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12,135 Views ยท 1 year ago

Vacuum Extraction Birth video

19,310 Views ยท 1 year ago

Female Reproductive System Anatomy

10,822 Views ยท 1 year ago

Foreceps Delivery Birth Video

6,241 Views ยท 1 year ago

Mechanical Circulatory Support

43,542 Views ยท 1 year ago

How Smoking and Drinking Affect Your Body

Fairness Club
3,339 Views ยท 1 year ago

Skin Whitening Pills in Pakistan can be bought here at a reasonable price. Glutathione whitening pills gradual and permanent skin whitening results for everyone

24,702 Views ยท 1 year ago

External cephalic version, or version, is a procedure used to turn a fetus from a breech position or side-lying (transverse) position into a head-down (vertex) position before labor begins. When successful, version makes it possible for you to try a vaginal birth.

samer kareem
4,813 Views ยท 1 year ago

50 Orgasms A Day

samer kareem
12,382 Views ยท 1 year ago

samer kareem
4,364 Views ยท 1 year ago

A Pap smear (Papanicolau smear; also known as the Pap test) is a screening test for cervical cancer. The test itself involves collection of a sample of cells from a woman's cervix (the end of the uterus that extends into the vagina) during a routine pelvic exam

samer kareem
2,483 Views ยท 1 year ago

Your stomach must be empty, so you should not eat or drink anything for approximately 8 hours before the examination. Your physician will be more specific about the time to begin fasting depending on the time of day that your test is scheduled. Your current medications may need to be adjusted or avoided. Most medications can be continued as usual. Medication use such as aspirin, Vitamin E, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, blood thinners and insulin should be discussed with your physician prior to the examination as well as any other medication you might be taking. It is therefore best to inform your physician of any allergies to medications, iodine, or shellfish. It is essential that you alert your physician if you require antibiotics prior to undergoing dental procedures, since you may also require antibiotics prior to ERCP. Also, if you have any major diseases, such as heart or lung disease that may require special attention during the procedure, discuss this with your physician. To make the examination comfortable, you will be sedated during the procedure, and, therefore, you will need someone to drive you home afterward. Sedatives will affect your judgment and reflexes for the rest of the day, so you should not drive or operate machinery until the next day.

samer kareem
4,289 Views ยท 1 year ago

What Are Sleep Disorders? Circadian Rhythm Disorders Typically, people sleep at night -- thanks not only to the conventions of the 9-to-5 workday, but also to the close interaction between our natural sleep and alertness rhythms, which are driven by an internal "clock." This clock is a small part of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. It sits just above the nerves leaving the back of our eyes. Light and exercise "reset" the clock and can move it forward or backward. Abnormalities related to this clock are called circadian rhythm disorders ("circa" means "about," and "dies" means "day"). Circadian rhythm disorders include jet lag, adjustments to shift work, delayed sleep phase syndrome (you fall asleep and wake up too late), and advanced sleep phase syndrome (you fall asleep and wake up too early).

samer kareem
27,601 Views ยท 1 year ago

Gynecological Examination

samer kareem
3,086 Views ยท 1 year ago

Too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. Over 2,100 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day, an average of one death every 40 seconds. The good news is, you can lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Working with your doctor is key. It takes a team to develop and maintain a successful health program. You and your healthcare professionals each play an important role in maintaining and improving your heart health. Work with your doctor to determine your risk and the best approach to manage it. In all cases, lifestyle changes are important to reduce your risk for heart attack and stroke. In some cases, cholesterol-lowering statin medicines may also provide benefit. Learn how to make diet and lifestyle changes easy and lasting. Also make sure you understand instructions for taking medication because it won't work if you don't take it as directed. Lifestyle Changes Your diet, weight, physical activity and exposure to tobacco smoke all affect your cholesterol level. Know Your Fats Knowing which fats raise LDL cholesterol and which ones don't is the first step in lowering your risk of heart disease.

samer kareem
7,954 Views ยท 1 year ago

It's a symptom of heart disease but typically does not cause permanent damage to the heart. It is, though, a sign that you are a candidate for a heart attack at some point in the future. The chest pain may spread to your arm, shoulder, jaw, or back. It may feel like a pressure or squeezing sensation.

samer kareem
5,926 Views ยท 1 year ago

The lumps may be hard or rubbery and can appear as a single breast lump that may be large or small. Fibrocystic changes also can appear as thickening of the breast tissue. Fibrocystic changes can occur in one or both breasts and are the most common cause of benign breast lumps in women age 35 to 50.

samer kareem
64,699 Views ยท 1 year ago

-The cremasteric reflex test is considered positive if there is elevation of the testis in response to stroking the upper inner thigh. This reaction is typically absent in testicular torsion and boys under the age of 6 months. Although not completely reliable in older boys and adults, an absent cremasteric reflex is highly suggestive of torsion. Patients with epididymitis usually have a normal cremasteric reflex, with pain and swelling isolated to

samer kareem
7,380 Views ยท 1 year ago

PIP breast implants exchanged with Nagor 4th generation silicone implants by plastic surgeon Adrian Richards at Aurora clinics in Milton Keynes. During PIP removal procedure, the implants appear in good shape, but as with majority of PIP implants, evidence of silicone gel bleed is found inside the patient's breast pocket, as well as free silicone which caused pain and discomfort to this patient.

samer kareem
117,438 Views ยท 1 year ago

First time mom experiences a quick, natural, water-birth.

samer kareem
7,372 Views ยท 1 year ago

Hemodialysis, also called dialysis, is the most common treatment for kidney failure. A dialysis machine is an artificial kidney which cleanses the blood. During dialysis, blood is drawn from the patient into the dialysis machine, circulated through the machine, and then returned to the patient. Two needles are inserted into the patient's bloodstream to allow this process to occur. Hemodialysis is normally performed three times a week and the purpose of vascular access is to provide reliable sites where the bloodstream can be easily accessed each time. There are three major types of vascular access: arteriovenous fistula, arteriovenous graft, and venous catheter. The great majority of vascular accesses are created in the arm, but they can also be created in the leg.

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