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A video showing breast examination after breast implants
Loyola Full Male Exam Part 3 A video from Loyola medical school, Chicago showing the full examination of the male
Loyola Full Male Exam Part 2 A video from Loyola medical school, Chicago showing the full examination of the male
Meningitis is a common life-threatening medical emergency caused by infectious and non-infectious agents. Rapid and accurate evaluation by history and clinical examination is helpful to guide further specific investigation and treatment. Kernig's sign, Brudzinski's sign, and nuchal rigidity are bedside diagnostic signs used to evaluate suspected cases of meningitis. The presence of meningeal irritation, however, is not pathognomonic for meningitis.
Female Reproductive System Anatomy
Vacuum Extraction Birth video
Routine Pap Smear and Pelvis Exam For Canadian Women
USMLE Step 2 CS - Wrist Pain This is just preview video. To get full access please visit our website :
Video of the technique and early outcomes of Robotic Assisted Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal at University of Florida and Shands, Gainesville, Fl, by Dr. Sijo Parekattil.
examination of a case of inguino-scrotal swelling as in cases of oblique inguinal hernia..etc
Physical Medical examination of the knee
Adult circumcision video
Loyola Full Male Exam Part 1 A video from Loyola medical school, Chicago showing the full examination of the male
A video showing the circumcision of a male baby
Full examination of the female from head to toe by Loyola Medical School, Chicago. Part 4
Burying The Knot
Full examination of the female from head to toe by Loyola Medical School, Chicago. Part 3
A spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD) occurs when a pregnant woman goes into labor with or without use of drugs or techniques to induce labor, and delivers her baby in the normal manner, without forceps, vacuum extraction, or a cesarean section. Assisted vaginal delivery (AVD) occurs when a pregnant woman goes into labor with or without the use of drugs or techniques to induce labor, and requires the use of special instruments such as forceps or a vacuum extractor to deliver her baby vaginally.
A 30 YEAR WOMEN WITH INTRACTABLE BILIARY COLIC CASE REPORT: This 30 year women developed severe pain right upper quadrant for last 10 days. She sought many consultations and was given intravenous analgesics both (nonnarcortic and narcotic). Pain did not subside and she sought my consultation. Examination revealed her to be in agony with severe upper abdominal pain. General physical examination was otherwise unremarkable. Abdominal examination revealed mild tenderness in right hypochondrium with doubtful Murphy's sign. Urgent abdominal ultrasound showed a linear structure in bile ducts making slow writhing movements. The structure had an anechoic tube (alimentary canal) inside suggestive of a large Ascarid. Urgent ERCP was performed and bile duct and pancreatic duct cannulated selectively. Pancreatic duct was normal. Bile ducts contained a long linear filling defect extending from lower end of common bile duct to right intrahepatic duct (see image gallery for ERCP plate). A basket was introduced in the duct (see video clip) and the linear structure was engaged with soft closure and extracted out of the bile duct. Accompanying the basket was a 25 cm thick highly motile Ascarid. To recover the worm, endoscope was withdrawn along with the basket and the friendly catch. While the endoscope was being withdrawn and the basket was in the duodenum with the worm out of bile duct, patient indicated of relief of abdominal pain. A relook cholangiogram showed no more structures in the duct. She was given antihelmintic therapy and passed hundreds of worms with the feces. The worms recovered form stools were both male and female population and varied in length and size. However the lone worm recovered form bile ducts was the longest and the thickest male worm. The phenomenal behavior of this ubiquitous infection remains unexplained. (Source Records from Dr. Khuroo's Medical Clinic. Review prepared by Mehnaaz Sultan Khuroo Host website , E-mail: ).
Auscultation of the heart