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samer kareem
24,332 Views ยท 9 months ago

A stapled haemorrhoidopexy is an operation to return the haemorrhoids to a normal. position inside the rectum (back passage). A circular shaped stapling device is gently. inserted in the back passage. The surgeon is then able to use the device to remove.

24,282 Views ยท 9 months ago

Complete clinical assessment and examination of the neck

24,281 Views ยท 9 months ago

Bone marrow examination refers to the pathologic analysis of samples of bone marrow obtained by bone marrow biopsy (often called a trephine biopsy) and bone marrow aspiration. Bone marrow examination is used in the diagnosis of a number of conditions, including leukemia, multiple myeloma, anemia, and pancytopenia. The bone marrow produces the cellular elements of the blood, including platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells. While much information can be gleaned by testing the blood itself (drawn from a vein by phlebotomy), it is sometimes necessary to examine the source of the blood cells in the bone marrow to obtain more information on hematopoiesis; this is the role of bone marrow aspiration and biopsy.

Liz L
24,278 Views ยท 9 months ago

The only sure way to prevent genital warts is to not have sex. But everyone wants sex, so here is how to have safe sex if you are living with Genital Warts.

24,249 Views ยท 9 months ago

The endoscopic resection of a sharp bony nasal septal spur video

24,224 Views ยท 9 months ago

Video-Assisted thoracoscopy

24,195 Views ยท 9 months ago

3D Heart Attack

24,161 Views ยท 9 months ago

assesment of coordination

Mohamed Ibrahim
24,152 Views ยท 9 months ago

Positive Pressure Ventilation with a face mask and a bag-valve device

24,127 Views ยท 9 months ago

Open rhinoplasty without oseotomies. Basic steps for rasping of dorsal hump and cephalic trim with septoplasty and tip strut.

24,078 Views ยท 9 months ago

Drs. Moore and Miklos are very excited to be one of the first centers in the US to offer the next step in minimally invasive treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence, the single incision Mini-sling. The procedure utilizes the same concepts of the tension-free tape mid-urethral slings, however only one incision is needed and the procedure can be completed in as little as 5-10 minutes under local anesthesia.

The procedure was initially released in September of 2006 by Gynecare with a procedure called the TVT-Secure and Dr Miklos and Moore were some of the first surgeons to evaluate and study the procedure. They liked the concept of a single incision sling, however were not enthused by the engineering and design of the Secure sling. In early 2007, with development input from Dr Moore and Miklos, American Medical Systems made several improvements to the procedure and in April, Dr Moore was the first surgeon in the United States to place the Mini-Arc mini-sling. Dr Mooreโ€™s and Miklosโ€™s center in Atlanta, because of their reputation of being world leaderโ€™s in treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence, was chosen as the lead center in the USA to evaluate and study the Mini-Arc procedure. Dr Moore was chosen as principal investigator, leading 5 centers in the USA and the world, to study and present the initial results in the USA, which have been excellent and very exciting!

Mohamed Ibrahim
24,044 Views ยท 9 months ago

49-years old patient complaining of cough, fever and pleuritic pain for 2 weeks. At admission he was febrile and tachypnic. Chest X-Ray showed left pleural effusion. Thoracocentesis revealed purulent fluid. Chest CT-scan showed large and loculated left pleural effusion and pleural thickening. VATS decortication was performed through three incisions.

24,038 Views ยท 9 months ago

Mitral valve repair

Mohamed Ibrahim
23,995 Views ยท 9 months ago

Some tips on obtaining venous blood samples

samer kareem
23,990 Views ยท 9 months ago

A vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that tightens the vagina. This is done by removing excess vaginal lining and tightening the surrounding soft tissues and muscles. During delivery of a baby the vagina and surrounding tissues and muscles become stretched. After delivery the vagina may return to a more โ€œnormalโ€ size, but it often fails to return to itsโ€™ pre pregnancy diameter. Generally, the more vaginal deliveries, the worse the condition gets. Many women will complain of decreased sensation and sexual satisfaction during intercourse. Commonly this is due to a lack of friction. Often their partner may notice a change although he may say nothing. Kegel exercises are often recommended but rarely succeed in restoring vaginal tightness.

samer kareem
23,975 Views ยท 9 months ago

What damage does atherosclerosis cause? Plaque may partially or totally block the blood's flow through an artery in the heart, brain, pelvis, legs, arms or kidneys. Some of the diseases that may develop as a result of atherosclerosis include coronary heart disease, angina (chest pain), carotid artery disease, peripheral artery disease (PAD) and chronic kidney disease.

23,942 Views ยท 9 months ago

This video shows an ovarian cyst and its removal using a laparoscopic technique.

23,920 Views ยท 9 months ago

Watch that video to know if oral sex causes cancer

23,882 Views ยท 9 months ago

video shows how to insert a nasogatric tube.

23,880 Views ยท 9 months ago

PEUTZ-JEGHERS SYNDROME: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is a familial syndrome consisting of mucocutaneous pigmentation, gastrointestinal polyposis and cancers of gut & other sites like breast, ovary, and testes. PJS has an autosomal dominant inheritance with variable and incomplete penetrance. Germline mutations of STK11/LKB1 gene on 19p cause this syndrome. Mucocutaneous pigmentation may be noted in early infancy. These deposits of melanin are most commonly found around the mouth, nose, lips, buccal mucosa, hands, and feet, and may also be present in perianal and genital areas. PJS polyps may be found in stomach, small intestine, or colon, but they tend to be prominent in the small intestine. These polyps may increase in size and cause small intestinal obstruction or intussusceptions that may occur in early infancy. Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding and chronic faecal blood may complicate the disease.
PATIENT: The patient was a 25 yr male who had mucocutaneous pigmentation and multiple polyps in the stomach and duodenum. He presented with bleeding from gastric polyps. As the polyps in stomach were numerous, (more than 20 in number) and were large in size (some equal to small egg size), he had been advised to undergo surgery. Surgery planned was total gastrectomy.
PROCEDURE: The patient underwent video-endoscopy of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. All polyps were examined for size and presence or absence of stalk. A plan to remove all the gastric polyps at endoscopy was made in the same sitting. He received light conscious sedation. Flat polyps were raised form the gastric wall by injection of saline in to polyp base to let these lesions have a stalk. This was done by needle injector. Each polyp was engaged in a snare and the polyp stalk was cut by coagulation cutting current. The cuts were clean without any bleeding. All polyps were recovered for histology. The histology revealed all polyps to be hamartomous lesions. None of the polyps were cancerous. Patient has been followed up for over one year and is doing fine without any further bleeding or pain.
Video shows the procedure of videoendoscpy and endoscopic removal of polyps.

Showing 47 out of 48