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Surgical abortion using the dilatation and curretage technique.
hemothorax is most often defined as rapid accumulation of โฅ 1000 mL of blood. Shock is common. Patients with large hemorrhage volume are often dyspneic and have decreased breath sounds and dullness to percussion (often difficult to appreciate during initial evaluation of patients with multiple injuries).
USMLE Step 2 CS - Fatigue This is just preview video. To get full access please visit our website :
USMLE Step 2 CS - Hot Flashes This is just preview video. To get full access please visit our website :
This animated video covers statins, fibrates, niacin, bile resins, and ezetimibe. We will discuss mechanisms of action, which part of the lipid profile is affected by each drug, and common side effects.
Inguinal hernia repair without mesh, Desarda Repair, no recurrence, pain, no mesh hernia surgery, hernia operation, no mesh, without mesh, hernia operation, hernia surgery, new method.
Nasal Foreign Body Removal Techniques
This video: Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of your pancreas โ an organ in your abdomen that lies horizontally behind the lower part of your stomach. Your pancreas secretes enzymes that aid digestion and hormones that help regulate the metabolism of sugars. Pancreatic cancer often has a poor prognosis, even when diagnosed early. Pancreatic cancer typically spreads rapidly and is seldom detected in its early stages, which is a major reason why it's a leading cause of cancer death. Signs and symptoms may not appear until pancreatic cancer is quite advanced and complete surgical removal isn't possible.
Watch that video of Tying The Sperm Canal to Avoid Ejaculation
The hip is a "ball-and-socket" joint. In a normal hip, the ball at the upper end of the thighbone (femur) fits firmly into the socket, which is part of the large pelvis bone. In babies and children with developmental dysplasia (dislocation) of the hip (DDH), the hip joint has not formed normally.
Pyogenic liver abscess Email this page to a friend Email this page to a friend Facebook Twitter Google+ Pyogenic liver abscess is a pus-filled area in the liver. Causes There are many potential causes of liver abscesses, including: Abdominal infection, such as appendicitis, diverticulitis, or a perforated bowel Infection in the blood Infection of the bile draining tubes Recent endoscopy of the bile draining tubes Trauma that damages the liver The most common bacteria that cause liver abscesses are: Escherichia coli Bacteroides Enterococcus Klebsiella pneumoniae Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus In most cases, more than one type of bacteria is found.
Varicose veins are generally benign. The cause of this condition is not known. For many people, there are no symptoms and varicose veins are simply a cosmetic concern. In some cases, they cause aching pain and discomfort or signal an underlying circulatory problem. Treatment involves compression stockings, exercise, or procedures to close or remove the veins.
Familial Mediterranean fever is an inflammatory disorder that causes recurrent fevers and painful inflammation of your abdomen, lungs and joints. Familial Mediterranean fever is an inherited disorder that usually occurs in people of Mediterranean origin โ including Sephardic Jews, Arabs, Greeks, Italians, Armenians and Turks. But it may affect any ethnic group. Familial Mediterranean fever is typically diagnosed during childhood. While there's no cure for this disorder, you may be able to relieve signs and symptoms of familial Mediterranean fever โ or even prevent them altogether โ by sticking to your treatment plan.
This is a diabetic foot ulcer. The patient reportedly went on vacation and noticed this ulcer upon their return. Debridement (removal of damaged tissue) to the level of healthy bleeding tissue is medically necessary as damaged tissue acts an impediment to wound healing. Due to their diabetic neuropathy, they did not feel any pain or indication that a wound was forming. This ulcer appeared to have penetrated to the level of subcutaneous tissue or even fascia, but turned out to be much deeper than that. These are serious wounds and are the beginnings of what lead to foot and leg amputations if they are not treated promptly by your healthcare provider, AKA Podiatrist.
Plantar Fascia Release
How do you know if you have pneumonia? They may include: Cough. You will likely cough up mucus (sputum) from your lungs. ... Fever. Fast breathing and feeling short of breath. Shaking and "teeth-chattering" chills. Chest pain that often feels worse when you cough or breathe in. Fast heartbeat. Feeling very tired or very weak. Nausea and vomiting.
Labor And Delivery During Vaginal Child Birth
Diabetic Nephropathy Animation 3D
A spider nevus is a collection of small, dilated arterioles (blood vessels) clustered very close to the surface of the skin. The cluster of vessels is web-like, with a central spot and radiating vessels.