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15,091 Views ยท 8 months ago

H&E stain is a popular staining method in histology. Its a combination of two dyes: the basic dye (hematoxylin) and the alcohol-based dye (eosin). In an H&E stain you will usually see both eosinophilia and basophilia: the nuclei of cells basophilic (blue), while eosinophilia is typical of cytoplasmic constituents (pink). Xylene, alcohols, distilled water are also required.

7,520 Views ยท 8 months ago

Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which damaged skeletal muscle (Ancient Greek: rhabdomyo-) tissue breaks down rapidly (Greek โ€“lysis). This damage may be caused by physical (e.g. crush injury), chemical, or biological factors. Breakdown products of damaged muscle cells are released into the bloodstream; some of these, such as the protein myoglobin, are harmful to the kidney and may lead to kidney dysfunction. The severity of the symptoms (which may include muscle pains, vomiting and confusion) depends on the extent of the muscle damage, and whether kidney failure develops. The mainstay of treatment is generous intravenous fluids, but could include dialysis or hemofiltration.

Rhabdomyolysis and its complications are significant problems for those injured in disasters such as earthquakes and bombing. Relief efforts in areas struck by earthquakes often include medical teams with skills and equipment for treatment of survivors with rhabdomyolysis. The disease and its mechanisms were first fully elucidated during the Blitz of London in 1941.

Mohamed Ibrahim
9,256 Views ยท 8 months ago

A funny animation showing A Stupid Surgeon and MedicalVideos.US

Scott Stevens
13,733 Views ยท 8 months ago

Kirschner wires or K-wires or pins are sterilized, sharpened, smooth stainless steel pins. Introduced in 1909 by Martin Kirschner, the wires are now widely used in orthopaedics and other types of medical and veterinary surgery. They come in different sizes and are used to hold bone fragments together (pin fixation) or to provide an anchor for skeletal traction. The pins are often driven into the bone through the skin (percutaneous pin fixation) using a power or hand drill. They also form part of the Ilizarov apparatus.

Scott Stevens
2,914 Views ยท 8 months ago

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Animation 3d

Scott Stevens
10,000 Views ยท 8 months ago

Key facts

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic disease.
The virus is transmitted through contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected person - not through casual contact.
About 2 billion people worldwide have been infected with the virus and about 350 million live with chronic infection. An estimated 600 000 persons die each year due to the acute or chronic consequences of hepatitis B.
About 25% of adults who become chronically infected during childhood later die from liver cancer or cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) caused by the chronic infection.
The hepatitis B virus is 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV.
Hepatitis B virus is an important occupational hazard for health workers.
Hepatitis B is preventable with a safe and effective vaccine.

Hepatitis B is a potentially life-threatening liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. It is a major global health problem and the most serious type of viral hepatitis. It can cause chronic liver disease and puts people at high risk of death from cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer.

Worldwide, an estimated two billion people have been infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV), and more than 350 million have chronic (long-term) liver infections.

A vaccine against hepatitis B has been available since 1982. Hepatitis B vaccine is 95% effective in preventing HBV infection and its chronic consequences, and is the first vaccine against a major human cancer.

Mohammed Wahba
12,739 Views ยท 8 months ago

This clip shows an endoscopic view of the vocal cords with the endotracheal tube in place. The patient was intubated by Dr. Khaled Soliman and photographed by Dr. Mohammed Wahba.

Mohammed Wahba
10,658 Views ยท 8 months ago

This patient swallows with the endotracheal tube in situ.He is not yet in the late stage of anaesthesia. Unfortunately, this may lead to intubation granuloma later on.

Scott Stevens
16,741 Views ยท 8 months ago

A Medical Video showing an overview of the endocrine and gland system of the human body

Scott Stevens
11,459 Views ยท 8 months ago

Appendicitis is caused by an infected appendix and requires appendectomy surgery. Here's more information on appendicitis and appendectomy.

James Chapados
7,468 Views ยท 8 months ago

Dentist Kennewick WA Call (509) 783-8822

News Canada
614 Views ยท 8 months ago


Tuesday Wilson
7,214 Views ยท 8 months ago

San Francisco tummy lipo is just one of the many body sculpting surgeries performed by Plastic Surgery Specialists. This fat removal procedure uses tumescent lipo techniques to target those stubborn fat deposits and sculpt a leaner, more attractive physique. To find out more about San Francisco body contouring, visit

Tuesday Wilson
9,978 Views ยท 8 months ago

Tampa body sculpting is the specialty of Dr. Thomas Su of the Artistic Lipo Sculpting Center. Dr. Suโ€™s dedication to body contouring has allowed him to finely hone his craft over the years, making him the most trusted Tampa lipo surgeon. To learn more about Tampa fat removal procedures, visit

News Canada
6,799 Views ยท 8 months ago

Patients open up about living with cancer.

Scott Stevens
10,955 Views ยท 8 months ago

Anatomy Tutorial During Trans Nasal Endoscopy

Scott Stevens
11,378 Views ยท 8 months ago

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery CABG Heart HD

Scott Stevens
6,808 Views ยท 8 months ago

Carpal Tunnel Syndrom 3D Animation

Scott Stevens
15,072 Views ยท 8 months ago

Brain Worm Infection

Scott Stevens
6,887 Views ยท 8 months ago

DVT Deep Venous Thrombosis

Showing 305 out of 379