visible. This is what causes the whites of your eyes to appear reddish or pink. Pink eye is commonly caused by a bacterial or viral infection or an allergic reaction. It may affect one or both eyes. Pink eye can be irritating, but it rarely affects your vision. Treatments can help ease the discomfort of pink eye. Because pink eye can be contagious, early diagnosis and treatment can help limit its spread.

samer kareem
1,899 Views ยท 8 months ago

The increased risk of thrombosis in patients with active cancer has multiple causes. Acute thrombosis of the aorta is an exceedingly rare but potentially devastating complication in patients with cancer receiving cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Prompt diagnosis and definitive treatment are imperative to decrease morbidity and mortality. Early diagnosis is difficult because initial presentation is often nonspecific, requiring a high degree of clinical suspicion. We report 4 cases of acute thrombosis of the abdominal aorta in patients with cancer receiving cisplatin-based chemotherapy. We review the clinical aspects, recommended investigation, and treatment of this potentially fatal complication.

marin vinasco
1,896 Views ยท 8 months ago

Porque Un Hombre No Tiene Ereccion, Falta De Ereccion En El Hombre, Impotencia Masculina Soluciones.--- --- No es una novedad que el ejercicio es importante para tu salud en general, pero lo que quizรกs no sepas es que hacer suficiente ejercicio tambiรฉn es un paso importante para minimizar tus sรญntomas de disfunciรณn erรฉctil. Por supuesto, no esperes escuchar estas cosas de las personas que te venden las pastillas para la D.E. todos los meses. Ellos preferirรญan que no hagas nada para minimizar tus sรญntomas y asรญ les sigas comprando cada mes, pero es cierto. Por sรญ mismo, es cierto que el ejercicio no es suficiente para eliminar totalmente la disfunciรณn erรฉctil, pero puede ayudarte a minimizar los sรญntomas. Por quรฉ el ejercicio mejora tu D.E. En esencia, la disfunciรณn erรฉctil es una enfermedad circulatoria. Tiene que ver con la circulaciรณn de la sangre. Piensa en esto: ยฟQuรฉ es lo que causa que tu pene se ponga erecto? El hecho de que la sangre fluya hacia allรญ. Cuanto mejor sea tu circulaciรณn y mรกs sangre fluya hacia tu tejido erรฉctil, mรกs firmes y fuertes serรกn tus erecciones. Esto explica por quรฉ algunos ejercicios son mejores que otros para reducir los sรญntomas de la disfunciรณn erรฉctil. Especรญficamente, lo que necesitas son ejercicios cardiovasculares. Sรญ, tienes que sudar, pero mรกs que eso, tienes que hacer un ejercicio que haga latir mucho tu corazรณn. Las personas te dirรกn que la mejor manera de comenzar es hacerlo modestamente. Digamos, comprometerte a hacer 15 minutos de ejercicio, tres a cinco veces a la semana cuando estรกs empezando. Esta es la รบnica cura comprobada para la disfunciรณn erรฉctil que es 100% segura y natural, y combina un secreto ancestral de los amantes mรกs viriles del mundo con ciencia moderna y revolucionariaโ€ฆ Ingresa ahora a:

samer kareem
1,895 Views ยท 8 months ago

10 YOUNGEST Moms Of All Time

samer kareem
1,894 Views ยท 8 months ago

Obstetrical emergencies of pregnancy ECTOPIC PREGNANCY. ... PLACENTAL ABRUPTION. ... PLACENTA PREVIA. ... ECTOPIC PREGNANCY. ... PLACENTAL ABRUPTION. ... PLACENTA PREVIA. ... Amniotic fluid โ€” The liquid in the placental sac that cushions the fetus and regulates temperature in the placental environment.

samer kareem
1,894 Views ยท 8 months ago

Treatment of periodontal disease - Scaling and root planing

samer kareem
1,893 Views ยท 8 months ago

samer kareem
1,892 Views ยท 8 months ago

marin vinasco
1,891 Views ยท 8 months ago

Como Mantener Una Erecciรณn, Vitaminas Para Hombre, Remedio Para Impotencia Masculina.--- --- Por quรฉ los medicamentos para la disfunciรณn erรฉctil no son la respuesta, Probablemente has visto los comerciales de Viagra, Cialis, y los otros medicamentos populares utilizados en el tratamiento de la disfunciรณn erรฉctil. Las grandes empresas farmacรฉuticas estรกn constantemente bombardeando con anuncios, tanto en la televisiรณn y en lรญnea, exagerando los beneficios de su clase mรกs reciente de "medicamentos maravillosos". Son tan populares que muchas personas que ni siguiera tienen disfunciรณn erรฉctil tratan de conseguir algunas de las pastillas para un "uso recreativo" ocasional. ยฟAlguna vez te has preguntado por quรฉ las empresas farmacรฉuticas apuntarรญan a TI en sus anuncios? Despuรฉs de todo, no puedes conseguir estos medicamentos sin receta, asรญ que mostrarte un anuncio sobre estas drogas parece ilรณgico. Pero cuando lo piensas, comienza a tener mรกs sentido... La primera vez que empieces a experimentar problemas con tu desempeรฑo sexual, es casi seguro que le pedirรกs a tu doctor una de las drogas que has visto en TV. Entonces, por supuesto, una vez que ves que la " pastilla mรกgica" funciona para ti, estรกs enganchado. ยกTienen un nuevo cliente de por vida! El problema verdadero aquรญ es que las grandes compaรฑรญas farmacรฉuticas NO tienen absolutamente ningรบn interรฉs en curarte de la disfunciรณn erรฉctil. Prefieren ver que estรกs enganchado en su medicamento muy costoso para siempre. Esos son ingresos mensuales garantizados para ellos, pero para ti, no es una cura, sino una soluciรณn alternativa y una carga financiera. No cometas el error de pensar que los tratamientos para disfunciรณn erรฉctil son la รบnica clase de medicamento con los que hacer esto. Las grandes farmacรฉuticas estรกn en el negocio de vender soluciones temporales en lugar de curas permanentes. Esta es la รบnica cura comprobada para la disfunciรณn erรฉctil que es 100% segura y natural, y combina un secreto ancestral de los amantes mรกs viriles del mundo con ciencia moderna y revolucionariaโ€ฆ Ingresa ahora a:

marin vinasco
1,889 Views ยท 8 months ago

Acufene Orecchio Sinistro, Fischio Nelle Orecchie Dopo Discoteca, Rumore Nelle Orecchie Da Sdraiati---- --- Che cos'รจ l'acufene? Ti svegli nel mezzo della notte sentendo strani rumori? Sรฌ, puรฒ far paura, specialmente se non capisci da dove arrivano. Ora pensa che questi rumori vengono da dentro di te. La maggior parte delle persone rimarrebbe sbalordita di una simile affermazione. Molti di noi non sanno neanche che i nostri organi interni possono produrre rumore. Vediamo se hai effettivamente udito tali rumori oppure no, e se li hai uditi, da dove provengono. Innanzitutto, lasciati dire - si, li hai sentiti. No, non sono il risultato di una mente creativa che si รจ sognata tutto. Ma detto ciรฒ รจ anche vero che non c'รจ una fonte da cui provengono tali rumori. Allora che cos'รจ? Confuso? E' un classico caso di acufene. Che cos'รจ l'acufene? Quello che hai vissuto la notte scorsa (o ti sei appena svegliato e hai acceso il computer) รจ un classico caso di acufene. Si tratta di un disturbo medico in cui la persona sente ogni tipo di strani scricchiolii, ronzii, brusii, fischi o sibili all'orecchio. Ciรฒ che รจ cosรฌ preoccupante di questa malattia รจ che non c'รจ una sorgente di tali rumori. A peggiorare il tutto รจ che nessun altro li sente. Francamente queste persone non possono essere biasimate. Se non puoi vedere da dove proviene il suono e continui a sentirlo ti riempi di agitazione. Nell'acufene i suoni uditi dalla persona sono di fatto percezioni. Visto che non c'รจ una fonte reale sono spesso definiti come "rumori fantasma". Ti aiuta sapere che circa l'8% della popolazione degli USA soffre di acufenis? Forse no, ma almeno sai che non sei l'unico a sentire questi strani rumori. Che cosa causa questi rumori? Sicuramente vuoi sapere perchรจ senti tali rumori. ma prima di conoscere questo dovresti sapere che l'acufene non รจ una malattia vera e propria. E' il sintomo di un problema dalla radice profonda da qualche parte nel tuo corpo. L'unico modo per sbarazzarsi per sempre degli acufeni รจ seguire un approccio di cura olistico. Utilizzando un trattamento multidimensionale per l'acufene, affrontiamo tutti i fattori che lo causano,eliminando alla radice questi elementi scatenanti. Questa รจ l'unica strada per ottenere una libertร  definitiva dall'acufene. inserisci ora:

samer kareem
1,889 Views ยท 8 months ago

Experience with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in children has been limited due to multiple factors, including the relatively low incidence of diseases requiring ERCP in this age group, the impression that the procedure is technically difficult in children, and because the indications and safety of ERCP in children have not been well defined. As a result, patients are generally referred to a tertiary care facility or to adult endoscopists who perform a high volume of procedures.

samer kareem
1,887 Views ยท 8 months ago

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) involves chronic inflammation of all or part of your digestive tract. IBD primarily includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Both usually involve severe diarrhea, pain, fatigue and weight loss. IBD can be debilitating and sometimes leads to life-threatening complications. Ulcerative colitis (UL-sur-uh-tiv koe-LIE-tis) is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes long-lasting inflammation and sores (ulcers) in the innermost lining of your large intestine (colon) and rectum. Crohn's disease is an IBD that cause inflammation of the lining of your digestive tract. In Crohn's disease, inflammation often spreads deep into affected tissues. The inflammation can involve different areas of the digestive tract โ€” the large intestine, small intestine or both. Collagenous (kuh-LAJ-uh-nus) colitis and lymphocytic colitis also are considered inflammatory bowel diseases but are usually regarded separately from classic inflammatory bowel disease.

Showing 293 out of 294