Getting to Know Children's: Renal Dialysis 30
In the Dialysis Unit you have an opportunity to provide Dialysis care for a variety of patients, including those with End-Stage Chronic Kidney disease and acutely ill patients requiring dialysis and plasmapheresis.
The Chronic Dialysis Nurse focuses on patients receiving Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, or Home Hemodialysis. Our patients range in age from newborns to young adults. The Hemodialysis patient receives their dialysis treatment in the clinic 3-5 times a week. The Peritoneal Dialysis and Home Hemodialysis treatments are provided in the patient’s home once the parent/caregiver is trained to operate the machine. They are followed monthly in clinic. The patient receiving Chronic Dialysis is supported by a multidisciplinary team that consists of a physician, nurses, social worker, nutritionist, pharmacist, child-life therapist, teacher, and counselor. The group works together to meet the medical and emotional needs of the patient and caregiver. Care is specialized to meet the needs of each individual patient.
The Acute Dialysis Nurse focuses on acute dialysis related therapies such as: Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT); therapeutic plasmapheresis; or acute peritoneal dialysis. The acute dialysis team works with the multi-disciplinary inpatient nephrology team to provide acute dialysis services to the critically ill ICU patients. The work environment is highly technical and fast-paced.
The Dialysis Unit operates on 12hr shifts 7a – 7p; 7 days a week. Night call is required and shared by the nurses. We provide a detailed orientation plan to the nurse to become proficient in providing hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, continuous renal replacement therapy and plasmapheresis. Previous experience in dialysis or pediatrics is not required.