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6,544 Views ยท 8 months ago
This digestive system animation demonstrates the procedure of colon cleansing.

5,087 Views ยท 8 months ago
Dermatology Animation demonstrates structure of skin and soft tissue and clinical pharmacology & therapeutics.

5,580 Views ยท 8 months ago
This accident animation demonstrates sports injury in soccer game.

7,292 Views ยท 8 months ago
This desk job accident animation demonstrates the injury covered by workers compensation program.

6,701 Views ยท 8 months ago
This falling stuff accident animation demonstrates the injury covered by workers compensation program.

4,292 Views ยท 8 months ago
This annulus pressure responsive (APR) animation demonstrates new oil drilling technology.

4,165 Views ยท 8 months ago
420 seconds 3d animation which is developed for Expo 2010 Shanghai Aviation Pavilion and demonstrates an animated city.

7,675 Views ยท 8 months ago
This accident animation demonstrates injuries caused by slip and fall.

5,112 Views ยท 8 months ago

New York surgeon Dr. Leo Keegan of 5th Ave. Millennium Surgery ( speaks on the subject of liposuction.

6,451 Views ยท 8 months ago Like Restylane and Juvederm, Belotero Balance is an FDA approved component for the correction of moderate-to-severe facial wrinkles, superficial lines, folds and upper lip. A doctor can use both Juvederm and Restylane on deeper areas and Belotero on top to correct wrinkles, lines and folds. In addition acne scars can benefit from fillers like Belotero

6,909 Views ยท 8 months ago


5,471 Views ยท 8 months ago

Understanding Male Infertility

1,226 Views ยท 8 months ago

This video is a simplified tutorial to teach how to read and understand chaest x-rays. It is for beginners

1,703 Views ยท 8 months ago
---Cerco Una Dieta Per Dimagrire . E' un sistema completo che ti porterร  da dove sei ora fin dove vorresti arrivare nel piรน breve tempo possibile.
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Indian HealthGuru
1,136 Views ยท 8 months ago

Please see the video of Ms Eukeria who came to india with her Uncle who recently underwent Kidney Stone Surgery in India with Indian Health Guru.

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1,160 Views ยท 8 months ago
---Traitement Diabete 2. Vous Eliminerez Le Diabรจte D'Une Fois Pour Toutes!
Laissez de cรดtรฉ les prรฉoccupations des risques de votre maladie.
Ne souffrez plus de votre poids et la privation des aliments prรฉfรฉrรฉs.
Ne dรฉpensez plus des milliers d'euros en mรฉdicaments qui combattent la maladie de l'extรฉrieur.
Ne vivez plus une vie de restrictions.
Ne souffrez plus!!!

Oubliez de changer constamment de mรฉdicaments prescrits, de mesurer le niveau de glucose et de vous injecter l'insuline.

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4,562 Views ยท 8 months ago

Mal Di Stomaco Rimedi, Bruciore All Esofago, Come Combattere L Acidita Di Stomaco

Le cause del reflusso acido

La sindrome da reflusso acido, nota anche come sindrome da reflusso gastro-esofageo (GERD), si verifica a causa della coesistenza di diversi disturbi medici e di stile di vita.

Fattori fisiologici che scatenano GERD includono l'ipotonia dello sfintere esofageo inferiore (LES) (il graduale indebolimento del LES), insieme con il flusso retrogrado del contenuto dello stomaco nell'esofago, e il livello di sensibilitร  del muco esofagea al contenuto riflusso.

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Mal Di Stomaco Rimedi, Bruciore All Esofago, Come Combattere L Acidita Di Stomaco
Mal Di Stomaco Rimedi,
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reflusso acido notturno,
reflusso gastroesofageo notturno,
alleviare il bruciore di stomaco,

3,440 Views ยท 8 months ago

Perleche, Boqueras Remedios Caseros, Estomatitis Bucal, Comisura Labios, Para Labios Partidos

ยฟQuรฉ Es Y Cรณmo Se Trata La Queilitis Angular?

Perleche, queilosis, estomatitis, boqueras, son otras denominaciones con las que se conoce a la queilitis angular. Las comisuras de los labios presentan lesiones inflamatorias. Las grietas verticales a nivel de la piel pueden profundizarse y provocar ulceraciones, llagas, sangrados, infecciones, descamaciones, costras. Con ello, sobrevendrรกn las dificultades para hablar, para sonreรญr, para ingerir los alimentos y las bebidas.


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Perleche, Boqueras Remedios Caseros, Estomatitis Bucal, Comisura Labios, Para Labios Partidos, arrugas comisuras labios, remedios para llagas en la boca, llagas en la boca curar, labios partidos, estomatitis definicion, cรณmo curar llagas en la boca, ulceras bucales causas, estomatitis aftosa recidivante, tratamiento queilitis angular, como se curan las ulceras bucales, labios partidos en niรฑos, remedios caseros para boqueras, infecciones labiales,

8,140 Views ยท 8 months ago

How To Lose Weight In A Week, Healthy Eating Plan For Weight Loss, Food For Diet To Lose Weight

The Fastest Way To Lose Weight In 3 Weeks

Losing weight in a short space of time has always been thought of as a near impossible task. For years, doctors and dieticians have told the public that it takes months and sometimes even years of hard work to see any progress with weight loss, or to sculpt the perfect body. But that is simply not true at all.

The human body is highly adaptable and able to change in extremely short periods of time. Think about. If people can quickly gain mass amounts of fat from weeks of unhealthy eating, shouldn't they be able to lose a lot weight rapidly from weeks of healthy eating? Well, they definitely can.

Click the link below to check it out

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3,659 Views ยท 8 months ago

Tudo Sobre Diabetes, Diabetes Tem Cura, O Que รฉ Diabetes Tipo 2, Plantas Que Curam Diabetes

Cura Naturalmente a Diabetes Tipo 2

A diabetes tipo II se tornou uma das doenรงas mais comuns nos tempos modernos. A boa notรญcia รฉ que em pouco menos de um mรชs, seguindo um plano de alimentaรงรฃo e vida saudรกvel, รฉ possรญvel equilibrar seu nรญvel de aรงรบcar no sangue e prevenir as terrรญveis consequรชncias que esta doenรงa tem.

A seguir, vocรช encontrarรก este plano para nivelar o aรงรบcar no sangue e dizer adeus para a diabetes.

Restrinja o consumo de todo o tipo de bebidas.

Realize atividade fรญsica de baixo impacto todo o dia, por um mรญnimo de meia hora.

Elimine por completo de suas refeiรงรตes, todos os alimentos que contenham farinha branca.

Inclua em sua alimentaรงรฃo habitual, รกcidos gordos essenciais (especialmente รกcidos รดmega 3), inclua tambรฉm o consumo de frutas secas.

รบnico Sistema Eficiente, Fรกcil E Natural Para Eliminar Para Sempre O Diabetes. Um Sistema Cientificamente Comprovado

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Tudo Sobre Diabetes, Diabetes Tem Cura, O Que รฉ Diabetes Tipo 2, Plantas Que Curam Diabetes,
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Showing 314 out of 378