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samer kareem
1,437 Views · 8 months ago

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common causes of vertigo — the sudden sensation that you're spinning or that the inside of your head is spinning. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo causes brief episodes of mild to intense dizziness. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is usually triggered by specific changes in the position of your head. This might occur when you tip your head up or down, when you lie down, or when you turn over or sit up in bed. Although benign paroxysmal positional vertigo can be a bothersome problem, it's rarely serious except when it increases the chance of falls. You can receive effective treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo during a doctor's office visit

samer kareem
1,437 Views · 8 months ago

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a hand condition that causes numbness, tingling and other symptoms. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by a pinched nerve in your wrists A number of factors can contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome, including the anatomy of your wrist, certain underlying health problems and possibly patterns of hand use. Bound by bones and ligaments, the carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway located on the palm side of your wrist. This tunnel protects a main nerve to your hand and the nine tendons that bend your fingers. Compression of the nerve produces the numbness, tingling and, eventually, hand weakness that characterize carpal tunnel syndrome.

Alicia Berger
1,435 Views · 8 months ago

Lasic in 10 years old girl for Myopia

Pedro Garcia
1,435 Views · 8 months ago


samer kareem
1,434 Views · 8 months ago

Tourette syndrome (also called Tourette's disorder or simply, "Tourette's") is an abnormal neurological condition characterized by motor and vocal tics. Tics are involuntary, rapid, sudden repetitive movements or sounds. Tics can be classified in a variety of ways. Motor tics can affect any part of the body including the head, neck, face, arms, shoulders, hands, feet, or legs. Facial tics, especially eye blinking, are usually the first symptoms of TS. Vocal tics are sounds that are made involuntarily. Vocal tics can include clearing the throat, coughing, sniffing, grunting, yelping, or shouting. In a few cases, vocal tics can include strange, inappropriate, or obscene words and phrases (called coprolalia). Vocal tics can also appear as constantly repeating the words of others (echolalia).

samer kareem
1,433 Views · 8 months ago

Small cell lung cancer, which occurs almost exclusively in smokers, is a malignancy characterised by rapid doubling time, high growth fraction and widespread metastasis at presentation. In this presentation, we will briefly discuss the classification of pulmonary Neuro-endocrine tumours by the World Health Organisation followed by a detailed discussion of the clinical features, lab evaluation and management of SCLC, both limited and extended stage. The frontline therapy in small cell lung cancer is etoposide and cisplatin along with thoracic radiotherapy and prophylactic cranial irradiation in patients who have a good response to therapy. Hyperfractionation of radiotherapy may provide some benefit but is also associated with increase incidence of complications. Newer agents for SCLC include Vandetanib and immunotherapy molecules, such as Iplimumab and nivolumab.

samer kareem
1,431 Views · 8 months ago

Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B is transmitted when blood, semen, or another body fluid from a person infected with the Hepatitis B virus enters the body of someone who is not infected. This can happen through sexual contact; sharing needles, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment; or from mother to baby at birth. For some people, hepatitis B is an acute, or short-term, illness but for others, it can become a long-term, chronic infection. Risk for chronic infection is related to age at infection: approximately 90% of infected infants become chronically infected, compared with 2%–6% of adults. Chronic Hepatitis B can lead to serious health issues, like cirrhosis or liver cancer. The best way to prevent Hepatitis B is by getting vaccinated.

marin vinasco
1,431 Views · 8 months ago

Colon Irritable Tratamiento Natural, Tratamiento Sindrome Intestino Irritable, Colon Irritable Cura--- --- Los Alimentos Desencadenantes De SCI, Esta dolencia gastrointestinal puede ser desencadenada por ciertos alimentos o grupos de alimentos, de los cuales podemos mencionar específicamente seis de ellos. Lo aconsejable es que evite su consumo si usted sufre o es propenso a sufrir SII. 1 - Los alimentos fritos, especialmente los fritos con aceites que contienen ácidos grasos trans hidrogenados. Dentro de este grupo encontramos las llamadas comidas rápidas. 2 - La carne y los productos lácteos: las carnes grasas, especialmente de las granjas industriales, carnes procesadas y la leche pasteurizada. Para reemplazar estos alimentos, se puede utilizar leche de soja o la llamada carne orgánica, proveniente de ganado alimentado a base de pasto, libre de químicos, antibióticos y hormonas de crecimiento. 3 - Los productos horneados procesados incluyendo panes envasados, pasteles y galletas. Contienen azúcar refinada y grasas malas, así como harina blanca refinada. A veces es posible que contengan jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa. Si usted sufre del SII, puede optar por la compra de productos de panadería directamente de una panadería de su confianza o hacer sus propios productos caseros con ingredientes enteros. Trigo germinado, los sustitutos del trigo, como el trigo sarraceno espelta, u otros granos utilizados en productos de panadería (sin aditivos perjudiciales) también pueden ser una opción que no va a afectar a su organismo. Lea atentamente las etiquetas de los productos que consume y ante cualquier duda, debe asesorarse. 4 - El café y el alcohol pueden crear respuestas ácidas del esfínter inferior del esófago y la válvula ileocecal, que es el esfínter entre los intestinos grueso y delgado que se abre brevemente y se cierre la mayor parte del tiempo para evitar que los fluidos intestinales se mezclen. La causa principal de muchos de los problemas del SII y de otras enfermedades digestivas más graves se da cuando la válvula ileocecal permanece abierta demasiado tiempo. Todas las demás recomendaciones relativas a los alimentos y los hábitos alimentarios son relevantes para evitar que esto ocurra. 5 - Los edulcorantes artificiales: El sorbitol puede no ser tan peligroso neurológicamente como el aspartamo y otros edulcorantes artificiales, pero estimula los síntomas del SII. Para obtener más consejos sobre alimentación sana que lo ayude a aliviar sus síntomas del SII, puede dirigirse al sitio

samer kareem
1,431 Views · 8 months ago


samer kareem
1,429 Views · 8 months ago

Step-by-step process of performing endoscopic sinus surgery.

Melanie Trall
1,428 Views · 8 months ago Pain In Arch Of Foot, Severe Heel Pain, Best Running Shoes For Plantar Fasciitis, Foot Pain Heel Know the Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis An injury to the plantar fascia can manifest in different ways. Initially, it may be a gradual pain that can progressively become worse, especially if the injured foot remains in active use. Sometimes, the pain from plantar fasciitis can be quite severe and seem like the stab of a knife of a sharp and sudden cut. The pain of plantar fasciitis may also occur more frequently after injured feet have been at rest for a while. For instance, after a person wakes up and tries to use his or her feet, pain may be experienced. It can be dangerous to ignore pain that is associated with the feet or any pain felt in the body. Sometimes, symptoms of plantar fasciitis include more subtle pain that may appear as a throbbing sensation which may be radial in nature or isolated to a particular part of the foot. If the pain from plantar fasciitis starts off mildly and is ignored, continued use of the affected foot or feet will cause further damage. The pain from plantar fasciitis is debilitating and it is essential that treatment is sought immediately. get instant plantar fasciitis pain relief in just 5 minutes! click here.

samer kareem
1,427 Views · 8 months ago

A detailed description of the causes and diagnosis of pleural effusion. The presentation includes a discussion of the causes and exudative and transudative pleural effusions. Light's criteria and its modification are described along with definition and clinical implication of pleural fluid acidosis, glucose, adenosine deaminase, hemorrhagic pleural effusion and protein and LDH as well.

samer kareem
1,426 Views · 8 months ago

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) continues to have a tremendous impact in solid organ transplantation despite remarkable advances in its diagnosis, prevention and treatment. It can affect allograft function and increase patient morbidity and mortality through a number of direct and indirect effects. Patients may develop asymptomatic viremia, CMV syndrome or tissue-invasive disease. Late-onset CMV disease continues to be a major problem in high-risk patients after completion of antiviral prophylaxis. Emerging data suggests that immunologic monitoring may be useful in predicting the risk of late onset CMV disease. There is now increasing interest in the development of an effective vaccine for prevention. Novel antiviral drugs with unique mechanisms of action and lesser toxicity are being developed. Viral load quantification is now undergoing standardization, and this will permit the generation of clinically relevant viral thresholds for the management of patients. This article provides a brief overview of the contemporary epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of CMV infection in solid organ transplant recipients.

Alicia Berger
1,426 Views · 8 months ago

Immunization Mechanism Animation

samer kareem
1,425 Views · 8 months ago

Genetic surfactant dysfunction disorders are caused by mutations in genes encoding proteins critical for the production and function of pulmonary surfactant. These rare disorders may produce familial or sporadic lung disease, with clinical presentations ranging from neonatal respiratory failure to childhood- or adult-onset interstitial lung disease. An overview of these disorders is presented in the table.. Interstitial lung diseases in children until recently were categorized by their histologic appearance in a manner similar to that used for adult forms of interstitial lung disease (ILD). In children, the lung histopathology findings associated with desquamative interstitial pneumonitis (DIP) are now known to often result from genetic mechanisms that disrupt normal surfactant production and metabolism. By contrast, DIP in adults is considered to represent a distinct type of ILD, which is strongly associated with cigarette smoking and carries a relatively favorable prognosis [1]. These genetic disorders also result in histopathologic patterns other than DIP, including findings of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis and chronic pneumonitis of infancy. An understanding of the pathogenesis of these disorders permits a mechanistic classification as genetic surfactant dysfunction disorders instead of their previous classification based upon histologic appearance.

samer kareem
1,424 Views · 8 months ago

Biceps tenodesis is a common procedure performed for tendinopathy of the long head of the biceps brachii (LHB). Indications include partial-thickness LHB tear, tendon subluxation with or without subscapularis tear, and failed conservative management of bicipital tenosynovitis. Biceps tenodesis may also be performed for superior labrum anterior to posterior tears.

samer kareem
1,424 Views · 8 months ago

A talus fracture is a break in one of the bones that forms the ankle. This type of fracture often occurs during a high-energy event, such as a car collision or a high-velocity fall. Because the talus is important for ankle movement, a fracture often results in significant loss of motion and function. In addition, a talus fracture that does not heal properly can lead to serious complications, including chronic pain. For this reason, many talus fractures require surgery.

samer kareem
1,424 Views · 8 months ago

Acute kidney injury is common entity in medical practice. The present definition is based on a serum creatinine rise of more 0.3 mg/dl in 48 hours or less, a 50% increase from the baseline over a period of 07 days or a urine output of less than 0.5 ml/kg/hour for more than 06 hours. The main causes of acute kidney injury may be classified into pre renal, intrinsic or post renal causes. Rapid diagnosis and prompt treatment is essential to prevent mortality or morbidity. This presentation discusses in detail the causes of all three mechanisms, pre-renal, post renal and intrinsic.

Pure Liquid Zeolite
1,424 Views · 8 months ago

Liquid Zeolite is one of best natural Zeolite products which is used to remove the cancer cells and tumor. This is helpful to activate P21 tumor gene to remove the tumor. For more information visit our website at

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