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samer kareem
5,921 Views ยท 8 months ago

An omentectomy is a surgical procedure designed to remove the omentum, which is a thin fold of abdominal tissue that encases the stomach, large intestine and other abdominal organs. This fatty lining contains lymph nodes, lymph vessels, nerves and blood vessels.

samer kareem
7,144 Views ยท 8 months ago

Femoral Embolectomy. Back. All emboli of the lower extremity, including a proximal saddle embolus at the aortic bifurcation, can be removed through the common femoral artery using Fogarty catheters. By passing these through the embolus, and by inflating the small balloon, the clot can be withdrawn and the flow restored

Terresa Lisbon
1,418 Views ยท 8 months ago

Few facts and information are summed up in this short video related to Mental Health, Psychiatry and Depression.

samer kareem
8,543 Views ยท 8 months ago

Vaginoplasty is any surgical procedure that results in the construction or reconstruction of the vagina. It is a type of genitoplasty. Pelvic organ prolapse is often treated with one or more surgeries to repair the vagina.

1,411 Views ยท 8 months ago

Traditionally, the appendix is removed through an incision in the right lower abdominal wall. In most laparoscopic appendectomies, surgeons operate through 3 small incisions (each ยผ to ยฝ inch) while watching an enlarged image of the patient's internal organs on a television monitor.

Mohamed Ibrahim
22,177 Views ยท 8 months ago

What is the Appendix? The appendix is a long narrow tube (a few inches in length) that attaches to the first part of the colon. It is usually located in the lower right quadrant of the abdominal cavity. The appendix produces a bacteria destroying protein called immunoglobulins, which help fight infection in the body. Its function, however, is not essential. People who have had appendectomies do not have an increased risk toward infection. Other organs in the body take over this function once the appendix has been removed. What is a Laparoscopic Appendectomy? Appendicitis is one of the most common surgical problems. One out of every 2,000 people has an appendectomy sometime during their lifetime. Treatment requires an operation to remove the infected appendix. Traditionally, the appendix is removed through an incision in the right lower abdominal wall. In most laparoscopic appendectomies, surgeons operate through 3 small incisions (each ยผ to ยฝ inch) while watching an enlarged image of the patientโ€™s internal organs on a television monitor. In some cases, one of the small openings may be lengthened to complete the procedure. Advantages of Laparoscopic Appendectomy Results may vary depending upon the type of procedure and patientโ€™s overall condition. Common advantages are: Less postoperative pain May shorten hospital stay May result in a quicker return to bowel function Quicker return to normal activity Better cosmetic results Are You a Candidate for Laparoscopic Appendectomy? Although laparoscopic appendectomy has many benefits, it may not be appropriate for some patients. Early, non-ruptured appendicitis usually can be removed laparoscopically. Laparoscopic appendectomy is more difficult to perform if there is advanced infection or the appendix has ruptured. A traditional, open procedure using a larger incision may be required to safely remove the infected appendix in these patients.

Stuart Linder
2,026 Views ยท 8 months ago

Dr. Linder is removing a patients breast implants after having five breast augmentations from three previous surgeons. She has baker 4 capsular contracture and is look forward to having them removed. The most common reasons for removing a breast implant include; heath reasons such as back pain, reoccurring complications and the desire for a different shape or size. For implant removal surgery, Dr. Linder makes an inframammary incision (along the breast crease). The implant can be removed intact, or it may need to be punctured before removal. An antibiotic solution is used to irrigate the breast pocket after implant removal. For more information about breast implant removal go to or call Dr. Linder's office at 310-275-4513

samer kareem
7,346 Views ยท 8 months ago

The type of operation performed for removal of pancreatic cancer is based on the location of the tumor. For tumors of the head and neck of the pancreas a Whipple procedure, (also called a pancreaticoduodenectomy) is performed. This is a complex operation perfected at Johns Hopkins. This video will explain the surgery and what patients can expect.

samer kareem
6,391 Views ยท 8 months ago

Understand how this world-class surgery platform operates a minimally invasive robotic surgery during a medical procedure for prostate cancer.

samer kareem
2,008 Views ยท 8 months ago

samer kareem
4,171 Views ยท 8 months ago

Dont worry sister!

samer kareem
1,835 Views ยท 8 months ago

Pharyngitis is caused by swelling in the back of the throat (pharynx) between the tonsils and the voice box (larynx). Most sore throats are caused by colds, the flu, coxsackie virus or mono (mononucleosis). Bacteria that can cause pharyngitis in some cases: Strep throat is caused by group A streptococcus.

samer kareem
1,088 Views ยท 8 months ago

The infection is generally transmitted by direct contact with the mucus or sores of someone else with strep. Common symptoms include sore throat, fever, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Rarely, complications can involve the heart or kidneys. Treatment is important to reduce complications. Oral antibiotics like penicillin, amoxicillin, cephalexin, or azithromycin are commonly used. Other medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help with pain and fever.

samer kareem
3,610 Views ยท 8 months ago

The eustachian tube drains fluid from your ears to the back of your throat. If it clogs, otitis media with effusion (OME) can occur. If you have OME, the middle part of your ear fills with fluid, which can increase the risk of ear infection. OME is very common. According to the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality, about 90 percent of children will have OME at least once by the age of 10.

samer kareem
2,391 Views ยท 8 months ago

Is it possible to prevent cytomegalovirus infection? Is there a CMV vaccine? Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection facts CMV is a common virus in the same family as herpesvirus, and it can infect anyone. CMV is spread by direct contact of body fluids, such as saliva, blood, urine, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. Thus breastfeeding, blood transfusions, organ transplants, and sexual contact are possible modes of transmission. Most healthy people do not experience any symptoms when infected with CMV, and it does not pose a serious health concern. A majority of adults have antibodies consistent with past infection. Most healthy children and adults who do have symptoms will recover from CMV infection without complications and do not require antiviral treatment.

samer kareem
1,463 Views ยท 8 months ago

Cytomegalovirus is a genus of viruses in the order Herpesvirales, in the family Herpesviridae, in the subfamily Betaherpesvirinae. Humans and monkeys serve as natural hosts.

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