Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis in the treatment of the femoral shaft fracture
Our results in this study of MIPO treated with conventional plates are comparable to the results of the femoral shaft fractures treated with intramedullary nailing. The technique can be used for all femoral shaft fractures. Although the biomechanics of the plate fixation are less stable compared to the intamedullary nail, the mechanical stability is stable enough for bone healing. Healing was rapid, and postoperative care was simplified. The two major complications were malalignment and screw breakage. We recommend using at least three separated screws in each fragment to prevent stress on the screw and screw breakage. Intraoperative limb length, axial alignment, and rotation must be carefully assessed to prevent malalignment. The limitations of our study include lack of a comparison group, retrospective data collection, and no randomisation in outcome evaluation