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19,752 Views ยท 9 months ago

Dr. Jawad has been performing Bariatric Surgery in Central Florida since 1984, and Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery since 1999, having completed over 2000 Bariatric Surgical Cases safely, and with great success. Here you can watch Dr. Jawad performing a Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass surgery, with audio commentary describing the procedure.

Emery King
19,750 Views ยท 9 months ago

DMC Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital offers hope for severe sinus sufferers through new image-guided surgery that opens up passages, allowing freer breathing and higher quality of life. See two patients who have undergone the procedure and hear about their new lease on life. ~ Detroit Medical Center

19,724 Views ยท 9 months ago

Bloodless accurate atraumatic and efficient strengthening of a medial rectus.Non magnetic steel sutures used.All cutting is done by Fugo blade.Postoperative reaction is nil.The child goes to school 2 days after surgery.

19,713 Views ยท 9 months ago

Residents Communication

19,707 Views ยท 9 months ago

Neurotransmitter 3D Animation
on Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Neurotransmitters are endogenous chemicals which transmit signals from a neuron to a target cell across a synapse. Neurotransmitters are packaged into synaptic vesicles clustered beneath the membrane on the presynaptic side of a synapse, and are released into the synaptic cleft, where they bind to receptors in the membrane on the postsynaptic side of the synapse. Release of neurotransmitters usually follows arrival of an action potential at the synapse, but may also follow graded electrical potentials. Low level "baseline" release also occurs without electrical stimulation. Neurotransmitters are synthesized from plentiful and simple precursors, such as amino acids, which are readily available from the diet and which require only a small number of biosynthetic steps to convert. The chemical identity of neurotransmitters is often difficult to determine experimentally. For example, it is easy using an electron microscope to recognize vesicles on the presynaptic side of a synapse, but it may not be easy to determine directly what chemical is packed into them. The difficulties led to many historical controversies over whether a given chemical was or was not clearly established as a transmitter. In an effort to give some structure to the arguments, neurochemists worked out a set of experimentally tractable rules. According to the prevailing beliefs of the 1960s, a chemical can be classified as a neurotransmitter if it meets the following conditions: * There are precursors and/or synthesis enzymes located in the presynaptic side of the synapse. * The chemical is present in the presynaptic element. * It is available in sufficient quantity in the presynaptic neuron to affect the postsynaptic neuron; * There are postsynaptic receptors and the chemical is able to bind to them. * A biochemical mechanism for inactivation is present. There are many different ways to classify neurotransmitters. Dividing them into amino acids, peptides, and monoamines is sufficient for some classification purposes. Major neurotransmitters: * Amino acids: glutamate, aspartate, D-serine, ฮณ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine * Monoamines and other biogenic amines: dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (noradrenaline; NE, NA), epinephrine (adrenaline), histamine, serotonin (SE, 5-HT), melatonin * Others: acetylcholine (ACh), adenosine, anandamide, nitric oxide, etc. In addition, over 50 neuroactive peptides have been found, and new ones are discovered regularly. Many of these are "co-released" along with a small-molecule transmitter, but in some cases a peptide is the primary transmitter at a synapse. ฮฒ-endorphin is a relatively well known example of a peptide neurotransmitter; it engages in highly specific interactions with opioid receptors in the central nervous system. Single ions, such as synaptically released zinc, are also considered neurotransmitters by some[by whom?], as are some gaseous molecules such as nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO). These are not classical neurotransmitters by the strictest definition, however, because although they have all been shown experimentally to be released by presynaptic terminals in an activity-dependent way, they are not packaged into vesicles. By far the most prevalent transmitter is glutamate, which is excitatory at well over 90% of the synapses in the human brain. The next most prevalent is GABA, which is inhibitory at more than 90% of the synapses that do not use glutamate. Even though other transmitters are used in far fewer synapses, they may be very important functionallyโ€”the great majority of psychoactive drugs exert their effects by altering the actions of some neurotransmitter systems, often acting through transmitters other than glutamate or GABA. Addictive drugs such as cocaine and amphetamine exert their effects primarily on the dop

samer kareem
19,706 Views ยท 9 months ago

This is a surgical video demonstrating the release and skin grafting of the middle and ring fingers. It demonstrates the marking, dissection, and repair of the fingers.

19,682 Views ยท 9 months ago

New York Plastic Surgery ,Dr. Robert Vitolo ,board certified plastic surgeon , brings you into the operating room for a glimpse at how his transumbilical breast augmentation procedure is performed. Dr. Vitolo, a pioneer in the 'no visible scar' breast enlargement surgery, has been using this technique since 1994. Dr. Vitolo use Allergan Natrelle saline breast implants and Mentor saline implants. Dr. Vitolo also performs a removal of silicone gel implants and replacement with saline implants using the transumbilical method.

19,669 Views ยท 9 months ago

Adult CPR video showing how to perform the Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation.

19,661 Views ยท 9 months ago

Paramedian Thoracic Epidural Anaesthesia

19,615 Views ยท 9 months ago

Barium Enema

samer kareem
19,615 Views ยท 9 months ago

Reading the 12-lead ECG

samer kareem
19,612 Views ยท 9 months ago

ThermiVa is a non-surgical vaginal tightening treatment for women who want to reclaim what childbirth or aging may have taken away. Using the same technology thatโ€™s used in ThermiTight and ThermiSmooth, radiofrequency energy is sent to the desired area (internally or externally), heating the tissue and stimulating the bodyโ€™s own collagen. ThermiVa is performed in three treatments over the course of three months.

samer kareem
19,607 Views ยท 9 months ago

Thumb Tip Regeneration! IV3000 Wound Dressing for Thumb / Finger Trauma

Mohan desarda
19,606 Views ยท 9 months ago

Video shows another patient on the second day of surgery by Dr. Desarda technique of inguinal hernia repair without mesh.
โ€œComplete cure from groin hernia is now possible with Dr.Desarda's repair technique.......โ€
Mesh is a foreign body. Therefore, its use in hernia repairs is known to cause all sorts of complications like pain, recurrence, infection etc. We have developed an innovative new technique of inguinal hernia repair without mesh. It uses your own body muscle for repair and gives virtually complete cure from inguinal hernia problem. An undetached strip of the external oblique aponeurosis is stitched on the weak area between the muscle arch and the inguinal ligament to form a new, strong and physiologically dynamic posterior wall that gives protection and prevents re-herniation. Normally patient goes home in a day after surgery and can drive car and go to office in 3-4 days time. This "Dr.Desarda's hernia repair" is now followed in many countries all over the world. We are surprised to see the enquiries from many patients in the developed countries asking for this repair in their country. This is because this operation does not use any foreign body like mesh for repair and therefore there are no complications that are seen in mesh repairs. A visit to Topix or other hernia forums show thousands of posts showing sufferings of many patients due to mesh repairs. But still why surgeons from developed countries are interested in mesh repairs is a big question for us.
Please visit our website for more details: Our cell number: +91 9373322178

19,601 Views ยท 9 months ago

The video will describe anatomial structures in a thoracic cavity as seen on a CT scan. Please see my website for disclaimer.

19,601 Views ยท 9 months ago

Watch that video of 82 Years Old Woman Pregnant For 40 Years

19,596 Views ยท 9 months ago

Laparoscopy in acute bowel obstruction following previous surgery is a difficult procedure and avoided by most of the surgeons due to the difficulty in obtaining pneumoperitoneum, port placement, lack of working space, adhesions and risk of bowel injury.
Here is a patient who had a previous laparotomy for trauma with a midline incision from xyphysternum to pubis; after unsuccessful conservative management he underwent a laparoscopy; a prior CT scan showed adhesions in the left side and a distal-mid small bowel obstruction. The pneumoperitoneum was obtained with the Visiport placed in the right lower quadrant; although the abdomen was grossly distended, under significant tension and distended loops of small bowel were occupying most the peritoneal cavity, with muscle relaxation there is usually enough space to perform a thorough inspection of the abdominal cavity. Port placement has to be done with special care as there is no room to push and usually a blunt trocar directed away from the bowel is employed in my practice. The collapsed loops of small bowel point quickly to the site of obstruction -- it is better to avoid manipulating the distended bowel as it is heavy, oedematous and prone to be lacerated with the instruments; once the pathology is identified, in this case the obstructive band, light packing is performed in order to expose the working space and protect the bowel from instruments like scissors or diathermy. In this case the band adhesion was slightly more difficult to separate from the bowel and required a combination of sharp and gentle blunt dissection.
Once the obstruction is release and the transit of contents is confirmed in the collapsed bowel the procedure is terminated. No abdominal drainage is usually necessary.

samer kareem
19,588 Views ยท 9 months ago

The cause of pectus excavatum is not known however it can run in families, with up to 25 percent of affected patients reporting chest wall abnormalities in other family members. Pectus excavatum occurs in approximately 1 out of 400โ€“1000 children and is three to five times more common in males than females.

Mohamed Ibrahim
19,572 Views ยท 9 months ago

technique of combined cataract surgery and glaucoma tube shunt using triamcinolone to verify fluid outflow

19,569 Views ยท 9 months ago

Previously existing methods are characterized by unpleasant scars that, despite surgeons promises, remain for life.
Incisions are:

- around the areola (Round block) leading to a flat areola, often unpleasant hypertophic skars, skin rippling.
- inverted T (around the areola, vertically down and in the fold under the breast).

- Vertical (around the areola and vertically down). Due to the extess skin, incisions often turn into inverted L or T. Rearrangement of glandular tissue and skin changes the shape of the breasts and may be different from expectations. Scars worry patients and sometimes cause disturbances in the relationship with their partner.

- No scars. The "Serdev Suture" lifting technique for breast lifting without scars (only points - needle perforations in the skin) is created by the Bulgarian cosmetic surgeon Prof. Dr. Nikolay Serdev. It is a novelty that had changed the cosmetic surgery world in the last 10-14 years for young patients. The technique is especially important in Asia and Latin America, for Asians, African-Americans, Indians, and others who form keloids and lumpy scars after operations.

The Serdev suture method can achieve lift upto and over 14 centimeters and is most suitable for the following types of breasts:
- not very heavy full breasts.
- in the presence of subpectoral implants with subsequent drooping of the breasts after childbirth and lactation.
- empty and loose breasts after childbirth and breastfeeding. In such cases this technique is combined with subpectoral implants. In sagging breasts implants should not be placed in the skin over the pectoral muscles, because thus will lead to even more drooping. Therefore, breast lift requires breast fixation to the level of the pectoral muscle (the normal position in young women), and then placement of appropriate implants under the muscle, to hold them in the appropriated position.
- in drooping breasts after subglandular augmentation (over the muscle). In such cases, patients should not wait until the skin elongation becomes visible. The implants should be removed, the capsule removed - a difficult but a necessary operation, preventing postop seromas and infection. Implants should be placed under the pectoralis muscle to wear them. Patients should orient the cosmetic surgeon at what level they want the nipples - in the middle of the implant, higher or lower.
Implants should be generally replaced - below the muscle implants should be smooth, move naturally without hurting the muscle.

Because of modern anesthetics and new methods without trauma, pain and swelling after surgery are not significant. In 3-4 days, patients can return to social life, even the next day, but it is preferable to rest for 2-3 days.

Exercises with the arms and weight lifting is prohibited for a month and a half.

Due to lack of scars, the breast lift using the Serdev sutures can be repeated to maintain the aesthetic appearence of the breasts even in advanced age.

Gigantomastia i.e. very large, very heavy and drooping breasts can not be operated in this manner, because of gravity and overskin.

Early mastopexy using Serdev sutures is recommended before too much changes in the tissues. If late, more and more complex interventions are required.

"A lot of people are opting for various breast procedures and one of the most common among them is โ€œmastopexyโ€. This is the surgery that involved uplifting of sagging breasts and, in certain cases, repositioning of the nipple and areola in order to restore normality and beauty. The excess skin is removed and firmness is provided to the breasts. Though mastopexy can be done as a stand alone surgery, many people combine it with breast augmentation which involves inserting implants inside the b

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