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samer kareem
5,404 Views ยท 8 months ago

The physical signs of pregnancy are easy to recognize -- nausea, fatigue, that swollen belly and (often) a healthy glow. But what if you had these telltale pregnancy symptoms -- and weren't actually pregnant? As crazy as it sounds, it does happen. False pregnancy, or pseudocyesis, is a condition in which a woman believes that she's pregnant, yet conception hasn't taken place and no baby is forming inside. Common, and often lasting, pregnancy symptoms help to reinforce this idea, which can lead a woman to be absolutely certain she's expecting, for months or even years!

samer kareem
5,076 Views ยท 8 months ago

Patellar tendon rupture is a rupture of the tendon that connects the patella to the tibia. The superior portion of the patellar tendon attaches on the posterior portion of the patella, and the posterior portion of the patella tendon attaches to the tibial tubercle on the front of the tibia.

samer kareem
2,087 Views ยท 8 months ago

Rectal bleeding can refer to any blood that passes from your anus, although rectal bleeding is usually assumed to refer to bleeding from your lower colon or rectum. Your rectum makes up the last few inches of your large intestine. Rectal bleeding may show up as blood in your stool, on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. Blood that results from rectal bleeding can range in color from bright red to dark maroon to a dark, tarry color.

samer kareem
11,189 Views ยท 8 months ago

The 12-lead ECG is a vital tool for EMTโ€™s and paramedics in both the prehospital and hospital setting. It is extremely important to know the exact placement of each electrode on the patient. Incorrect placement can lead to a false diagnosis of infarction or negative changes on the ECG.

samer kareem
16,761 Views ยท 8 months ago

Coronary circulation is the circulation of blood in the blood vessels of the heart muscle (myocardium). The vessels that deliver oxygen-rich blood to the myocardium are known as coronary arteries. The vessels that remove the deoxygenated blood from the heart muscle are known as cardiac veins.

samer kareem
9,469 Views ยท 8 months ago

Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood. When you eat, your body converts any calories it doesn't need to use right away into triglycerides. The triglycerides are stored in your fat cells. Later, hormones release triglycerides for energy between meals. If you regularly eat more calories than you burn, particularly "easy" calories like carbohydrates and fats, you may have high triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia).

samer kareem
1,704 Views ยท 8 months ago

Encourage your child to drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration. Milk and water are both fine. However, if your child refuses solids, give your child just milk, rather than water. ... Keep giving your child table foods while he has diarrhea. Diarrhea is most often spread through fecally contaminated food, hands or surfaces touched by objects or hands put into the mouth (fecal-oral route).Water contaminated by human or animal feces (e.g., swimming pools) or trips to sites with animals (e.g., farms, pet stores, petting zoos) are also possible routes of ... The best foods for your child are easily digestible foods, such as rice cereal, pasta, breads, cooked beans, mashed potatoes, cooked carrots, applesauce, and bananas. Pretzels or salty crackers can help your child replace the salt lost from diarrhea. Foods containing large amounts of sugar or fat should be avoided.

samer kareem
10,196 Views ยท 8 months ago

It is a specialized bodily fluid that supplies essential substances and nutrients, such as sugar, oxygen, and hormones to our cells, and carries waste away from those cells, this waste is eventually flushed out of the body in urine, feces, sweat, and lungs (carbon dioxide). Blood also contains clotting agents.

samer kareem
6,489 Views ยท 8 months ago

Upper right quadrant: The right upper quadrant contains the liver and gallbladder, which are protected by the lower right part of the ribcage. The large intestine, or colon, also spends a little time in this section. Upper left quadrant: The left upper quadrant contains part of the stomach and the spleen.

samer kareem
9,728 Views ยท 8 months ago

A gastroscopy is a procedure where a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope is used to look inside the oesophagus (gullet), stomach and first part of the small intestine (duodenum). It's also sometimes referred to as an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The endoscope has a light and a camera at one end.

samer kareem
2,035 Views ยท 8 months ago

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a form of fibromyalgia where pain and stiffness occurs in muscles, tendons, and ligaments throughout the body, accompanied by other generalized symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disruption or unrefreshing sleep, mood disorder, and cognitive difficulties such as poor memory or mental ...

samer kareem
17,344 Views ยท 8 months ago

The cause of schizophrenia is still unclear. Some theories about the cause of this disease include: genetics (heredity), biology (abnormalities in the brainโ€™s chemistry or structure); and/or possible viral infections and immune disorders.

samer kareem
5,239 Views ยท 8 months ago

The timing of the nausea or vomiting can indicate the cause. When appearing shortly after a meal, nausea or vomiting may be caused by food poisoning, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), an ulcer, or bulimia. Nausea or vomiting one to eight hours after a meal may also indicate food poisoning.

samer kareem
28,511 Views ยท 8 months ago

Head to Toe Assesment

samer kareem
93,750 Views ยท 8 months ago

Rhinoplasty enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose. It can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose. Rhinoplasty surgery can change: Nose size in relation to facial balance Nose width at the bridge or in the size and position of the nostrils Nose profile with visible humps or depressions on the bridge Nasal tip that is enlarged or bulbous, drooping, upturned or hooked Nostrils that are large, wide, or upturned Nasal asymmetry If you desire a more symmetrical nose, keep in mind that everyoneโ€™s face is asymmetric to some degree. Results may not be completely symmetric, although the goal is to create facial balance and correct proportion.

samer kareem
3,404 Views ยท 8 months ago

Would you dare to explore your heritage? WIN a DNA kit and discover just how diverse you really are.

Alisha Berger
33,209 Views ยท 8 months ago

Cerebral hydatid disease (neurohydatidosis) is caused by Echinococcus granulosus or less commonly E. alveolaris or E. multilocularis. The larval stage is the cause of hydatid disease in humans 1. Epidemiology Cerebral hydatid disease is a rare parasitic infestation and accounts for 1-2 % of all cystic echinococcosis. Hydatid disease is endemic in the Mediterranean region, the Middle East, Africa, eastern part of Turkey, Australia and parts of South America 2. Clinical presentation Symptoms and signs include: focal neurological deficits headaches increased intracranial pressure hydrocephalus papilloedema and loss of vision altered mental status seizures (rare)

samer kareem
5,499 Views ยท 8 months ago

INDICATIONS Administration of agents into the central vasculature Central circulation and intracardiac access Maintenance of venous access Hemodialysis and plasmapheresis

samer kareem
3,330 Views ยท 8 months ago

Move the person beyond striking distance of the snake. Have the person lie down with wound below the heart. Keep the person calm and at rest, remaining as still as possible to keep venom from spreading. Cover the wound with loose, sterile bandage

samer kareem
5,548 Views ยท 8 months ago

The cyst was technically 46.5 pounds and her doctors call it the largest in world history. I am not sure if that is true, but it is a massive cyst

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