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668,111 Views ยท 1 year ago

Bimanual pelvic exam of a female, using two fingers inside the vagina and one hand on the outside of the abdomen

119,400 Views ยท 1 year ago

This video shows how to insert a catheter in a baby girl

Mohamed Ibrahim
157,843 Views ยท 1 year ago

Vaginal delivery is the most common and safest type of childbirth. When necessary in certain circumstances, forceps (instruments resembling large spoons) may be used to cup your baby's head and help guide the baby through the birth canal. Vacuum delivery is another way to assist delivery and is similar to forceps delivery. In vacuum delivery, a plastic cup is applied to the baby's head by suction and the health care provider gently pulls the baby from the birth canal.

201,315 Views ยท 1 year ago

Watch that video to know What is Vaginal Discharge and how to Get Rid of it ?

samer kareem
7,646 Views ยท 1 year ago

Urinary incontinence isn't a disease, it's a symptom. It can be caused by everyday habits, underlying medical conditions or physical problems. A thorough evaluation by your doctor can help determine what's behind your incontinence. Temporary urinary incontinence Certain drinks, foods and medications can act as diuretics โ€” stimulating your bladder and increasing your volume of urine. They include: Alcohol Caffeine Decaffeinated tea and coffee Carbonated drinks Artificial sweeteners Corn syrup Foods that are high in spice, sugar or acid, especially citrus fruits Heart and blood pressure medications, sedatives, and muscle relaxants Large doses of vitamins B or C Urinary incontinence also may be caused by an easily treatable medical condition, such as: Urinary tract infection. Infections can irritate your bladder, causing you to have strong urges to urinate, and sometimes incontinence. Other signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection include a burning sensation when you urinate and foul-smelling urine. Constipation. The rectum is located near the bladder and shares many of the same nerves. Hard, compacted stool in your rectum causes these nerves to be overactive and increase urinary frequency. Persistent urinary incontinence Urinary incontinence can also be a persistent condition caused by underlying physical problems or changes, including: Pregnancy. Hormonal changes and the increased weight of the uterus can lead to stress incontinence. Childbirth. Vaginal delivery can weaken muscles needed for bladder control and also damage bladder nerves and supportive tissue, leading to a dropped (prolapsed) pelvic floor. With prolapse, the bladder, uterus, rectum or small intestine can get pushed down from the usual position and protrude into the vagina. Such protrusions can be associated with incontinence. Changes with age. Aging of the bladder muscle can decrease the bladder's capacity to store urine. Menopause. After menopause women produce less estrogen, a hormone that helps keep the lining of the bladder and urethra healthy. Deterioration of these tissues can aggravate incontinence. Hysterectomy. In women, the bladder and uterus are supported by many of the same muscles and ligaments. Any surgery that involves a woman's reproductive system, including removal of the uterus, may damage the supporting pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to incontinence. Enlarged prostate. Especially in older men, incontinence often stems from enlargement of the prostate gland, a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. Prostate cancer. In men, stress incontinence or urge incontinence can be associated with untreated prostate cancer. But more often, incontinence is a side effect of treatments for prostate cancer. Obstruction. A tumor anywhere along your urinary tract can block the normal flow of urine, leading to overflow incontinence. Urinary stones โ€” hard, stone-like masses that form in the bladder โ€” sometimes cause urine leakage. Neurological disorders. Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke, a brain tumor or a spinal injury can interfere with nerve signals involved in bladder control, causing urinary incontinence.

Dr Rajat Gupta
22 Views ยท 24 days ago

People do many things in order to maintain health and fitness but sometimes even after all the efforts people can't shed extra kilos and It can be difficult to regain your body's shape after significant changes in your figure (such as pregnancy or weight gain ), and even a healthy lifestyle may not be able to restore your slender midsection. This causes excessive fat and skin around/ near the abdominal area. In this situation, doctors perform surgery that removes this extra fat and skin and tones the midsection which is known as Tummy Tuck surgery. Tummy tucking is a simple procedure.

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin and restores weakened muscles to create a smoother, firmer abdominal profile. This requires a day stay. The excess fat is removed in such a way that there will be less trauma, swelling and the recovery will fast.

The excess fat leads to excess skin. In order to remove that extra skin tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty) procedure is performed. When both tummy tuck and liposuction is performed together it is called Lipoabdominoplasty. 95% of patients undergo a Lipoabdominoplasty procedure. The scar is hidden in the bikini line. Also, the navel is repositioned during the procedure.

For full Tummy tuck surgery, the patient is discharged on the day after the surgery. In order to keep the patients as painless as possible, they are given a long-acting anaesthetic injection into their muscles so that they do not feel any pain and recover fast.

About Dr Rajat Gupta and RG Aesthetics

At RG Aesthetics, Indiaโ€™s best plastic surgeon, Dr Rajat Gupta is at your service! With 10 years of experience, brand-certification, and international recognition, Dr Gupta is the solution to all your contouring needs.

His expertise in liposuction techniques combined with the state-of-the-art technology available at RG Aesthetics ensures we continue providing the most reliable services with incredible, instantaneous results!

Our equipment allows for every kind of liposuction there is โ€“ especially the minimal invasive kinds. Dr Gupta reflects RG Aestheticsโ€™ belief of the patientโ€™s comfort always being paramount. Procedures at RG Aesthetics, under Dr Rajat Gupta, minimize trauma and speed up recovery time for the best results!

For more information please visit our website:
For more details,
contact us:+91-9251-711-711 or

#tummytuck #abdominoplasty #lipoabdominoplasty #plasticsurgeon #drrajatgupta

Mohamed Ibrahim
705,748 Views ยท 1 year ago

Pelvic examinations during labor are used for several purposes, among them assessment of cervical dilatation, effacement, station of the presenting part, presentation, position, and pelvic capacity.Instruction in these techniques is particularly important for those health care providers involved in labor management, including physicians, nurses, midwives, paramedics and EMT personnel.

147,054 Views ยท 1 year ago

inspection, auscultation and palpation

189,478 Views ยท 1 year ago

Medical Female Breast Exam

197,361 Views ยท 1 year ago

Acclaimed sexologist Hanny Lightfoot-Klein, author of several highly illuminating books on genital mutilation, discusses compromises in orgasm after male circumcision. Also commenting is cultural anthropologist James De Meo.From the groundbreaking documentary film, "Whose Body, Whose Rights?"

samer kareem
17,108 Views ยท 1 year ago

Female ejaculation is characterized as an expulsion of fluid from or near the vagina during or before an orgasm

Hemant Damle
90,462 Views ยท 1 year ago

This condition is seen in imperforate hymen or transverse vaginal septum. Pt presents with primary amenorrhea. Dr Hemant Damle Prof Dept of OBGYN SKNMC Pune India

Mohamed Ibrahim
70,331 Views ยท 1 year ago

examination of the lungs and respiration of newborn and children

Mohamed Ibrahim
141,444 Views ยท 1 year ago

It is held in place with a balloon at the end, which is filled with sterile water to prevent the catheter from being removed from the bladder. The urine drains through the catheter tube into a bag, which is emptied when full. The procedure to insert a catheter is called catheterization.

120,962 Views ยท 1 year ago

Watch that Triples Natural Vaginal Birth Video

Prabhash Dr
102,375 Views ยท 1 year ago

Hymenoplasty Hymen Repair Surgery in Delhi India by Dr. Prabhash, Specialist in Female genital surgery. Intact Natural Hymen is considered a sign of virginity and a broken hymen often creates difficult situation in newly married girls life. With increasing age of marriage premarital relations are turning common and affecting post marital life. Hymenoplasty or Hymen Repair or Hymen restoration surgery has been developed to overcome this difficult situations. In past it was assumed that hymen never heals after repair and we need to rely upon stitches which holds remnants and with penetrative force they cut through and cause bleeding. This old Hymenoplasty technique is unreliable and often your partner may find one or two stitches making circumstances even more ridiculous. With our hymenoplasty technique Hymen heals well and becomes soft and natural in 4-6 weeks, so you get a normal natural hymen with our hymenoplasty. Details of Revirgination or Hymenoplasty surgery you may find here

Dr Rajat Gupta
19 Views ยท 27 days ago

Many women have complained about huge breast size. Huge breast is not only socially embarrassing problem but also cause pain in neck and shoulder and therefore women opt for breast reduction surgery. Let's learn more about breast reduction surgery

When to Consider Breast Reduction
-If your breasts are too large for your body frame and create back, shoulder or neck pain
-If you have heavy breasts with nipples and areolas (pigmented skin surrounding the nipples) that point downward
-If one breast is much larger than the other
-If you are unhappy and self-conscious about the large appearance of your breasts

Breast Reduction Preparation :
Breast reduction surgery, which usually takes from two hours or less do not require an overnight stay. The patient goes back home on the day of the surgery.

Firstly it is very important to know what is the present size of the breast and what size does the patients want the breast to be reduced? This present size and expected size needs to be clearly defined so that the doctor, as well as the patient, will know what is the desired size which will help in performing the surgery precisely. This is about the Cup size.
Secondly, The other measurement is regarding the band size which needs to be discussed in order to reduce. So that the size will be defined and the surgery will be done precisely.

The shape of the breast also needs to be discussed. A lot of women when they have saggy, huge breast do not have upper pole fullness and cleavage. Dr. Rajat Gupta performs surgery in such a manner that along with the desired size, the shape of the breast will also be achieved which will make it look aesthetic giving it upper pole fullness and defined cleavage.

Breast reduction surgery recovery
The breast reduction recovery process needs to be discussed with your doctor. Usually, breast reduction surgery is a daycare procedure The patient does not experience pain but they have " skin stretched feeling" as the doctor has reduced the size for which the doctors give pain killers. The patient can do all their daily activities from the next day. It is a very comfortable process but this needs to be discussed with your doctor as well.

Before undergoing the breast reduction surgery the patient needs to discuss the desired cup shape, band size, recovery process, shape of the breast, the shape of the cleavage and the scar of the surgery.

About Dr Rajat Gupta and RG Aesthetics

At RG Aesthetics, Indiaโ€™s best plastic surgeon, Dr Rajat Gupta is at your service! With 10 years of experience, brand-certification, and international recognition, Dr Gupta is the solution to all your contouring needs.

His expertise in liposuction techniques combined with the state-of-the-art technology available at RG Aesthetics ensures we continue providing the most reliable services with incredible, instantaneous results!

Our equipment allows for every kind of liposuction there is โ€“ especially the minimal invasive kinds. Dr Gupta reflects RG Aestheticsโ€™ belief of the patientโ€™s comfort always being paramount. Procedures at RG Aesthetics, under Dr Rajat Gupta, minimize trauma and speed up recovery time for the best results!

For more information please visit our website:
For more details,
contact us: 91-9251-711-711 or

#breastreduction #reducebreastsize #breastreductionpreparation #drrajatgupta #rgaesthetics

samer kareem
33,086 Views ยท 1 year ago

In patients age ;::25, HPV DNA testing is the preferred next step in management if the initial cytology shows ASC-US. In this method, samples are collected for both cytology and reflex HPV DNA. If cytology results are positive, HPV DNA testing is performed. If cytology results are negative, the sample for HPV DNA is discarded. HPV DNA testing along with Pap smear at 3 years is recommended if initial cytology shows ASC-US but HPV DNA testing is negative

40,227 Views ยท 1 year ago

Men and women have anatomical differences when it comes to genitals, but orgasms are fundamentally very similar. The female orgasm lasts longer than the male, ranging about 20 seconds compared to 3 to 10 seconds, but men do experience more orgasms.

103 Views ยท 1 year ago

This video provides a demonstration of how to assess for transillumination when assessing scrotal swelling.

Read our step-by-step guide here:

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