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samer kareem
10,326 Views · 8 months ago

Tooth loss can make you look older. When you lose a tooth and don’t replace it with a dental implant, you risk the chance of jawbone loss. Normally, your tooth root stimulates the continued growth and health of your jawbone. Dental implants mirror your natural tooth root and keep your jawbone healthy.

samer kareem
3,545 Views · 8 months ago

Is There A Way To Know If I Have An Aortic Aneurysm Before It Ruptures?

samer kareem
1,670 Views · 8 months ago

Giant cell tumour is a locally aggressive primary bone tumour, located eccentrically in the metaphysis and epiphysis of a long bone. It commonly affects distal end of Femur, proximal end of Tibia and distal end of Radius. It is occasionally reported in small bones of hand and foot[1], spine[2] and pelvis[3]. Though it occurs in 20 - 35 year old individuals commonly, it can also be seen in children as young as 2 years[4] and also in older individuals

samer kareem
2,220 Views · 8 months ago

Very small currents can be imperceptible. Larger current passing through the body may make it impossible for a shock victim to let go of an energized object. Still larger currents can cause fibrillation of the heart and damage to tissues. Death caused by an electric shock is called electrocution.

samer kareem
1,009 Views · 8 months ago

U.S. biotech firm Bioquark recently got approval to move forward with its ReAnima Project, in which it will try to reverse brain death in patients on life support

samer kareem
10,909 Views · 8 months ago

Huge Abscess On Man's Jaw surgery

samer kareem
5,286 Views · 8 months ago

Thousands of Whiteheads! Why Do I Get Them?

samer kareem
4,556 Views · 8 months ago

In patients with advanced congestive heart failure due to cardiomyopathy or ischemia, right ventricle shortening is the only significant independent associate of survival by multivariate analysis (as opposed to other parameters including left ventricular ejection fraction, cardiac index, and pulmonary resistance).

samer kareem
3,185 Views · 8 months ago

This device can detect several diseases from a single drop of blood.

samer kareem
2,242 Views · 8 months ago

This device gives you super strength to lift heavy items.

samer kareem
974 Views · 8 months ago

People with celiac disease may lose weight because their bodies are not able to absorb enough nutrients from food. Over time, a range of problems may develop as a result of the body's reaction to gluten — from skin rashes and lactose intolerance to infertility, bone weakness and nerve damage.

samer kareem
3,656 Views · 8 months ago

Ovarian cancer warning signs include ongoing pain or cramps in the belly or back, abnormal vaginal bleeding, nausea, and bloating. Depending on the cancer stage, ovarian cancer treatment includes surgery and chemotherapy.

samer kareem
1,641 Views · 8 months ago

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder. People with Thalassemia disease are not able to make enough hemoglobin, which causes severe anemia. Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells and carries oxygen to all parts of the body. When there is not enough hemoglobin in the red blood cells, oxygen cannot get to all parts of the body. Organs then become starved for oxygen and are unable to function properly.

4,123 Views · 8 months ago

Roman Nowygrod, MD, a surgeon at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, explains the different surgical approaches to treat Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD).

samer kareem
1,682 Views · 8 months ago

Each year, thousands of babies in the U.S. are born addicted to opiates. And the problem is getting worse.

samer kareem
1,848 Views · 8 months ago

This is a technique of correcting knock knee (genu valgum) deformity by surgery. Highligh of the technique is that the bone is not cut, but merely weakened. The advantage is that it provides accuracy to the surgeon, and rapid healing. Once corrected, the bone is held in place with a special plate (Tomofix), which permits walking with crutches the very next day.

samer kareem
4,422 Views · 8 months ago

New dental fillings could allow your teeth to heal themselves.

samer kareem
5,204 Views · 8 months ago

Scientists have found that every baby has genius potential, a child's education must begin early in order to develop the potential it has. Pregnancy is not too early to start, as evidence indicating that the developing fetus can learn is ever mounting.

samer kareem
1,738 Views · 8 months ago

Bartter syndrome has traditionally been classified into three main clinical variants, as follows: Neonatal (or antenatal) Bartter syndrome Classic Bartter syndrome Gitelman syndrome Advances in molecular diagnostics have revealed that Bartter syndrome results from mutations in numerous genes that affect the function of ion channels and transporters that normally mediate transepithelial salt reabsorption in the distal nephron segments. Hundreds of mutations have been identified to date. Such advances may result in the development of new therapies (see the image below). [2] (See Pathophysiology and Etiology.)

samer kareem
2,782 Views · 8 months ago

Cholestatic liver disease is a condition that results from an impairment of bile formation or bile flow to the gallbladder and duodenum (first section of the small intestine). ... The effects of cholestasis are profound and widespread, leading to worsening liver disease and systemic illness.

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