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samer kareem
1,361 Views ยท 8 months ago

Surgery is an alternative for some people whose seizures cannot be controlled by medications. It has been used for more than a century, but its use dramatically increased in the 1980s and 90s, reflecting its effectiveness as an alternative to seizure medicines. The benefits of surgery should be weighed carefully against its risks, however, because there is no guarantee that it will be successful in controlling seizures. People with partial epilepsy who are considered for surgery have difficult-to-control seizures that have not responded to aggressive treatment with medication. In the past, patients usually tried several medications with poor results for many years, even decades, before being considered for surgery. More recently, surgery is being considered sooner. Studies have shown that the earlier surgery is performed, the better the outcome. Surgery is now being performed on some people whose seizures have been uncontrolled for only 1 or 2 years. At least two single drugs and a combination of two or more drugs should be tried before surgery is considered. Epilepsy surgery can be especially helpful to people who have seizures from structural brain problems (such as benign brain tumors, strokes or malformations of blood vessels).

samer kareem
10,199 Views ยท 8 months ago

Broca's Aphasia (expressive) When a stroke injures the frontal regions of the left hemisphere, different kinds of language problems can occur. This part of the brain is important for putting words together to form complete sentences. Injury to the left frontal area can lead to what is called Broca's aphasia.

samer kareem
3,238 Views ยท 8 months ago

People with serious comprehension difficulties have what is called Wernickeโ€™s aphasia and: Often say many words that donโ€™t make sense. May fail to realize they are saying the wrong words; for instance, they might call a fork a โ€œgleeble.โ€ May string together a series of meaningless words that sound like a sentence but donโ€™t make sense. Have challenges because our dictionary of words is shelved in a similar region of the left hemisphere, near the area used for understanding words.

samer kareem
6,611 Views ยท 8 months ago

When a stroke affects an extensive portion of the front and back regions of the left hemisphere, the result may be global aphasia. Survivors with global aphasia: May have great difficulty in understanding words and sentences. May have great difficulty in forming words and sentences. May understand some words. Get out a few words at a time. Have severe difficulties that prevent them from effectively communicating.

samer kareem
4,824 Views ยท 8 months ago

This video explains briefly the use of anti-tnf alpha in therapy.

samer kareem
3,117 Views ยท 8 months ago

An ileostomy is an opening in the belly (abdominal wall) thatโ€™s made during surgery. The end of the ileum (the lowest part of the small intestine) is brought through this opening to form a stoma, usually on the lower right side of the abdomen. A Wound Ostomy Continence nurse (WOCN or WOC nurse) or the surgeon will figure out the best location for your stoma. (A WOC nurse is a specially trained registered nurse who takes care of and teaches ostomy patients. This nurse may also be called an ostomy nurse.)

samer kareem
3,670 Views ยท 8 months ago

This animation describes surgery for patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) -- IPAA, removal of colon, intestinal resection, & stricturoplasty.

samer kareem
2,458 Views ยท 8 months ago

This animation describes tools and tests used to diagnose inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), determine IBD type, and predict its probable course and outcome.

samer kareem
9,968 Views ยท 8 months ago

fetal position in womb at 34 weeks fetal position in womb week by week fetal position in womb at 19 weeksUnborn babies toss and turn and hold many different positions within the womb during the gestation period; pregnant women everywhere will attest to the fact that their children always start up the gymnastics at bedtime.

samer kareem
2,274 Views ยท 8 months ago

How to increase breast milk supply How to Naturally Boost & Increase your breast milk supply

samer kareem
22,277 Views ยท 8 months ago

De Quervain's tenosynovitis (dih-kwer-VAINS ten-oh-sine-oh-VIE-tis) is a painful condition affecting the tendons on the thumb side of your wrist. If you have de Quervain's tenosynovitis, it will probably hurt when you turn your wrist, grasp anything or make a fist. Although the exact cause of de Quervain's tenosynovitis isn't known, any activity that relies on repetitive hand or wrist movement โ€” such as working in the garden, playing golf or racket sports, or lifting your baby โ€” can make it worse. Symptoms ShareTweet June 13, 2015 References Products and Services Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Newsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter See also Prednisone risks, benefits Prednisone withdrawal: Why taper down slowly? Integrative approaches to treating pain Lifestyle strategies for pain management Nutrition and pain Pain rehabilitation Self-care approaches to treating pain Show more Advertisement Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. Advertising & Sponsorship PolicyOpportunitiesAd Choices Mayo Clinic Store Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic. NEW! โ€“ The Mayo Clinic Diet, Second Edition Healthy Heart for Life! Mayo Clinic on Better Hearing and Balance Treatment Strategies for Arthritis The Mayo Clinic Diet Online

samer kareem
14,738 Views ยท 8 months ago

Bacterial vaginosis is a type of vaginal inflammation caused by the overgrowth of bacteria naturally found in the vagina, which upsets the natural balance. Women in their reproductive years are most likely to get bacterial vaginosis, but it can affect women of any age. The cause isn't completely understood, but certain activities, such as unprotected sex or frequent douching, increase your risk.

samer kareem
5,713 Views ยท 8 months ago

Questo Video 3D illustra la tecnica della Microlipocavitazione: sistema chirurgico ad ultrasuoni per ottenere l'emulsione del grasso in eccesso da eliminare. La Microlipocavitazione รจ una tecnica di chirurgia ambulatoriale, che richiede una modesta anestesia locale con un recupero delle proprie attivitร  pressochรฉ immediato.

samer kareem
13,176 Views ยท 8 months ago

surgical procedure used to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. Most tummy tuck patients are dealing with the effects of pregnancies and weight loss and find themselves with loose skin in spite of exercise and weight control. Each year, thousands of Americans undergo a tummy tuck to tone, firm and define the abdominal area.

samer kareem
4,516 Views ยท 8 months ago

How to memorize more in pharma: Drug names, dental implications, numbers

samer kareem
12,395 Views ยท 8 months ago

A lot of women want to know what type of vaginal discharge is normal during pregnancy, and when you're not pregnant. So let's start out by talking about what's normal when you're not pregnant. It's normal to have about 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of whitish, creamy, tannish discharge on most days of your cycle in between periods, with the exception of the time of ovulation. Actually, around the time of ovulation, it's normal to notice the discharge becoming more slippery and clear, almost like egg whites. And this is actually a sign that you can watch for to know when you're ovulating. And if you're seeing this type of discharge and you're trying to have a baby, then you should start to time intercourse with ovulation to increase your chances of conceiving.

samer kareem
1,163 Views ยท 8 months ago


samer kareem
11,323 Views ยท 8 months ago


samer kareem
4,216 Views ยท 8 months ago

Diagnosis of HIV infection in infants is aided by HIV culture or DNA/RNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR); positive results are confirmed by repeating the test. In suspected cases, HIV testing should occur in the newborn period (ie, before the infant is 48 h old), at age 1-2 months, and again at age 3-6 months.

samer kareem
5,038 Views ยท 8 months ago

The window period is the time from infection until a test can detect any change. The average window period with HIV-1 antibody tests is 25 days for subtype B. Antigen testing cuts the window period to approximately 16 days and nucleic acid testing (NAT) further reduces this period to 12 days.[2] Performance of medical tests is often described in terms of: sensitivity: The percentage of the results that will be positive when HIV is present specificity: The percentage of the results that will be negative when HIV is not present. All diagnostic tests have limitations, and sometimes their use may produce erroneous or questionable results. False positive: The test incorrectly indicates that HIV is present in a non-infected person. False negative: The test incorrectly indicates that HIV is absent in an infected person.

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