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samer kareem
1,398 Views ยท 8 months ago

How to Grow a New Fingertip

samer kareem
1,398 Views ยท 8 months ago

Most retinal tears need to be treated by sealing the retina to the back wall of the eye with laser surgery or cryotherapy (a freezing treatment). Both of these procedures create a scar that helps seal the retina to the back of the eye. This prevents fluid from traveling through the tear and under the retina, which usually prevents the retina from detaching. These treatments cause little or no discomfort and may be performed in your ophthalmologistโ€™s office. With laser surgery, your ophthalmologist uses a laser to make small burns around the retinal tear. The scarring that results seals the retina to the underlying tissue, helping to prevent a retinal detachment.

samer kareem
1,396 Views ยท 8 months ago

Your lungs are have 600 million air pockets -- enough to cover a tennis court.

samer kareem
1,396 Views ยท 8 months ago

can i get pregnant right after my period

samer kareem
1,396 Views ยท 8 months ago

Jose Bell
1,395 Views ยท 8 months ago

Forzest is the erectile dysfunction tablet meant for treating mens ED disorder, it is approved by FDA and comes in strenght dose 20mg. For more information kindly visit to

samer kareem
1,394 Views ยท 8 months ago

Most people start smoking when they are in their teens and are addicted by the time they reach adulthood. Some have tried to quit but have returned to cigarettes because smoking is such a strong addiction. It is a habit that is very difficult to break. There are many different reasons why people smoke.

samer kareem
1,393 Views ยท 8 months ago

Sepsis occurs when chemicals released in the bloodstream to fight an infection trigger inflammation throughout the body. This can cause a cascade of changes that damage multiple organ systems, leading them to fail, sometimes even resulting in death. Symptoms include fever, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, fast heart rate, and mental confusion. Treatment includes antibiotics and intravenous fluids.

samer kareem
1,393 Views ยท 8 months ago

hemothorax is most often defined as rapid accumulation of โ‰ฅ 1000 mL of blood. Shock is common. Patients with large hemorrhage volume are often dyspneic and have decreased breath sounds and dullness to percussion (often difficult to appreciate during initial evaluation of patients with multiple injuries).

marin vinasco
1,392 Views ยท 8 months ago

Intestino Irritable Tratamiento, Colon Irritable, Tratamiento Para El Colon Irritable--- --- Si usted estรก sufriendo de Sรญndrome del Intestino Irritable SII, aquรญ hay una serie de tรฉcnicas y estrategias que se conocen para aliviar grandemente los sรญntomas a largo y corto plazo. La alimentaciรณn es la fuente de energรญa primordial que tenemos y es por eso que hay que darle una importancia suprema a la hora de querer atacar los sรญntomas del SII. Se recomienda el consumo de hierbas, tales como: manzanilla, consuelda, aceite de onagra, bรกlsamo de limรณn, hinojo, canela, nuez moscada, cรบrcuma, todas las especias y enzimas digestivas. Todas ellas producen grandes beneficios para su organismo, dentro de los cuales destacamos: La manzanilla actรบa como carminativo, asรญ como calmante y agente tonificante para el tracto digestivo. Los aceites esenciales de manzanilla tambiรฉn han contribuido a aliviar cรณlicos intestinales e irritaciรณn en los animales. La manzanilla se toma normalmente tres veces al dรญa, entre las comidas, en una forma de tรฉ. La consuelda tiene un uso como agente tรณpico para mejorar la cicatrizaciรณn de heridas, รบlceras en la piel, tromboflebitis y torceduras. Tambiรฉn se utiliza para las personas con problemas gastrointestinales, como รบlceras de estรณmago y el sรญndrome del intestino irritable, y para quienes sufren problemas pulmonares. Una combinaciรณn de menta, comino y otras dos hierbas carminativas (para aliviar los gases), semillas de hinojo y ajenjo, han resultado ser un tratamiento eficaz para los dolores abdominales. La acacia tiene un alto contenido de fibra y con frecuencia se recomienda para aliviar la irritabilidad intestinal. Las frutas como la papaya, el plรกtano, el mango, la piรฑa, las fresas y los arรกndanos son altamente recomendables. Las verduras como las patatas dulces, la calabaza y las zanahorias no pueden dejar de ser parte de su dieta. Tenga cuidado con algunos de los medicamentos recetados para el SII ya que algunos de ellos han sido retirados del mercado debido a que contenรญan ingredientes tรณxicos. Algunos ingredientes contenidos en medicamentos de venta libre para el resfriado tambiรฉn han demostrado efectos negativos en pacientes con SCI. Recomendamos las gotas de zinc como una alternativa durante un resfriado ya que no irrita el estรณmago y tiene visibles resultados de estรญmulo inmunolรณgico. Los alimentos que se deben evitar: lรกcteos, huevos (especialmente la yema debido al alto contenido de grasa), brรณcoli, maรญz, aceites hidrogenados, jarabe de maรญz alto en fructosa, manzanas (debido al alto contenido de fructosa), frijoles, chocolate (debido a la cafeรญna) , cafรฉ, tรฉ con cafeรญna. Para obtener mรกs informaciรณn sobre cรณmo poder controlar y eliminar los sรญntomas del SII, puede visitar el sitio

samer kareem
1,392 Views ยท 8 months ago

samer kareem
1,391 Views ยท 8 months ago

Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder characterized by less hemoglobin and fewer red blood cells in your body than normal. Several types of thalassemia exist, including alpha-thalassemia, beta-thalassemia intermedia, Cooley's anemia and Mediterranean anemia. Hemoglobin is the substance in your red blood cells that allows them to carry oxygen. The low hemoglobin and fewer red blood cells of thalassemia may cause anemia, leaving you fatigued. If you have mild thalassemia, you may not need treatment. But, if you have a more severe form of thalassemia, you may need regular blood transfusions. You can also take steps on your own to cope with fatigue, such as choosing a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

Arthur Handal
1,391 Views ยท 8 months ago

This video was taken 4 days after the surgery. This Patient had a facial rejuvenation procedure performed by Dr. Handal. He was exceptionally pleased with the results. Contact us for a consultation on how our team can help you to look better, (561) 912-9888.

samer kareem
1,390 Views ยท 8 months ago

A sneeze, or sternutation, is a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the lungs through the nose and mouth, usually caused by foreign particles irritating the nasal mucosa

samer kareem
1,389 Views ยท 8 months ago

The goal of surgical clipping is to isolate an aneurysm from the normal circulation without blocking off any small perforating arteries nearby. Under general anesthesia, an opening is made in the skull, called a craniotomy. The brain is gently retracted to locate the aneurysm. A small clip is placed across the base, or neck, of the aneurysm to block the normal blood flow from entering. The clip works like a tiny coil-spring clothespin, in which the blades of the clip remain tightly closed until pressure is applied to open the blades. Clips are made of titanium and remain on the artery permanently.

samer kareem
1,389 Views ยท 8 months ago

This device could prevent migraine headaches.

marin vinasco
1,388 Views ยท 8 months ago

Comment Maigrir, Perdre Des Cuisses, Perdre Du Ventre Rapidement, Perdre 3 Kilos, Mincir Vite --- --- Comment maigrir uniquement du ventre ? Avoir un ventre gonflรฉ et des bourrelets est le cauchemar des hommes comme des femmes. On nโ€™est pas ร  lโ€™aise dans son corps, on a du mal ร  sโ€™habiller et dรจs que lโ€™on fait un repas copieux, il faut dรฉboutonner son pantalon. Alors quelles sont les solutions pour maigrir du ventre ? Changez vos habitudes alimentaires Maigrir uniquement du ventre est compliquรฉ comme pour toutes les autres parties du corps. On ne peut pas maigrir quโ€™au niveau du ventre ou quโ€™au niveau des cuisses ou des fesses dโ€™ailleurs. Si vous pensez quโ€™il est suffisant de faire des heures dโ€™abdos pour retrouver un ventre plat, cโ€™est une erreur. Il faut dโ€™abord perdre la graisse avant dโ€™attaquer le sport. Et pour cela, il va falloir passer par la case rรฉgime. Inutile de vous ruer sur le dernier rรฉgime ร  la mode qui vous promet de perdre 5 kilos dรจs que vous mangerez normalement. Pour perdre du poids au niveau de la ceinture abdominale sur du long terme, choisissez plutรดt une mรฉthode oรน vous apprendrez les bonnes habitudes alimentaires avec une alimentation saine et รฉquilibrรฉe. Pour cela, il va falloir : Stopper les grignotages Ne pas sauter de repas Mรขcher lentement les aliments Supprimer lโ€™alcool et les jus de fruit achetรฉs en magasin Faire une croix sur les fast-foods et les plats industriels Tirer un trait sur les gรขteaux, les viennoiseries, les fritures et les sauces Consommer des fruits et des lรฉgumes Mangez de la viande blanche, des ล“ufs et du poisson Prรฉfรฉrer le pain complet ร  la baguette traditionnelle Inclure des fรฉculents ร  chaque repas Boire 1,5 litre dโ€™eau par jour Dรฉcouvrez Comment Mincir Durablement Sans Peser Les Aliments Ni Compter Les Calories... Cliquez ici:

1,388 Views ยท 8 months ago

This is an introduction into mole removal through excisional means (cutting it out) or using a laser to remove the mole

samer kareem
1,388 Views ยท 8 months ago

Pulmonary embolism symptoms can vary greatly, depending on how much of your lung is involved, the size of the clots, and whether you have underlying lung or heart disease. Common signs and symptoms include: Shortness of breath. This symptom typically appears suddenly and always gets worse with exertion. Chest pain. You may feel like you're having a heart attack. The pain may become worse when you breathe deeply (pleurisy), cough, eat, bend or stoop. The pain will get worse with exertion but won't go away when you rest. Cough. The cough may produce bloody or blood-streaked sputum. Other signs and symptoms that can occur with pulmonary embolism include: Leg pain or swelling, or both, usually in the calf Clammy or discolored skin (cyanosis) Fever Excessive sweating Rapid or irregular heartbeat Lightheadedness or dizziness

marin vinasco
1,387 Views ยท 8 months ago

Heart And Stroke, Good Health, Heart Attack And Stroke, Ways To Be Healthy, Tips On Healthy Living.-- -- Clicking the link below, you'll learn three easy exercises so effective that even if you have suffered from life-threatening hypertension for years, you can bring it down to 120/80 โ€“ as soon as TODAY! Plus, they take very little time โ€“ just 9 minutes. Lowering high blood pressure helps preventโ€ฆ - stroke - heart attack - kidney failure - impotence โ€ฆjust to name a few conditions โ€“ caused by high blood pressure โ€“ you will avoid using these exercises! Bringing your blood pressure below 120/80 eliminates any need for blood pressure medications โ€“ so youโ€™ll never have to suffer the horrendous side effects again. Every single brand of blood pressure drug creates serious side effects. The sad fact is, so do herbal medications. And the cost of buying pills these days is horrendous. The Solution Is Simple! Try these easy exercises now and naturally drop your blood pressure as soon as today. There are NO side effects and NO extra medical costs. To learn more and test the exercises for yourself, click here...

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