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11,007 Views ยท 9 months ago

Watch that Abdominal Fluid Draining Surgery

samer kareem
2,037 Views ยท 9 months ago

Dr Omid Liaghat
1,115 Views ยท 9 months ago

This 21 years old man lost his right thumb during a street fight sword blow. the video was taken 3 months after replantation. You can see another videos in my site:,,

Scott Stevens
7,517 Views ยท 9 months ago

Laparoscopic Resection of Ovary Dermoid Cyst

samer kareem
33,709 Views ยท 9 months ago

Most women have vaginal discharge at many different times throughout their cycle. During ovulation, white and watery discharge is common and accepted as normal. But, discharge after ovulation is widely believed to be a sign of pregnancy.

6,354 Views ยท 9 months ago

Robotic Prostatectomy Cornell Athermal Robotic Technique

5,993 Views ยท 9 months ago

Toilet Phobia Cure Bathroom Anxiety Phobia Of Public Toilets, Paruresis Shy Bladder. .

Shy bladder syndrome is a type of phobia in which the sufferers are unable to urinate in the presence of other people such as in a public restroom.

In other words, shy bladder is the fear of not being able to urinate without complete privacy.

How common is paruresis?

While there is no way for certain to know how many people suffer from paruresis, surveys done over the last several decades indicate that the numbers could range from less than one percent to more than 25 percent of Americans.

there is a new solution for those people who want to learn to overcome their shy bladder within a few weeks. Click Here to Learn More!

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samer kareem
5,799 Views ยท 9 months ago

The bone marrow aspiration is usually done first. The doctor makes a small incision, then inserts a hollow needle through the bone and into the bone marrow. Using a syringe attached to the needle, the doctor withdraws a sample of the liquid portion of the bone marrow. You may feel a brief sharp pain or stinging.

2,894 Views ยท 9 months ago

Remedios Caseros Para La Gastritis, Remedio Para La Gastritis, Jugos Para La Gastritis

La cura natural comienza desde el interior revirtiendo las causas que la originan.

โ€œLa gastritisโ€ se da por problemas digestivos y la deficiente funciรณn del sistema inmunolรณgico, resultado de una incorrecta alimentaciรณn y de malos hรกbitos.

Se debe curar la raรญz, โ€œLa Raรญz Son Los Hรกbitos En El Estilo De Vidaโ€, de lo contrario nada efectivo sucederรก por mรกs antiรกcidos, antibiรณticos o simples remedios caseros que tomemos. E incluso ni una cirugรญa la soluciona. Al contrario todo esto complica el problema.

La cura natural y definitiva se logra aplicando un conjunto de tรฉcnicas como las siguientes:

. Incorporando una correcta nutriciรณn con alimento fรญsico y otros elementos importantes de la naturaleza.

. Incorporando hรกbitos saludables.

. Infusiรณn de hierbas.

. El consumo de minerales naturales.

. Evitando el consumo alimentos tรณxicos y daรฑinos.

. Eliminando el consumo de medicamentos.

La verdad De Cรณmo Eliminar La Gastritis De Raรญz
Con El Mรฉtodo 100% Natural Y El Mas Efectivo Que Existe

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4,087 Views ยท 9 months ago

Fibromas Uterinos Tratamientos, Fibroma Uterino Tratamiento, Fibroma Benigno, Fibroma Del Utero

Alimentos Que Reducen y Eliminan Los Fibromas

1. La Hidrataciรณn.

Como primera medida, asegรบrese de estar bien hidratada. Si usted bebe la cantidad de lรญquido necesaria, lograrรก eliminar las toxinas y desechos que se encuentran acumulados en su organismo, los cuales en muchas ocasiones colaboran con la apariciรณn de los fibromas

Por otro lado, el estreรฑimiento tambiรฉn puede ser una consecuencia de la falta de hidrataciรณn y esto tambiรฉn colabora con la acumulaciรณn de toxinas y desechos que vuelven a ser absorbidos por el cuerpo.

Prefiera alimentos como el salmรณn, las aceitunas, el aceite de oliva, la palta, etc.
Evite alimentos ricos en grasas saturadas como los quesos duros, la mantequilla, carnes grasas, embutidos y comida chatarra.

ยฟSe Imagina Como Mejorarรญa Su Vida
Si Curara Sus Fibromas Para Siempre?
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Suscrรญbete A Nuestro Canal
Fibromas Uterinos Tratamientos, Fibroma Uterino Tratamiento, Fibroma Benigno, Fibroma Del Utero
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samer kareem
1,013 Views ยท 9 months ago

poor posture (postural kyphosis) โ€“ slouching, leaning back in chairs and carrying heavy bags can stretch supporting muscles and ligaments, which can increase spinal curvature. abnormally shaped vertebrae (Scheuermann's kyphosis) โ€“ if the vertebrae don't develop properly, they can end up being out of position.

29,955 Views ยท 9 months ago

Enema how to apply Animation

samer kareem
1,783 Views ยท 9 months ago

Prompt treatment to break up the clot greatly reduces the risk of death. This can be done with blood thinners and drugs or procedures. Compression stockings and physical activity can help prevent clots from forming in the first place.

2,176 Views ยท 9 months ago

Abnehmen Schnell, Bauchfett Weg, Fettabbau, Schnell Abnehmen Tipps, Schnell Und Gesund Abnehmen

Einfache Tipps mit denen Sie Fett abnehmen kรถnnen

Es sollte nicht so schwer sein Fett abzunehmen, wie andere Leute es hinstellen. Die Leute, die verzweifelt versuchen Fett abzunehmen, sind meistens dazu geneigt, mehr Risiko einzugehen(genau das versuche ich bei Ihnen zu vermeiden).

Die Wahrheit ist, dass Sie mit einigen einfachen Regeln, ernsthaft damit vorankommen kรถnnen, Fett abzunehmen, ohne viel Anstrengung. Patienten kommen ganz oft zu mir und fragen mich nach einigen Tipps, mit denen man ganz schnell abnehmen kann.

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samer kareem
7,930 Views ยท 9 months ago

A glucagonoma is a rare tumor of the alpha cells of the pancreas that results in the overproduction of the hormone glucagon. Alpha cell tumors are commonly associated with glucagonoma syndrome, though similar symptoms are present in cases of pseudoglucagonoma syndrome in the absence of a glucagon-secreting tumor.

6 Views ยท 5 months ago

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6 Views ยท 9 months ago

samer kareem
23,267 Views ยท 9 months ago

Direct Laryngoscopy: MICU Fellows Airway Course

6,942 Views ยท 9 months ago

Head Eye and ENT Physical Examination

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