Schistosomiasis Causes Symptoms and Treatment of
Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by flukes (trematodes) of the genus Schistosoma. After malaria and intestinal helminthiasis, schistosomiasis is the third most devastating tropical disease in the world, being a major source of morbidity and mortality for developing countries in Africa, South America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, and Asia. (See Epidemiology and Prognosis.) [1] More than 207 million people, 85% of who live in Africa, are infected with schistosomiasis, [1] and an estimated 700 million people are at risk of infection in 76 countries where the disease is considered endemic, as their agricultural work, domestic chores, and recreational activities expose them to infested water. [1, 2] Globally, 200,000 deaths are attributed to schistosomiasis annually. [3] Transmission is interrupted in some countries. [2] (See Etiology and Epidemiology.)