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Coloscopy | Colon Polyp Resection | Polypectomy

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Coloscopy | Colon Polyp Resection | Polypectomy

Colonoscopies are essential for detecting colorectal abnormalities, including colon polyps. Polypectomy, the surgical removal of these growths, can prevent them from becoming cancerous. This article offers a brief overview of colonoscopies, colon polyps, and polypectomy procedures.

A colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination allowing healthcare providers to visualize the colon and rectum using a colonoscope. The colonoscope, a flexible tube with a camera and light source, helps detect abnormalities, including polyps or tumors.

Colon polyps are abnormal growths arising from the colon's inner lining. While most polyps are benign, some can become malignant. Adenomatous polyps have a higher potential to become cancerous, whereas hyperplastic and inflammatory polyps pose a lower risk.

Polypectomy involves removing colon polyps during a colonoscopy. Two primary techniques include snare polypectomy, using a wire loop to cut the polyp, and cold forceps polypectomy, which employs forceps to grasp and remove smaller polyps.

Following a polypectomy, patients may experience mild discomfort or bleeding. Regular surveillance is crucial to minimize colorectal cancer risk. The frequency of surveillance colonoscopies depends on the number, size, and type of polyps found, as well as the patient's overall risk factors.

Colonoscopies and polypectomies play vital roles in detecting and removing colon polyps, reducing the risk of colorectal cancer, and maintaining optimal colon health.

Do you want to learn more about colon polyps and colonoscopy? check our:

Article @ https://bit.ly/41w5Ooq

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@MedicalArts , 2023.

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