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elisa lewis
1,170 Views ยท 8 months ago

goldensleather video

samer kareem
1,169 Views ยท 8 months ago

Craft manโ€™s new ear from rib cartilage and the skin on his forearm

1,169 Views ยท 8 months ago

Amazing Tattoos That Turn Scars Into Works Of Art

samer kareem
1,167 Views ยท 8 months ago

The procedure was performed under wrist block regional anesthesia with tourniquet control. A single Chinese finger trap was used on the thumb with 5 to 8 lb of ongitudinal traction. The arm was held down with wide tape around the tourniquet securing it to the hand table to serve as countertraction. A shoulder holder, rather than a traction tower, was used to facilitate fluoroscopic intervention more easily. The Trapeziometacarpal joint was detected by palpation. Joint distension was achieved by injecting 1 to 3 mL of normal saline (Fig. 1). It is important to distally direct the needle approximately 20 degrees to clear the dorsal flare of the metacarpal base and enter the joint capsule. This course should be reproduced upon entering with arthroscopic sleeve/ trocar assembly to minimize iatrogenic cartilage injury. Fluid distention is important to facilitate this. The incision for the 1-R (radial) portal, used for proper assessment of the dorsoradial ligament, posterior oblique ligament, and ulnar collateral ligament, was placed just volar to the abductor pollicis longus tendon. The incision for the 1-U (ulnar) portal, for better evaluation of the anterior oblique ligament and ulnar collateral ligament, was made just ulnar to the extensor pollicis brevis tendon. A short-barrel, 1.9-mm, 30- degree inclination arthroscope was used for complete visualization of the CMC joint surfaces, capsule, and ligaments, and then appropriate management was done, as dictated by the stage of the arthritis detected (Fig. 2A). A full-radius mechanical shaver with suction was used in all the cases, particularly for initial debridement and visualization. Most of the cases were augmented with radiofrequency ablation to perform a thorough synovectomy and radiofrequency was also used to perform chondroplasty in the cases with focal articular cartilage wear or fibrillation. Chondroplasty refers to thedebridement of the fibrillated cartilage to improve vascularity of the cartilage and enhance the growth of fibrocartilage. Ligamentous laxity and capsular attenu- ation were treated with thermal capsulorraphy using a radiofrequency shrinkage probe. We were careful to avoid thermal necrosis; hence, a striping technique was used to tighten the capsule of the lax joints. The striping technique refers to thermal shrinkage performed in longitudinal stripes on the lax capsule, so as to leave vascular zones between the stripes; hence, thermal necrosis is prevented. Arthroscopic stage I disease was characterized by synovitis without any cartilage wear, wherein a synovectomy coupled with thermal capsulor- raphy as described was performed.

dr. kamal hussein saleh al husseiny
1,165 Views ยท 8 months ago


johan simons
1,163 Views ยท 8 months ago

Diabetic Foot Care, Diabetes Care Toronto

samer kareem
1,163 Views ยท 8 months ago


Mohamed Ibrahim
1,162 Views ยท 8 months ago

Shamika Burrage survived a near-fatal car accident two years ago, but not without losing something pretty important: her left ear. Now, thanks to a novel procedure performed at an Army medical center in Texas, Burrage is getting that ear back in a most unusual way. Plastic surgeons harvested cartilage from Burrage's ribs to create a new ear and then grew it under the skin of her forearm. Then the doctors at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso successfully transplanted the ear from her arm to her head. The technique -- a first time in the Army -- is called prelaminated forearm free flap, said Lt. Col. Owen Johnson III, chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery at William Beaumont Army Medical Center. Some of the big advantages of it is that it reduced the chance of more scarring around Burrage's ear. Also, growing the ear under the skin of her forearm allows new blood vessels to form. "(The ear) will have fresh arteries, fresh veins and even a fresh nerve so she'll be able to feel it," Johnson said on the US Army's website. Burrage, a 21-year-old private, still has to endure two more surgeries, but she's feeling more optimistic about the future than ever in the years since her accident. "It's been a long process for everything, but I'm back," said Burrage.

samer kareem
1,161 Views ยท 8 months ago

Robotic Surgery Demonstration Using Da Vinci Surgical System

samer kareem
1,161 Views ยท 8 months ago

High Resolution Upper Airway Anatomy

1,160 Views ยท 8 months ago
---Traitement Diabete 2. Vous Eliminerez Le Diabรจte D'Une Fois Pour Toutes!
Laissez de cรดtรฉ les prรฉoccupations des risques de votre maladie.
Ne souffrez plus de votre poids et la privation des aliments prรฉfรฉrรฉs.
Ne dรฉpensez plus des milliers d'euros en mรฉdicaments qui combattent la maladie de l'extรฉrieur.
Ne vivez plus une vie de restrictions.
Ne souffrez plus!!!

Oubliez de changer constamment de mรฉdicaments prescrits, de mesurer le niveau de glucose et de vous injecter l'insuline.

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dr. kamal hussein saleh al husseiny
1,160 Views ยท 8 months ago


Indianmedtrip Consultants
1,159 Views ยท 8 months ago

Joint Replacement Surgery is part of Orthopedics hence surgical as well as non-surgical techniques are carried out by orthopedic surgeons. The burden of pain can be reduced with the help of minimally invasive orthopedic therapies prescribed by doctors.

samer kareem
1,158 Views ยท 8 months ago

Our results in this study of MIPO treated with conventional plates are comparable to the results of the femoral shaft fractures treated with intramedullary nailing. The technique can be used for all femoral shaft fractures. Although the biomechanics of the plate fixation are less stable compared to the intamedullary nail, the mechanical stability is stable enough for bone healing. Healing was rapid, and postoperative care was simplified. The two major complications were malalignment and screw breakage. We recommend using at least three separated screws in each fragment to prevent stress on the screw and screw breakage. Intraoperative limb length, axial alignment, and rotation must be carefully assessed to prevent malalignment. The limitations of our study include lack of a comparison group, retrospective data collection, and no randomisation in outcome evaluation

Scott Stevens
1,158 Views ยท 8 months ago

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery CABG Heart

samer kareem
1,157 Views ยท 8 months ago

Approximately 10%-15% of human bite wounds become infected owing to multiple factors. The bacterial inoculum of human bite wounds contains as many as 100 million organisms per milliliter and is made up of as many as 190 different species. Many of these are anaerobes that flourish in the low redox environment of tartar that lies between human teeth or in areas of gingivitis. Most injuries due to human bites involve the hands. Hand wounds, regardless of the etiology, have a higher rate of infection than do those in other a locations. (See Pathophysiology and Etiology.) Infections associated with human bites are often far advanced by the time they receive appropriate care. Patients often wait until infection is well established before seeking medical treatment. These wounds are frequently more extensive than estimated on initial examination by the inexperienced observer and are frequently managed inadequately. (See Prognosis, Presentation, Treatment, and Medication.) Human bites have been shown to transmit hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes simplex virus (HSV), syphilis, tuberculosis, actinomycosis, and tetanus. Evidence suggests that it is biologically possible, but quite unlikely, to transmit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through human bites. (See Pathophysiology, Presentation, and Workup.)

samer kareem
1,156 Views ยท 8 months ago

Occupational respiratory disease is any lung condition you get at work. Certain workplaces lend themselves to disease. The most common are coalmines and factories or areas with high amounts of toxins. These include asbestos and silica dust, as well as smoke, fumes, gases, and other particles. Types of occupational respiratory disease include: coal workersโ€™ pneumoconiosis, also known as Black Lung Disease asbestosis silicosis farmersโ€™ lung, also known as allergic alveolitis. It also includes forms of asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema.

samer kareem
1,155 Views ยท 8 months ago

Hypercalcemia is a condition in which the calcium level in your blood is above normal. Too much calcium in your blood can weaken your bones, create kidney stones, and interfere with the way your heart and brain works. Hypercalcemia most commonly results from overactive parathyroid glands. These four tiny glands are each about the size of a grain of rice and are located on or near the thyroid gland. Other causes of hypercalcemia include cancer, certain other medical disorders, some medications, and excessive use of calcium and vitamin D supplements. Signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia may range from nonexistent to severe. Treatment depends on the underlying cause.

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