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samer kareem
1,219 Views · 8 months ago

A disease of the immune system due to infection with HIV. HIV destroys the CD4 T lymphocytes (CD4 cells) of the immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to life-threatening infections and cancers. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. To be diagnosed with AIDS, a person with HIV must have an AIDS-defining condition or have a CD4 count less than 200 cells/mm³ (regardless of whether the person has an AIDS-defining condition).

samer kareem
1,215 Views · 8 months ago

Many people have baggy and puffy lower eyelids. Lower Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) is the removal of excess fat and tightening of the skin, which can drastically minimize the appearance of baggy and puffy lower eyelids that makes everyone look tired and worn down. This procedure is just as popular with men as with women. A sense of well-being and alertness is the reason why most people elect to have this procedure. Lower lids surgery is a procedure that the best results are achieved when performed earlier than later. Dr. Lee has performed this surgery on patients who are 18 yrs old to 82 yrs old- all very happy with their results. The cause of baggy and puffy lower eyelid is due to a combination of herniating fat, excessive skin, and edema (water retention).

samer kareem
1,215 Views · 8 months ago

Dysmenorrhea, or chronic menstrual pain, is the most common gynecological pain condition, affecting from 45% to 95% of menstruating women. But because it is commonly considered a normal aspect of the menstrual cycle,

samer kareem
1,213 Views · 8 months ago

Menorrhagia is the medical term for menstrual periods with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding. Although heavy menstrual bleeding is a common concern, most women don't experience blood loss severe enough to be defined as menorrhagia. With menorrhagia, you can't maintain your usual activities when you have your period because you have so much blood loss and cramping. If you dread your period because you have such heavy menstrual bleeding, talk with your doctor. There are many effective treatments for menorrhagia. Symptoms Signs and symptoms of menorrhagia may include: Soaking through one or more sanitary pads or tampons every hour for several consecutive hours Needing to use double sanitary protection to control your menstrual flow Needing to wake up to change sanitary protection during the night Bleeding for longer than a week Passing blood clots larger than a quarter Restricting daily activities due to heavy menstrual flow Symptoms of anemia, such as tiredness, fatigue or shortness of breath

samer kareem
1,213 Views · 8 months ago

Reconstructive surgery is performed to treat structures of the body affected aesthetically or functionally by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors or disease. It is generally done to improve function and ability, but may also be performed to achieve a more typical appearance of the affected structure. Reconstructive surgery is generally covered by most health insurance policies, although coverage for specific procedures and levels of coverage may vary greatly.

samer kareem
1,213 Views · 8 months ago

A blood test to measure calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D levels can usually confirm a diagnosis of rickets, although your child may also have some X-rays or possibly a bone density scan (DEXA scan). This is a type of X-ray that measures the calcium content in bones.

samer kareem
1,212 Views · 8 months ago

Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is surgery used to stabilize and heal a broken bone. You might need this procedure to treat your broken thighbone (femur). The femur is the large bone in the upper part of your leg. Different kinds of trauma can damage this bone, causing it to fracture into 2 or more pieces. This might happen to the part of the femur near your knee, near the middle of the femur, or in the part of the femur that forms part of your hip joint. In certain types of femur fractures, your femur has broken, but its pieces still line up correctly. In other types of fractures (displaced fractures), the trauma moves the bone fragments out of alignment. If you fracture your femur, you usually need ORIF to bring your bones back into place and help them heal. During an open reduction, orthopedic surgeons reposition your bone pieces during surgery, so that they are back in their proper alignment. This contrasts with a closed reduction, in which a healthcare provider physically moves your bones back into place without surgically exposing your bone.

samer kareem
1,212 Views · 8 months ago

. In this video he offers a differential diagnosis for a 60-year-old woman with dyspnea and an episode of syncope.

samer kareem
1,211 Views · 8 months ago

Low potassium (hypokalemia) refers to a lower than normal potassium level in your bloodstream. Potassium is a chemical (electrolyte) that is critical to the proper functioning of nerve and muscles cells, particularly heart muscle cells. Normally, your blood potassium level is 3.6 to 5.2 millimoles per liter (mmol/L). A very low potassium level (less than 2.5 mmol/L) can be life-threatening and requires urgent medical attention.

samer kareem
1,211 Views · 8 months ago

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) has a multifactorial etiology and develops as a result of complex interactions between environmental factors, host factors, and pathogens. Environmental factors (eg, weaning, transport, commingling, crowding, inclement weather, dust, and inadequate ventilation) serve as stressors that adversely affect the immune and nonimmune defense mechanisms of the host. In addition, certain environmental factors (eg, crowding and inadequate ventilation) can enhance the transmission of infectious agents among animals. Many infectious agents have been associated with BRD. An initial pathogen (eg, a virus) may alter the animal’s defense mechanisms, allowing colonization of the lower respiratory tract by bacteria.

samer kareem
1,211 Views · 8 months ago

A surgeon creates an arteriovenous fistula by making a connection between an artery (which carries blood away from the heart) and a vein (which carries blood back to the heart). This artificial connection allows the vein to become larger and for the walls of the vein to thicken, a process termed maturation. A mature fistula makes it easier for the vein to be punctured repeatedly for dialysis. Maturation typically takes three to six months to occur, but in rare cases, can take up to a year. This makes advance planning for an arteriovenous fistula important. When a patient is felt to be approximately a year away from requiring dialysis, the patient should be referred for evaluation for possible creation of an arteriovenous fistula.

samer kareem
1,211 Views · 8 months ago

Prosthetic hand that can feel

samer kareem
1,209 Views · 8 months ago

This technique could solve the organ shortage crisis.

johan simons
1,208 Views · 8 months ago

Home Care Now and in the Future -

samer kareem
1,206 Views · 8 months ago

A brief overview of Filarial infection in humans. This presentation includes the etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of this condition.

marin vinasco
1,206 Views · 8 months ago

Bloating And Gas, Flatulence Remedy Ginger, Get Rid Of Gas And Bloating, Involuntary Flatulence--- --- 7 tips on Flatulence Treatment and help you get rid of flatulence forever. 1. Flatulence is such a broad term, with so many connected and side issues, that it is rather short sighted to refer to it simply as "farting" - which so many people do. Certainly, the breaking of wind is the key identifier for flatulence. However, to merely concentrate on the noise and the smell of flatulence is to miss out on the important facts that govern its causes, its symptoms and its remedies. Picking the right flatulence treatment means needing to concentrate on the type of flatulence you have, the health issues surrounding it and the general health situation of the sufferer. 2. Be Realistic in Your Flatulence Treatment If the definition of flatulence was simply that you had wind a few times a day and occasionally broke wind in embarrassing situations, then flatulence treatment really would not be that much of a priority. However, the truth of the matter is that excessive flatulence will affect more than just social situations. It is thankfully uncommon enough to suffer from painful stomach flatulence, but that is not to say that it is something you should ever ignore. Your digestive system is vitally important for your health, and if problems arise then they need to be addressed with the right flatulence treatment. 3. When you are suffering from flatulence problems, you need to identify why it is a problem and what the problem can be traced back to. We all have flatulence every so often, most of us having wind at least once a day and usually more often. Getting rid of the gases that our system generates when digesting food is essential, as is finding a kind flatulence treatment - otherwise we would soon become quite unwell. It is how often you release those gases and how they are released that matters more than anything. The last thing you want is to have occasional, sporadic flatulence that hurts, smells foul or is particularly audible. 4. Gas is a by-product of digestion, and if you are not breaking wind at all then there is probably a problem. Excessive flatulence means that you are producing too much gas when digesting food, and means that your digestive system is not functioning as it should be. 5. Painful flatulence occurs when you are digesting the food badly, because the stomach is failing to break it down as smoothly as it should. It is not that uncommon to feel, perhaps, a little bit of burning flatulence - this can happen after too much spicy food - but if it is becoming the norm then it is something that needs to be addressed with the right flatulence treatments. 6. Keep A Note For Best Flatulence Treatment Results 7. By identifying which foods are connected with which problems, you can begin the right flatulence treatment. It is better to do this, and deal with the problem before it grows rather than trying to cure a bigger problem. Would you like to cure your gas problems and bloating today! Then you need to see this website below:

samer kareem
1,205 Views · 8 months ago

Male babies leave their DNA in the mother

samer kareem
1,205 Views · 8 months ago

There are three main types of lung cancer. Knowing which type you have is important because it affects your treatment options and your outlook (prognosis). If you aren’t sure which type of lung cancer you have, ask your doctor so you can get the right information.

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