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samer kareem
1,891 Views ยท 10 months ago

Experience with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in children has been limited due to multiple factors, including the relatively low incidence of diseases requiring ERCP in this age group, the impression that the procedure is technically difficult in children, and because the indications and safety of ERCP in children have not been well defined. As a result, patients are generally referred to a tertiary care facility or to adult endoscopists who perform a high volume of procedures.

marin vinasco
1,891 Views ยท 10 months ago

Como Mantener Una Erecciรณn, Vitaminas Para Hombre, Remedio Para Impotencia Masculina.--- --- Por quรฉ los medicamentos para la disfunciรณn erรฉctil no son la respuesta, Probablemente has visto los comerciales de Viagra, Cialis, y los otros medicamentos populares utilizados en el tratamiento de la disfunciรณn erรฉctil. Las grandes empresas farmacรฉuticas estรกn constantemente bombardeando con anuncios, tanto en la televisiรณn y en lรญnea, exagerando los beneficios de su clase mรกs reciente de "medicamentos maravillosos". Son tan populares que muchas personas que ni siguiera tienen disfunciรณn erรฉctil tratan de conseguir algunas de las pastillas para un "uso recreativo" ocasional. ยฟAlguna vez te has preguntado por quรฉ las empresas farmacรฉuticas apuntarรญan a TI en sus anuncios? Despuรฉs de todo, no puedes conseguir estos medicamentos sin receta, asรญ que mostrarte un anuncio sobre estas drogas parece ilรณgico. Pero cuando lo piensas, comienza a tener mรกs sentido... La primera vez que empieces a experimentar problemas con tu desempeรฑo sexual, es casi seguro que le pedirรกs a tu doctor una de las drogas que has visto en TV. Entonces, por supuesto, una vez que ves que la " pastilla mรกgica" funciona para ti, estรกs enganchado. ยกTienen un nuevo cliente de por vida! El problema verdadero aquรญ es que las grandes compaรฑรญas farmacรฉuticas NO tienen absolutamente ningรบn interรฉs en curarte de la disfunciรณn erรฉctil. Prefieren ver que estรกs enganchado en su medicamento muy costoso para siempre. Esos son ingresos mensuales garantizados para ellos, pero para ti, no es una cura, sino una soluciรณn alternativa y una carga financiera. No cometas el error de pensar que los tratamientos para disfunciรณn erรฉctil son la รบnica clase de medicamento con los que hacer esto. Las grandes farmacรฉuticas estรกn en el negocio de vender soluciones temporales en lugar de curas permanentes. Esta es la รบnica cura comprobada para la disfunciรณn erรฉctil que es 100% segura y natural, y combina un secreto ancestral de los amantes mรกs viriles del mundo con ciencia moderna y revolucionariaโ€ฆ Ingresa ahora a:

samer kareem
1,891 Views ยท 10 months ago

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) involves chronic inflammation of all or part of your digestive tract. IBD primarily includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Both usually involve severe diarrhea, pain, fatigue and weight loss. IBD can be debilitating and sometimes leads to life-threatening complications. Ulcerative colitis (UL-sur-uh-tiv koe-LIE-tis) is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes long-lasting inflammation and sores (ulcers) in the innermost lining of your large intestine (colon) and rectum. Crohn's disease is an IBD that cause inflammation of the lining of your digestive tract. In Crohn's disease, inflammation often spreads deep into affected tissues. The inflammation can involve different areas of the digestive tract โ€” the large intestine, small intestine or both. Collagenous (kuh-LAJ-uh-nus) colitis and lymphocytic colitis also are considered inflammatory bowel diseases but are usually regarded separately from classic inflammatory bowel disease.

samer kareem
1,890 Views ยท 10 months ago

marin vinasco
1,889 Views ยท 10 months ago

Acufene Orecchio Sinistro, Fischio Nelle Orecchie Dopo Discoteca, Rumore Nelle Orecchie Da Sdraiati---- --- Che cos'รจ l'acufene? Ti svegli nel mezzo della notte sentendo strani rumori? Sรฌ, puรฒ far paura, specialmente se non capisci da dove arrivano. Ora pensa che questi rumori vengono da dentro di te. La maggior parte delle persone rimarrebbe sbalordita di una simile affermazione. Molti di noi non sanno neanche che i nostri organi interni possono produrre rumore. Vediamo se hai effettivamente udito tali rumori oppure no, e se li hai uditi, da dove provengono. Innanzitutto, lasciati dire - si, li hai sentiti. No, non sono il risultato di una mente creativa che si รจ sognata tutto. Ma detto ciรฒ รจ anche vero che non c'รจ una fonte da cui provengono tali rumori. Allora che cos'รจ? Confuso? E' un classico caso di acufene. Che cos'รจ l'acufene? Quello che hai vissuto la notte scorsa (o ti sei appena svegliato e hai acceso il computer) รจ un classico caso di acufene. Si tratta di un disturbo medico in cui la persona sente ogni tipo di strani scricchiolii, ronzii, brusii, fischi o sibili all'orecchio. Ciรฒ che รจ cosรฌ preoccupante di questa malattia รจ che non c'รจ una sorgente di tali rumori. A peggiorare il tutto รจ che nessun altro li sente. Francamente queste persone non possono essere biasimate. Se non puoi vedere da dove proviene il suono e continui a sentirlo ti riempi di agitazione. Nell'acufene i suoni uditi dalla persona sono di fatto percezioni. Visto che non c'รจ una fonte reale sono spesso definiti come "rumori fantasma". Ti aiuta sapere che circa l'8% della popolazione degli USA soffre di acufenis? Forse no, ma almeno sai che non sei l'unico a sentire questi strani rumori. Che cosa causa questi rumori? Sicuramente vuoi sapere perchรจ senti tali rumori. ma prima di conoscere questo dovresti sapere che l'acufene non รจ una malattia vera e propria. E' il sintomo di un problema dalla radice profonda da qualche parte nel tuo corpo. L'unico modo per sbarazzarsi per sempre degli acufeni รจ seguire un approccio di cura olistico. Utilizzando un trattamento multidimensionale per l'acufene, affrontiamo tutti i fattori che lo causano,eliminando alla radice questi elementi scatenanti. Questa รจ l'unica strada per ottenere una libertร  definitiva dall'acufene. inserisci ora:

Daniel Cook
1,887 Views ยท 10 months ago

At URBN Dental, we provide you with top oral hygiene tips to help keep your mouth clean, healthy, and happy. Your manual toothbrush usually comes equipped with a tongue cleaner on the back of its head. That can be helpful in scrubbing your tongue, or you can also use a tongue cleaner. By using simple forward motions on the tongue, you can rid the area of plaque and bacteria which often cause bad breath, gingivitis, and harmful mouth ulcers.

wang bzh
1,886 Views ยท 10 months ago

Laparoscopic duodenal ulcer perforation repair 2

samer kareem
1,885 Views ยท 10 months ago

Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (sometimes upper GI, UGI bleed, Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, gastrorrhagia) refers to bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract, commonly defined as bleeding arising from the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum. In fact, the proportion of UGIB cases caused by peptic ulcer disease has declined, a phenomenon that is believed to be due to the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H pylori therapy. Duodenal ulcers are more common than gastric ulcers, but the incidence of bleeding is identical for both.

samer kareem
1,885 Views ยท 10 months ago

Esophageal manometry is a test used to measure the function of the lower esophageal sphincter (the valve that prevents reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus) and the muscles of the esophagus (see diagram). This test will tell your doctor if your esophagus is able to move food to your stomach normally.

samer kareem
1,885 Views ยท 10 months ago

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are both good medicines, and both provide the same basic relief from fever and pain, even though they have different chemical structures and side effects

samer kareem
1,884 Views ยท 10 months ago

Back pain during pregnancy is a common complaint โ€” and it's no wonder. You're gaining weight, your center of gravity changes, and your hormones are relaxing the ligaments in the joints of your pelvis. Often, however, you can prevent or ease back pain during pregnancy. Consider seven ways to give pregnancy back pain the boot. 1. Practice good posture As your baby grows, your center of gravity shifts forward. To avoid falling forward, you might compensate by leaning back โ€” which can strain the muscles in your lower back and contribute to back pain during pregnancy. Keep these principles of good posture in mind: Stand up straight and tall. Hold your chest high. Keep your shoulders back and relaxed. Don't lock your knees. When you stand, use a comfortably wide stance for the best support. If you must stand for long periods of time, rest one foot on a low step stool โ€” and take time for frequent breaks. Good posture also means sitting with care. Choose a chair that supports your back, or place a small pillow behind your lower back. 2. Get the right gear Wear low-heeled โ€” not flat โ€” shoes with good arch support. Avoid high heels, which can further shift your balance forward and cause you to fall. You might also consider wearing a maternity support belt. Although research on the effectiveness of maternity support belts is limited, some women find the additional support helpful. 3. Lift properly When lifting a small object, squat down and lift with your legs. Don't bend at the waist or lift with your back. It's also important to know your limits. Ask for help if you need it. 4. Sleep on your side Sleep on your side, not your back. Keep one or both knees bent. Consider using pregnancy or support pillows between your bent knees, under your abdomen and behind your back.

samer kareem
1,883 Views ยท 10 months ago

An AV fistula is a connection, made by a vascular surgeon, of an artery to a vein.Vascular surgeons specialize in blood vessel surgery. The surgeon usually places an AV fistula in the forearm or upper arm. An AV fistula causes extra pressure and extra blood to flow into the vein, making it grow large and strong.

samer kareem
1,878 Views ยท 10 months ago

samer kareem
1,878 Views ยท 10 months ago

6 Weird Things That Happen To Us During Sleep

samer kareem
1,877 Views ยท 10 months ago

Foot drop is a gait abnormality in which the dropping of the forefoot happens due to weakness, irritation or damage to the common fibular nerve including the sciatic nerve, or paralysis of the muscles in the anterior portion of the lower leg. It is usually a symptom of a greater problem, not a disease in itself.

samer kareem
1,877 Views ยท 10 months ago

Wow Must Watch & Share wound Repair in 60 seconds

samer kareem
1,877 Views ยท 10 months ago

Understanding the adrenergic receptors is fundamental to a solid grasp of adrenergic pharmacology!

marin vinasco
1,876 Views ยท 10 months ago

How To Increase Brain Power, How To Increase Brain Activity, How To Boost Your Concentration--- --- Improve Concentration, Ask anyone today what they have a hard time with and more often than not they are likely to cite trouble focusing or concentrating. With laptops, smart phones, television, GPS systems and social media, it is hard to block out all the distractions when you need to focus on something specific. Attention deficit disorder may be one of the most popular excuses for our lack of concentration, but it's not an entirely accurate diagnosis since many of us simply aren't training our brains the right way to improve our focus. Concentration is necessary just to make it through a typical workday. From driving and working to shopping and cooking, focus is essential in order to get tasks accomplished. Unfortunately many of us have a hard time zoning in on a specific project and seeing it through to completion. Being easily distracted is not necessarily a disorder but it will keep you from managing your time wisely and getting done the important things that need your attention. There are several ways people can improve their concentration, including strategic brain games and exercises, along with guided meditation and brainwave entrainment. Research has shown that the more a person trains their brain in specific skill sets, the better one can get at cognitive thinking, problem solving and memorization. Using computer generated pulses, or isochronic tones, during brain entrainment meditation is another way to synchronize your brain's frequencies so you can operate on a fast or slow frequency that will assist in achieving states of productivity or relaxation. As we all know, when we are relaxed our concentration and decision making are much better than if we are under stress or hurried. Being able to tap in to specific Alpha, Theta and Delta waves allows us to synchronize our brainwaves with sound pulses so we can be more focused on specific projects and tasks. But YOU can be different! You can use Genius Brain Power to empower your brain so that you come alive with more energy, learn quicker, think more creatively, focus on your work like never before and drastically reduce stress with amazingly deep states of relaxation and meditation. click here:

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